Fix Our World Sept 2nd, 2017

7th Fix Our World Festival
Fix Our World & Fernbrook Event Committee Presents:
Sept 2,3,4 2016 (Free Event)
Fernbrook Resort 57 - 12th Concession East Freelton
Lot's of Fun
Music, Dancing, Fun, Games, Pot luck Corn Roast, Scavenger Hunt, Walks, Talks, Healing Practitioners, Psychic Readings, QiGong, Indoor and Outdoor swimming pool, Tiki Hut and Hot tub, Washrooms and Showers Camping and rooms available (must book in advance )
Friday Sept 2 9pm to 1am
Crazy hat night, we will be meeting at the Tiki bar so get your creative thinking caps on and have fun . Winner for men and women's hat.
Sat Sept 3
11am to 5pm Healing Fair Section - Experience Reiki, Massage Therapy, Natural Healing methods and guest speakers
11am Opening Address by Allan Loft
Opening Ceremony
Sat Sept 3 at 11am
Every Year we have started our event with Opening Address lead by Carrier of some of the traditional knowledge of the Aboriginal Peoples Allan Loft Mohawk Nation - Healthy Aboriginal Men's Circle (HAM.) - Director of Programs.
Welcoming All to live in Peace and Harmony with All of Entities in Creation.
Noon QiGong for Healing- by Instructor Brad Wilson <3
Learn to heal with touch. Qigong healing class will teach you how to access your own healing energies to heal yourself or others. Practice meditational and movement based yogic exercises. Learn to treat a friend with hands-on healing treatment under the supervision of a qualified facilitator. Qigong is an ancient form of healing and spiritual practice, a systematic discipline rarely taught in the west. It combines movement, postures, breath-work, and meditation. In its principles it is quite similar to yoga although it has developed in China. Qigong literally means 'energy work' or 'energy skills.' Qi might be defined as spiritual energy or life force. Working with Qi consists of circulating, shielding, clearing, strengthening, increased storing, as well as developing awareness and sensitivity to spiritual energy. Much of this is done through the processes of removing energetic blockages, and balancing the energy from the standpoint of the elements.
1pm Edible Wilds Talk and Walk with Garry Tibbo
Talk and Edible Wilds Hike around grounds. My native heritage health issues and personal challenges made me take a good hard look at self-sufficiency and self-reliance. I am here to teach people how to live without grocery stores Everything you need is within one mile of where you live. It doesn't matter if you live in suburbia (I do), or live where it snows in the winter (I do). Nature is perfect and has all the answers. You just have to know how to understand the truth that's all around you.
3pm to 6pm - Street party- Please come join us for some ladders, washers, bocce etc as well as corn roast and pot luck. (bring something to share)
Live Band tba
Sunday Sept 4
11am to 5pm Healing Fair Section - Experience Reiki, Massage Therapy, Natural Healing methods and guest speakers
Noon QiGong for Healing with Brad Wilson
Qigong for Healing Learn to heal with touch. Qigong healing class will teach you how to access your own healing energies to heal yourself or others.
1pm - 2:30pm Scavenger Hunt
Teams of 2 or 4 , with pit stops and challenges to complete along the way. Winners get bragging rights and medals . Be creative with your team names and costumes. Looking forward to seeing everyone
3pm Wonder of Worms and Simplicity of Sprouts Presentation with Cathy Nesbit
Learn all about worms and vermicomposting - a viable solution for anywhere not being served by an organic collection program or access to outdoor composting. Discover how worms convert organic matter into nature's finest soil amendment known as castings. Feed the soil, not the plant. Vermicomposting is shown from set-up to harvest. Worm eggs, castings and worm bins in various stages are displayed. Worms are going to play an ever-increasing role in waste management, soil production and therefore food security.
We have added a super simple sprout grower to our line-up. Sprouts are simple, delicious, nutritious, affordable food. Learn how to grow your own. Worms for amending the soil and sprouts for eating are going to play a role in solving world hunger.
Evening Live Band TBA