Well new slogan today and to the police i say you stop your smear campaign and I stop mine. Stop trying to get me to committ a crime as well, I am talking to you boys in the biege coloured pontiac miivan Why tell me I need a permit and should go to the 4'th floor of the courthouse (hmm Crown Attorney's office is located there) when we all know that I have been threatened with charges if I step on the courthouse property and most of us know that permits are issued by the city. stop your crap and let those police responsible be held accountable.
I will be shutting down my protest chant today for the women who lost their lives in the Montreal massacre at 11:00 am - 11:30. An attroucious act committed by a misguided individual who did not believe in equal rights which has affected some many lives. My heart and condolences goes out to you all.

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