Edward Teach's Blog (75)

Day 11

Well folks I am still here after 11 days with no solid food I gotta say the flesh is starting to feel weak but my spirit is strong.

To all the people who are recognizing me on the street and infront of the courthouse and complimenting me on this page and why I have chosen to protest I say Thanks. Your support only adds to the support of my fiance' who always stands behind me with love and support.

Yesterdays slogan was well recieved if you missed it here it is "See the Charter get… Continue

Added by Edward Teach on December 8, 2009 at 9:30am — No Comments

Day 10 Here we go Again

Well Folks looks like the Liberal Government is doing what it does best sticking its head in the sand instead of facing the problem of corruption head on. Where is the federal government they must know by now I'm out there ooops not yet but Sharron from the Omsbudsman's office knows as well as Andrea Horwath and a slew of other people whom we all elected to look out for us, not to mention am pretty sure that upon taking up an elected psoition they do take an oath to uphold the Charter as do the… Continue

Added by Edward Teach on December 7, 2009 at 8:45am — No Comments

Ran Outta Flyers on Saturday

Sorry Folks ran out of flyers and couldn't find a copy shop close by.

If you missed todays slogan it was Hello Freddy I'm still ready wheres our Equal Rights! It was awesome those of you who recognized me and complimented me on this webpage thank you for your support.

Off Sunday back infront of the court house on Monday new slogan as well it will be a good one,,,Have a great Weekend and to the shops in Jackson square it is only because city hall is there and that is where my protest… Continue

Added by Edward Teach on December 5, 2009 at 2:30pm — No Comments

Day 7

Well new slogan today and to the police i say you stop your smear campaign and I stop mine. Stop trying to get me to committ a crime as well, I am talking to you boys in the biege coloured pontiac miivan Why tell me I need a permit and should go to the 4'th floor of the courthouse (hmm Crown Attorney's office is located there) when we all know that I have been threatened with charges if I step on the courthouse property and most of us know that permits are issued by the city. stop your crap and… Continue

Added by Edward Teach on December 4, 2009 at 8:30am — No Comments

Thank you and Good news!

I really do appreciate the offers of food folks. I am not hungry because of a lack of money, my hunger is for Equality. If you want to make a donation of food to a charity or needy person in my name that would be greatly appreciated.

I also appologize to those who are being offered a flyer more than once - but after 4000 flyers I can't remember who I handed them too. Thanks again!

A bit of good news is that the CHCH New folks stopped by to talk to me today.... more to… Continue

Added by Edward Teach on December 3, 2009 at 6:26pm — No Comments

An attempt to spread mis-information

Well apparently there is some bad information being spread around out there that I am just out to get my Ex. Too damn funny if I was out to get my Ex all I would have to do is take her to civil court enter into evidence her letter of admiting the crime and some oral testimony. The burden of proof in civil court is a balance of probabilities think of it like 50% +1.

However in a criminal trial it is beyond a reasonable doubt.

Also if I was out to get my Ex then why is she not listed on… Continue

Added by Edward Teach on December 2, 2009 at 6:00pm — No Comments

Day 5 of Hunger Strike.

Well good morning folks here it is 5 days in to my hunger strike for equal rights today a new idea if you honk I ring my antique bell from the 1880's. and to the powers that be good morning and I chosen the stones for my sling very carefully and note that the attempts by Hamilton Police to disuade me are marked in red and the days I've been on this hunger strike in red on the front. Guess my Dad was right when he use to say I had a Hollow leg when I was young and ate so much. Nah it is my… Continue

Added by Edward Teach on December 2, 2009 at 9:04am — No Comments

I welcome all dicussions

I welcome all discussions please feel free to post them here or on facebook. They will not be edited nor will they be censored. I have opened the floor to the people who visit this site after having recieved my flyer or who were refered here by someone else.

Added by Edward Teach on December 2, 2009 at 4:24am — No Comments

Dec 1, 2009

I gotta say thank you to all the people who stopped by and actually listened for a few moments. It gives me hope and strength along with the fact my fiance' a good woman is all I need to see me through this.

Added by Edward Teach on December 1, 2009 at 9:02pm — No Comments


After I went down and visited Daniel this morning I started putting up fliers on the way back home. I was surprised that about 7 blocks away from the court house I turned to look at something and noticed that someone was taking my posters down. That ticks me off! Seems pretty peculiar to me - I have seen a zillion and one differnt posters up there so why was someone taking mine down. I am pretty sure it wasn't a by-law enforcement officer because he wasn't in uniform but it was definatly… Continue

Added by Edward Teach on December 1, 2009 at 6:23pm — No Comments

Police Continue Their Threats

This morning at 10:05 Daniel was approached by two police officers Badges #1164 and 1154 and "warned?" that he would be charged with trespassing or loitering if he was on the property of the court house. He is still puzzling over how handing out flyers, having quiet, polite conversations with people passing by is considered to be trespassing when once again. It seems to me like another tactic to get him to back down and be quiet.

Get real already! He's not harassing or harming anyone… Continue

Added by Edward Teach on December 1, 2009 at 12:47pm — No Comments

Police Harassment Starts!

Tonite at or around Midnight three police officers with badge numbers of 925, 936, and 1122 stopped by infront of the court house in what I believe was an attempt at intimidation. They asked why and I gave them a quick run through on what has been happening since Jan. of this year.

The officers were polite but I fail to see how a Protest is considered loitering?

If the definition of loitering is as follows"Loitering is an intransitive verb meaning to stand idly, to stop numerous… Continue

Added by Edward Teach on December 1, 2009 at 2:10am — No Comments

And so it begins...

Daniel has been out in front of the Court House at 45 Main Street East since 2pm this afternoon. He started his "hunger strike" on the 28th in protest for the injustices that have be perpetrated against him. We welcome you to leave your comments and encouragagement - even suggestions would be welcome. We will see that he gets them regularily. Your encouragement and support may not help keep him warm as he sleeps infront of the Court House tonight but they will do wonders for warming his heart… Continue

Added by Edward Teach on November 30, 2009 at 7:10pm — No Comments

Dalton McGuinty responds

I sent an email to The Premier of Ontario and his reply is to be found in photo album ladled Dalton. Guess he had nothing to do with the OLG being reprimanded nor did he have anything to do with E-health having been overhauled and the head fired. Yes his hands must definitely be tied and he can offer no assistance such as an intervener an Inquiry or something like that , but after all he is only OUR ELECTED PREMIER remember that fact when it is time to vote!

Added by Edward Teach on November 30, 2009 at 9:00am — No Comments

EVENTS AKA Statement of Claim


Preamble, The Charter of Rights and Freedoms says that we are individuals Equal. We are to be treated Equal by all government services and or institutions as well so are all the Provinces their ministries and the legislation that those provinces create through legislation.

The events outlined below are about two individuals supposedly Equal but as you will see they are not in fact the system actually bends over backwards to protect the criminal in this story. Citizen A… Continue

Added by Edward Teach on November 29, 2009 at 10:30pm — No Comments

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