Well folks I am still here after 11 days with no solid food I gotta say the flesh is starting to feel weak but my spirit is strong.
To all the people who are recognizing me on the street and infront of the courthouse and complimenting me on this page and why I have chosen to protest I say Thanks. Your support only adds to the support of my fiance' who always stands behind me with love and support.
Yesterdays slogan was well recieved if you missed it here it is "See the Charter get struck down,,, Thank You Very Much Worship Brown."
Todays will be a rib tickler to make you think for like my departed father use to say "if you have a job to do enjoy a smile along the way" The job I am doing is fighting to protect all our Chartered Rights, the documented evidence clearly points out how the people who report to the Ministry of the Attorney General have clearly engaged in Charter violations and the end result was to protect a person who committed an indictable crime against another.
Also the office of the Ombudsman has started a file on this hole fiasco,, can we all say thanks Dalton and the fiberals for another OLG or is it an E-Health scandle.
Also Where is CHCH TV after all our Prime Minister requested that the news media shine a light in the dark corners of the government. hmmm serious Charter of rights violations by all three arms of the Attorney General ( Police, The Crown and the Judicary) who are tied in intimatly in the trials and processes that occur in the courthouse. Guess they're just waiting for tensions to increase in the hopes this peacful protest will turn violent,,, hmm kinda seems similar to what happened in Caledonia,, Were the police just waiting for that situation to turn violent so they could step in and stop all parties involved in the protest from continuing it?
Did they put those people's lives who are in the very same courthouse in jepardy in an attempt to accomplish my theory? Why didn't the government step in and try to establish a peacefull protest line for the aboriginal people and for the community to enjoy their lives and failing that if a peacefull protest line could not be established why then didn't they just offer to move said people from the Caledonia communtiy away to an piece of property of equal or greater value?
The aboriginal people's charter and treaty rights were trampled on, and the community's rights of protection were trampled on and the end result was to increase tensions between those two parties? Why?
My answer in an attempt to create a violent situation.
oops sorry folks little bit of a ramble but it all applies to our Chartered Rights.
Just one more thing are they threatening people who stop by and listen to what I've got to say with the loss of their court case?
I heard it at least once yesterday
I will be cutting back my hours out infront of the courthouse like I said flesh is getting weak but my beliefs and spirit are strong.
Come on by and listen to todays slogan sure to be another good one.
Lets all help ensure our Chartered Rights!

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