Hamilton Police Complaint filed October 22, 2010


Thursday, 21 October, 2010

From: Dan Perrins
26 Sleepy Hollow crt
Dundas ON
L9H 1H3
Phone (905) XXX - XXXX {omitted for web posting}

TO: Ontario Civillian Commission on Police Services
250 Dundas st. W. Suite # 605
Toronto ON
M7A 2T3
Phone 1-888-515-5005 fax 1-888-311-7555

Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is Dan Perrins and I have been a victim of police threats, intimidation, abuse and discrimination since on or about January 27, 2009 until October 8, 2010. A very long time and it has been to say the very least heinous. The events and actions have caused the breakdown of family relationships and as well caused the ending of a engagement between a Ms R. Thompson and myself. I am amazed at the actions of Hamilton Police Services ( hereto refered to as HPS). HPS acts with indifference as to how their actions, in regards to failing to observe the rule of law or the selective application of rule of law, affects the citizens they are employed to protect. The fact that HPS has in my experience applied the law and or their services in a discriminatory / selective manner is something I have experienced first hand, and am sending you evidence which I believe satisfies the burden of proof needed for at the very least a thorough investigation into what I claim. Witnesses are difficult to come by when filing complaints against HPS as they are well versed at intimidation. So although most of my allegations are of a personal nature there are some witnesses who may be willing to step forward and testify to their experiences, as far as what they witnessed when there was interaction between HPS and myself, but I believe there is enough documentary evidence in the following pages to warrant a full investigation. It is my allegation that some members of HPS have broken the laws that are found in The Criminal Code of Canada as well as in The Police Services Act in order to premote and hide their discriminatory tactics. It is also my allegation that HPS has also failed to observe The Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which as part of The Constitution Act of 1982 members take an oath to uphold. It is my sincerest hope your investigation will discover why HPS has committed these acts. The following is my complaint in regards to the actions of HPS. Included in my complaint about the events / actions of HPS is HPS' own documentation some e-mail corresspondence between myself and HPS, a court transcript from an appearance on August 13, 2010 and an audio recording in which an officer employed by HPS fails to identify himself when asked to as well my attempts to have said officer return my phone call to discuss issues generated from the originating recorded conversation.
To say that HPS' actions have had a detrimental affect on me would be an understatement, as a direct result of HPS' action I have had to seek out mental health care and am still waiting to be treated. I was not involved with mental healthcare system before the initial event in January of 2009 but now am.

My interaction with HPS begins around January 29, 2009 when I find out that some of my Ontario Government mail is sent to an ex-girlfriend's a Ms J. Workman residence. The mail is from the Ontario Human rights Commission ( hereto refered to as OHRC) and deals with a matter that was to be heard before them relating to me being let go from a job due to a back injury which I allege happened while in the company's employ. The mail is clearly marked "confidential" with my name on the envelopes. The documents located in are time sensetive and state that if I do not reply within a specified time frame that my matter will be considered delt with and withdrawn. This happens on two occassions specifically in November and December 2008.( exhibits 1, which includes contents of letter and exhibit 2 also includes contents of letters) I am made aware of the letters on or approximately January 20, 2009 when Ms J. Workman delivers said mail to my brother's (Matthew Perrins) place of business located approximately one killometer from Ms Workman's residence. The letters are delivered opened and well past the outlined response time. My brother delivers said mail to me in 24 hours in the exact state they were delivered to him in.

I begin to put together my papers dealing with the OHRC matter when I realize that some papers were left behind at Ms Workman's residence when the relationship broke down and we parted company and residence around the end of August or the begining of September 2006. I call HPS outlining the situation. I also inform HPS the condition (opened) the envelopes and government documents located therein were delivered to my brother in and he had delivered them to me within 24 hours.(opened, dated November and December 2008 [see exhibit 1 and 2]) I request a police property recovery escort so as to avoid any further illegal actions committed against me by Ms Workman while retrieving my personal documents located in her residence that I had forgoten to remove back in 2006. This happens on January 29, 2009 and the officer I spoke with was an officer Blaj I believe the time was around 12 noon or shortly there after. I Was informed to call 905-546-4925 select option 2 then wait for the start of a voice message then press 3. I did as I was instructed and inform HPS that I would be at Ms Workman's residence around 3 pm. I asked if I could schedule to have HPS officers there so as to expedite the matter also explaining that Ms Workman, a highschool teacher would be home shortly after 3 pm. Ms Workman arrive home around 3:30 pm while My witness and I are in the "visitor" parking area of the townhouse complex, which gave us a clear view of Ms Workman's residence. A distance of about 75 feet. I was told that it depends how busy they are.I relayed to HPS that I and my wittness would wait till they arrived. I call HPS again around 5 pm and inform them again who I was as well as the situation (again including the mail theft committed by Ms Workman) and inquired if there was an estimate as to when they would arrive. I was informed that police would call about 10 - 15 minutes before they arrived.
Around 6pm Ms Workman left heading west which was the same direction my witness and myself would have to travel if we were to return to our respective residences. Ms Workman was ahead of us in the flow of traffic and she turned into a local Curves establishment located west of her residence. I and Maria Perrins were heading the same westerly direction and was about to inform the police to cancel but realized after watching Ms Workman enter said "Curves" establishment that she would most likely return to her residence in about an hour if she was going to workout at said "Curves" establishment. We then turned around to go back to waiting by Ms Workman's residence and were waiting to make a left hand turn onto highway 8 and watched a police cruiser with the number I believe the #138 go by and the officer inside with a description of dark short hair took what would be considered keen interest in my mother’s car a plain late model Chevy Cavalier.
Said officer’s gaze lasted about 3 seconds and as he approached the intersection where we were located waiting for traffic to clear enough to make a left hand turn I noticed the front end of the officer's patrol car dip as if he was sharply applying his brakes.
The officer in the cruiser did not have a signal indicator on nor was there any traffic impeding his direction of travel.Said HPS officer then increased the speed of the patrol car he was driving, as he was passing the intersection seeming to take note as to which direction my mother’s car was traveling / signaling and which direction it was pointed ( we were at a stop sign watching traffic intently as it is a left hand turn onto Highway 8 to return to 29 Heritage dr. Ms workman's visitor parking area)
Went back to Ms Workman’s place and parked in the visitor’s parking lot and waited with my mother for either HPS to call and inform us of when they would be arriving and hoped that Ms Workman would arrive home before HPS called as by this point in time me and my witness had been paitiently waiting for over 3 hours. Called again around 7 pm and inquired as to when HPS were going to arrive the officer who answered the phone said "oh your (somebody else's name who was waiting for a property recovery escort) we'll be right there" I informed the HPS officer I was not that person but Dan Perrins and was then transferred from the dispatch to an officer Lisa who assured me it would not be too long.
At or about 9 pm I recieved a call from HPS from an officer who identified herself as only "Lisa". The reason for her call was to inform me that it didn’t look to good that the police would be able to make it out anytime soon as an armed robbery had just occurred and they were too busy. In the course of the conversation I asked her if there was some way that perhaps since HPS knew I was there with a witness and Ms Workman had a male witness with her waiting, perhaps she (HPS officer "Lisa") could convince Ms Workman to allow me to just retrieve my property from its storage place. After all I had been patiently waiting for about 6 hrs with a witness.
Officer Lisa said she would call me back after she spoke with Ms Workman.
Officer Lisa called back after a few minutes and asked me if it would be alright if Ms. Workman and her witness could retrieve the papers and place them in the mail box for me retrieve also informing me that Ms Workman had concerns for her safety even though I had already identified myself and that there were 2 witnesses present.
I inquired with the person who identified herself as officer "Lisa" as to how I could be assured the contents of my papers would not be tampered with considering that Ms Workman had already committed mail theft or mail delay and or opening mail all of which are currently considered crimes under current consolidated law or at the very least theft. I had also informed HPS Officer Lisa that objects of Ms Workman's crimes were of a government nature. The description of the crimes, as far as I am concerned should have at least given HPS some sort of warning as to the lengths Ms Workman was willing to go to in regards to injuring me.

The crimes are described as follows by first The Canada Post Corporation Act Bill C-10 under the revised statutes of Canada

Here is the law as it is written under Bill C-10 of The Canada Post Corporation Act
Opening of mail
48. Every person commits an offence who, except where expressly authorized by or under this Act, the Customs Act or the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act, knowingly opens, keeps, secretes, delays or detains, or permits to be opened, kept, secreted, delayed or detained, any mail bag or mail or any receptacle or device authorized by the Corporation for the posting of mail.
R.S., 1985, c. C-10, s. 48; R.S., 1985, c. 1 (2nd Supp.), s. 172; 2000, c. 17, s. 88; 2001, c. 41, s. 79.
Abandonment of mail
49. Every person commits an offence who unlawfully and knowingly abandons, misdirects, obstructs, delays or detains the progress of any mail or mail conveyance.
1980-81-82-83, c. 54, s. 43.
60. Every person who contravenes any provision of this Act or the regulations or who commits an offence under any of sections 48 to 59
(a) is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years; or
(b) is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction.
1980-81-82-83, c. 54, s. 54.

Here is the definition of similar crimes under The Criminal Code of Canada or Bill C-34
Criminal Code.R.S., c. C-34, s. 1. sections 322(a),
322. (1) Every one commits theft who fraudulently and without colour of right takes, or fraudulently and without colour of right converts to his use or to the use of another person, anything, whether animate or inanimate, with intent
(a) to deprive, temporarily or absolutely, the owner of it, or a person who has a special property or interest in it, of the thing or of his property or interest in it;

Stopping mail with intent
345. Every one who stops a mail conveyance with intent to rob or search it is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for life.
R.S., c. C-34, s. 304.

HPS officer "Lisa" informed me that there could be no guarantee.( I still fail to see after infomring HPS at this point in time at least four seperate times why at this point Ms Workman was not charged by HPS.) My reply was that on good faith hoping Ms Workman a teacher would do the moral and ethical thing and return the papers I had forgoten to remove when I moved out back in September of 2006. Also to avoid any further waste of time for all parties concerned.
I divulged the location of the papers I wished to retrieve to HPS' officer Lisa who then conveyed the information to Ms Workman and her witness.
At this point my witness and I were parked in front of Ms Workman’s house with a clear view of where the papers were located.
After about 20 seconds I watched as Ms Workman and her witness move to the ground floor level of her residence. They proceeded to where the papers were located, which was in my direct line of sight, retrieved them and then Ms Workman's witness (drove a gold coloured Mercedes Benz with the license plate "Manny" I believe, I was not making detail notes and or observations as at this point I still had some faith in police services.) ran from the area where my papers were located went up two floors to the third floor of the residence.

Turn on the light to the spare bedroom on the south side, and spend about 30 seconds in the room turn off the lights and then return to the street level part of the townhouse. This was all done in clear view of myself as the windows located at Ms Workman's front door were about 20 feet from my position.
I received a call from HPS' officer Lisa informing me that the papers were not found and that some adult material was found there but no papers. I was also informed at this time that it was now acceptable for me to search the area where the papers were located.
I entered Ms Workman's residence, confirmed that the papers were indeed missing now after watching Ms Workman's witness move them to the third floor of her townhouse. I am still confused as to why after my complaints about the crimes committed by Ms Workman were not delt with nor was the fact that I told HPS officer "Lisa" that I had watched Ms Workman's witness run up stairs with documents in his hand with no action takne by HPS at this time. I was on the phone with HPS' officer Lisa who then proceeded to inform me that Ms Workman had just recently replaced the water heater located nowhere near the location of the papers and this was probably the reason why the documents went missing.
I took a quick look at the water heater which was covered in cob webs also there was the original set of old water stained owner’s manual sitting to the left of the water heater on the floor. Why a construction worker would take some papers and not adult related material is beyond me as having worked in the construction trades for quite some time papers mean nothing but "porn" is a much more tempting thing to take also any reputable tradesman knows that in the case of a theft, trades people are the first people the police look at for the crime. Considering that I informed Officer Lisa that the papers were missing and I had witnessed Ms Workman's witness removing them to another area of the house why she did not start an investigation is beyond me also why were the alleged trades people who replaced the water heater not investigated? Also since Ms Workman's water heater is gas powered there would need to be a "pipe test" report as all natural gas instalations need to be checked for leaks. nothing was done about this incident.
I left with the property / adult material (pornography still legal for an adult to own in this country) I was given. My parting comments were to the affect of "what a pleasant and dilligent officer constable Lisa was."
I left the residence owned by Ms Workman and went home emotionally and mentally assaulted by the experience.
I spend the next few days giving Ms Workman the opportunity to again do the moral and ethical thing and return the papers which consisted of work journals and a personal journal, not the aforementioned corresspondence from OHRC, she did not. There has was no contact between Ms Workman and I for lengthy period of time which will come up later on in my complaint.
On Tuesday Feb 3 2009 I had an appointment with my doctor pertaining to the migraines I was suffering from due to the events of the previous five or six days and decided on my way back that I would stop in at the Hamilton Central police station and have the police enforce the law as it says in their oath and as well to stop Ms Workman from ever committing crimes against me in the future.
I arrived at HPS central police station around 4:00 pm and informed the desk constable the reason I was there and that I would like the applicable laws enforced against Ms Workman, I was asked to take a seat.
I proceeded to take a seat in the lobby waiting for someone to provide service and help me stop this woman from ever committing crimes against me in the future as well as to end the mental anguish of being held at the mercy of a woman who at that point in time been not been held accoutable for the crimes she had already committed by pressing the charges. The charges that could be used would be, theft and or mail theft and or section 48 (opening mail) or 49 (delay of mail) of The Canada Post Corporation Act which under section 60 states "anyone who contravenes....(see previous citation of the act) Ms Workman could be prosecuted either summary or indictable. Given that the mail Ms Workman opened and delayed was from a government agency and contained legal documents from OHRC, the fact that it occurs on two seperate occassions one would think that HPS would want to enforce the law, arrest her, and have her answer before a court of competent juridiction. As to why, after HPS was made aware several times of the crimes Ms Workman committed, and HPS response was to do nothing, shows an intentional lack of commitment to enforce current consolidated law as well as discrimination on the basis of sex.
I continued to wait patiently to have my allegations addressed and watched as the shift change occurred and the witnessed several reporting in for what I can only assume was probation requirements or bail requirements.
There were also some traffic offences that came in including one that had to have a form manipulated by the officer pertaining to I believe an insurance issue this happened around 5 or 6 pm, as well as another person who was there due to the fact his rear licence plate had fallen off.
A man and a woman came in from Mission services I believe. The pair's issues / concerns were immediately addressed by what I believe was the desk Sargent. In the course of the conversation at no time was it mentioned that they had made a previous appointment. Their service was cordial, efficient and plesant. They were served by a caucasion male Sargent on duty that night.
They spent from about 45 minutes to around an hour with said officer. Said officer (Sargent) use to live on Wentworth ave. here in Hamilton if there is any question as to my mental status and capabilities of memory forming.

After said couple left I approached the very same officer who was not doing much of anything and inquired as to when my issues would be addressed. I was informed that my matter was a domestic matter told "to suck it up" and that they really do not intend to enforce the law. This is contrary to the zero domestic abuse policy that is claimed on HPS website.
I informed the officer that the documents Ms Workman interfered / stole from me in her mail theft were from the OHRC stamped confidential and my name at her address.
Said officer suddenly became interested in my claim and wanted acquire said envelope and documents which made me question why after he had just told me that HPS did not intend to enforce the law and "to suck it up" as to why would the officer (Sargent) want to have the evidence of the crimes in his possession and possibly "loose" said evidence. His two staements were polar opposites and left me feeling that I should leave.

(I am deathly afraid of the police at this time due to some events which took place in Simcoe about 10 years ago (2000-2001 I still have the investigation documents and the officers findings but believe that the time limitation is about two years) in which my personal property was lost. An investigation was done by their own police and despite the fact that the Provincial police were found guilty of negligence in the loss of my property the Ontario Provincial Police never made restitution. The events in Simcoe resulted in me having charges which could be best described as fabricated in that I was charged with resisting arrest even though the arresting officer's own notes stated that I entered the back of the police cruiser on my own, the officer did not even have to leave his cruiser. Also I was charged with assult on a police officer the circumstances were that I turned my head to spit and the officer stuck his hand out and I ended up spitting on the back of his hand. Also I was charged with two counts of assult on a person even though according to the police report I was assulted first by the two complaintants. The Simcoe Provincial Police even though it was evident that I had in all events was compliant and was acting within the law decided to have the charges pressed. The charges, were after a lengthy court battle dropped however the effect has left me a scarred individual in that my faith in police has been damaged.)

I then informed said officer that the only reason this was a domestic issue was because me and Ms Workman live in the Hamilton area and that there has been little to no contact between me and her until she commits crimes against me and I am made aware of said cirmes.
I then informed said officer that this is probably a good reason why some women are assaulted and or killed if there can be no protection for a man who acts within the law and complains against a woman who breaks the law and the end result is for the police to protect the criminal. This is at best victimization of the victim as well as discrimination on the basis of sex. When a criminal suffers no consequences it creates a situation of no justice no peace as the saying goes
I then informed said officer that all I was asking him to do was his job.
I was then informed that I could have a seat and wait, which I had already been doing for about three hours. Three hours for an information to be given by a male against a female again this demonstrates clearly the gender dicrimination engaged in by HPS.
At this point I realize that HPS really had no intention of enforcing the law and the fact that only after I mentioned that I still had hard evidence linking Ms Workman to her crimes only added to my stress thereby increasing the pain I was suffering from my migraine. The medication (imatrex) a vascular constrictor and it really wasn’t curing my migraine
I also informed said officer that I was considering letting the local television station know how this had been handled by the police and left Central police station feeling even more victimized by the experience.
Feb 4 or 5 2009 the police leave me a phone message at my Mother’s place. If HPS was truly administering the law equally then why did it take them seven days to respond to what is classified as a domestic issue? This act of HPS only responding to my allegations after I make mention of going to the local news groups causes me to question the intentions of HPS actions
I choose not to respond to police until I can research and gain legal advice.
From Feb 3 to about April 2009 I feel that trusting HPS to do their legislated jobs as well to adhere to their oath is an excersise in futility. My trust in HPS has not been as a direct result of their actions is lost and it has caused people to be injured. On two different occasions I have attempted to have federal laws enforced either under The Criminal Code of Canada or under The Canada Post Corporations Act by the government body (HPS) that has an official mandate to enforce the laws of the land only to be told by some employees of said government institution "to suck it up" and "that they don't really intend to enforce the law".

March 21 2009 I am mugged at a residence located about two doors down from the corner of King and Wentworth the building has a blue door or at least did so then, in Hamilton ON. On the night in question I was approached by a woman asking me to help her as she was being threatened by a male and when I entered the residence I was hit upside the head with an object causing me to fall to the ground, and opening a wound on the left side of my head.

I was then threatened with more violence and told to give all my money to them which I did as I only had about $10.00 on me and was out-numbered and facing another attack with a round bar either painted wood or metal.I choose not to report this to the police due to recent interactions between me and the police regarding their intentional lack of resolve to enforce current consolidated Canadian law. Later on that nite there is a stabbing at the same residence at or around 2:00 to 3:00 am in the morning by what I believe and allege are the very same people who mugged me or at the very least someone who was there at the same residence earlier in the evening. HPS is wittnessed removing some of my clothes the next morning in a brown paper bag. The personal belongings that are removed which are mine consists of a blue tartan patterned work jacket and located inside the upper right pocket would be some black doggy bags which were there for the use of "picking up" after my dog "Zeke" had done his business.
In April 2009 I find in an alley while walking my dog a bag of jewellery display cases disposed of in an off the path sort of way in a travel bag / suitcase. The cases are of a commercial nature and the amount / number of them would be around 8 to 10. The amount of cases would lead one to believe that they came from a robbery for if they were from a legitiment disposal they would not have been "dumped" in an alley.
Again I choose not to report it either again due to the incidents with the police from late Jan to early Feb 2009.

I choose to ask Ms Workman for her lawyer's contact information due to the fact that two previous attempts by me to have the crimes against her pressed were met insultive and intimidating behaviour by HPS also with blatant disregard for current consolidated law. The lack of duty of care in regards for my protection from Ms Workman and the victimization of the victim (me) I feel is just too much to go through again by complaining to HPS.
On or about July 16, 2009 I send Ms Workman an e-mail through a chat site called collarme.com requesting the contact information of her defense lawyer's name.There is no threat implied nor stated in this e-mail(copy enclosed her email or chat members name at the time was Dalpatria and her personal e-mail is and or was dalpatria@hotmail.com also included is the email where Ms Workman affirms she did have my mail and how she did not have to deliver it)
July 20 2009 I receive information that officers Dell or Chu would like to contact me.
July 21, 2009 I respond to the request by Officer Dell and inquire as to why members of HPS desire to contact me.

The following phone conversation took place from 3:00 pm to approximately 3:20pm
HPS constable Dell asked if I knew why I was talking with her to which I replied that it probably has something to do with Ms Workman.
She confirmed this and asked if I made any threats against Ms Workman’s person.
I replied no and that I had sent Ms Workman an e-mail requesting her counsel’s (lawyer's) contact information.
HPS constable Dell then informed me that from the letter she saw made an alleged statement that I would extract my pound of flesh.( see pc.Dell's notes on this incident as well pc Chu's please note that pc Dell does not write the letter's information down just an email address. however in pc Chu's notes the email address is wrong as well he does write what it is I am alleged to have written.)
I made no such statements in the correspondence to Ms Workman I Only asked for her lawyer's contact information.
I then proceeded to inform HPS officer Dell that on the night of Jan. 29 2009 I and a witness were at Ms Workman's residence waiting for a property recovery escort from HPS to retrieve some property in the form of personal journal and some work journals.
These are the same journals that were, according to Ms Workman, were alleged to have been taken by the installers of her new water heater. HPS never investigates my claims that she and her witness had stolen said personal journals on that night. the production of a reciept for the replacement water heater and or a copy of the gas line pressure test would have been easy for HPS to obtain and would have either lent credibility to either her version of the nights events or my version.
The personal journal subject matter was the state of depression I was in due to the loss of a job ( OHRC matter re. being let go after being injured at said business) as well as the ending of the relationship with Ms Workman.

(I had written the letter in case the state of depression I was in lead to me committing suicide. The pressures I was facing and the very long battle with OHRC as well with Workmans Safety and Insurance Board I knew from word of mouth could drag out for years. Ms Workman was abandoning me after being abandoned by "Storm Coil Repair"(employer) after being injured at work and having to go through all the hard times ahead by myself was at the time severly depressing and contemplation of suicide was definatly on my mind. If I did "do myself in" I wanted people to know the who, what, where, and whys and just who helped put me into a state of mind where suicide was possible.The "pound of flesh" would have been the naming of them and would have been guilt for their actions. The people named were Ms Workman and my former employer Norm Menhert from Storm Coil Repair as well as his forman Bob Dragusica)I did write the statement exact a pound of flesh it is a line from Shakespeare and this letter / journal was from July or August of 2006.

This confirms my statement that after divulging the whereabouts of said papers on January 29, 2009 Ms Workman and her witness stole them a crime as well see section 322 of The Criminal Code of Canada.
I also informed pc Dell that I would still like to see justice done and that the original crimes charged either for section 322 of The Criminal Code of Canada or section 345 or 356 or for the descriptions of what constitutes criminal activity in The Canada Post Corporation Act. s.48 s.49 should be enforced against Ms Workman.
HPS officer Dell informed me she would not process the charges at exactly 3:18 pm I noted the time on the stove clock.
HPS officer Dell also informs me she will not press the charges against Ms Workman as she was not the reporting officer. Again crimes are related to an officer of HPS and discriminatory actions produce a non action. As far as I understand there is no reporting officer as no charges have ever been filed against Ms Workman again discriminatory actions begining on or about January 29, 2009.
HPS officer Dell informs me her incident report filed by Ms Workman is 09-250048 also there is no disclosure of the alleged letter Ms Workman claims I sent to her. Why is this not offered as evidence I can not answer Why was HPS officer Dell more than willing to take Ms Workman's word over mine despite the fact that I complained about Ms Workman to HPS first?
I feel incredibly affronted and my faith in HPS is lost perhaps forever.(included in fax)

I decide to make an appeal to all government bodies with my history of events hoping that the discrimination against males complaining about crimes commited by females by HPS will stop. The emails are sent out to all Hamilton city councilors as well as Andrea Horwath, the Ontario Ombudsman and some other individuals. I recieve a response from then Chief of Police for Hamilton Brian Mullan His response and acknowledgement of reciept of my email is here:

Fwd: FW: Discrimination and Police Services‏
From:Brian J. Mullan (BMullan@hamiltonpolice.on.ca)
Sent: July 22, 2009 8:01:28 AM
To: dan_perrins_@hotmail.com
Mr. Perrins

I have received a copy of the email you sent to the individuals outlined below and following a review of the information we have to date a member of HPS will be in contact with you.

Brian Mullan
Chief of Police

----- Original Message -----


Please find below an e-mail we received from Mr. Perrins.


Bernie Morelli,
Councillor, Ward 3
Chairman, Hamilton Police Services Board

-----Original Message-----
From: DAN PERRINS [https://citynet.hamilton.ca/CitrixFEI/composemessage.asp?to=dan_per...]
Sent: Tue 7/21/2009 8:55 PM
To: Andrea Horwath, MPP; David Christopherson, MP; GOV LIEUT; ombuds man; Ontario Ombudsman ONTBUD; dphillips@ombudsman.on.ca; marion.lam@ohrc.on.ca; Merulla, Sam; McHattie, Brian; Bratina, Bob; Morelli, Bernie; Collins, Chad; Jackson, Tom; Duvall, Scott; Whitehead, Terry; Clark, Brad; Pearson, Maria; Mitchell, Dave; Ferguson, Lloyd; Powers, Russ; Pasuta, Robert; McCarthy, Margaret; Eisenberger, Fred
Subject: Discrimination and Police Services


1. On or about the 20 November 2008 Ms. Jen Workman (hereto referred to as JW) receives legal correspondence clearly marked confidential from The Ontario Human Rights Commission (hereto known as O.H.R.C.) keeps it.
2. Said receives a second letter from O.H.R.C. dated Dec. 16 2008 both marked confidential keeps it as well.
3. Letter dated Dec. 16 2008 states that if no response was received within 30 days discrimination investigation against my former employer will be considered dropped.
4. On or about the 20 Jan. 2009 said letters are delivered to my brother's place of business located approximately 1 kilometre away from the JW place of residence already opened. ( witness Matthew's secretary)
5. My Brother calls me and reads said letters to me over the phone.
6. My response was to contact MPP Andrea Horwath immediately and to inquire what could be done about my claim with the O.H.R.C.
7. The next day said letters are delivered to me by Matthew Perrins and his wife Alex.
8. Jan. 29 2009 around noon phoned Hamilton Central police station talked with officer Blaj about police property recovery escort.
9. Was informed to call 905-546-4925 select option 2 then wait for voice and press3
10. Informed police would be there around 3 pm and asked if I could schedule to have officers there was told that it depends how busy they are.
11. Informed them would wait till they arrived.
12. Called around 5 pm and informed them who I was the situation and inquired if there was an estimate as to when they would arrive. Was informed that police would call about 10 - 15 minutes before they arrived.
13. Around 6pm JW. left to go to a local Curves establishment located west of her residence.
14. I and Maria Perrins were heading the same westerly direction and was about to inform the police to cancel but realized she would be back in about an hour.
15. Turned around and was waiting to make a left hand turn onto highway 8 and watched a police cruiser with the number I believe the #138 go by and the officer inside with a description of dark short hair took what would be considered keen interest in my mother's car a plain late model Chevy Cavalier.
16. Said officer's gaze lasted about 3 seconds and as he approached the intersection the front end of his car dipped as if he was applying his brakes.
17. The officer in the cruiser the speeded up as he was passing the intersection seeming to take note as to which direction my mother's car was traveling and which direction it was pointed ( we were at a stop sign watching traffic intently as it is a left hand turn out of the parking lot where the Curves is located.)
18. Went back to JW's place parked in the visitor's parking lot and waited with my mother.
19. Called again around 7 pm and inquired as to when and was transferred from the dispatch to an officer Lisa who assured me it would not be too long.

20. Received call from officer Lisa around 9 pm with her informing me that it didn't look to good that the police would be able to make it out anytime soon as a an armed robbery had just occurred and they were busy. In the course of the conversation I asked her if there was some way that perhaps since they knew I was there waiting for them if perhaps she could convince JW. to allow me to just retrieve my property from its hiding place. After all I had been patiently waiting for about 6 hrs with a witness.
21. Officer Lisa said she would call me back after she spoke with JW.
22. Officer Lisa called back after a few minutes and asked me if it would be alright if Ms. W and her witness could retrieve the papers and place them in the mail box for me retrieve also informing me that JW had concerns for her safety even though I had already identified myself and that there were 2 witnesses around.
23. I inquired with pc. Lisa as to how I could be assured the contents of my papers would not be tampered with after all JW had already committed mail theft.
24. pc Lisa informed me that there could be no guarantee. My reply was that on good faith hoping JW a teacher would do the moral and ethical thing as well as to avoid any further waste of time for all parties concerned.
25. I divulged the location of the papers I was after to pc Lisa.
26. pc Lisa conferred the information to JW and her witness.
27. At this point my witness and I were parked in front of JW's house with a clear view of where the papers were located.
28. After about 20 seconds I watched as JW's witness went up two floors to the third floor of the residence. Turn on the light to the spare bedroom and spend about 30 seconds in the room turn off the lights and then return to the street level part of the townhouse.
29. I received a call from pc Lisa informing me that the papers were not found and that some adult material was found there but no papers. I was also informed at this time that it was now acceptable for me to search the area where the papers were located.
30. I confirmed that the papers were indeed missing now and all of sudden that the resident had just recently replaced the water heater located nowhere near the location of the papers and this was probably the reason why they went missing.
31. I took a quick look at the water heater which was covered in cob webs and old water stained set of owner's manual sitting to the left of the water heater on the floor.
32. I left with the property I was given commenting on what a pleasant pc Lisa was.
33. I left the residence owned by JW and went home emotionally and mentally assaulted by the experience.
34. Spent the next few days giving JW the opportunity to again do the moral and ethical thing and return the papers which she did not. There has been no contact between her and I since the Jan. 29 2009.
35. On Tuesday Feb 3 2009 I had an appointment with a doctor and decided on my way back that I would stop in at the central police station and have the police enforce the law as it says in their oath and as well to stop JW from ever committing crimes against me.
36. I arrived around 4 pm and informed the desk pc the reason I was there and that I would like the applicable laws enforced against JW
37. I then proceeded to take a seat in the lobby waiting for someone to provide help me stop this woman from ever causing me mental anguish in the future by pressing the charges.
38. I watched as the shift change occurred and the witnessed several reporting in for what I can only assume was probation requirements or bail
39. There were also some traffic offense that came in including one that had to have a form manipulated by the officer pertaining to either an insurance issue as well as another person who was there due to the fact his rear licence plate having fallen off.
40. A man and a woman came in from Mission services I believed immediately served by a white male officer on duty that night.

41. They spent from about 45 minutes to around an hour with said officer and were served cordially. Said officer use to live on Wentworth ave. here in Hamilton if there is any question as to my mental status and capabilities of memory forming
42. After said couple left I inquired as to when my issues would be addressed and was informed that it was a domestic matter and that they really do not intend to enforce the law.
43. I informed the officer that the documents JW were from the O.H.R.C. stamped confidential and my name at her address.
44. Said officer suddenly became interested in my claim and wanted acquire said envelope and documents.
45. I then informed said officer that the only reason this was a domestic issue was because me and JW live in the Hamilton area.
46. I then again informed said officer that this is probably a good reason why some women are assaulted and or killed if there can be no protection against a woman who breaks the law and suffers no consequences.
47. I then informed said officer that all I was asking him to do was his job.
48. I was then informed that I could have a seat and wait.
49. I had already been to the doctors for migraine medication and said medication is a vascular constrictor and it really wasn't working for me.
50. I also informed said officer that I was considering letting the local television station know how this had been handled by the police.
51. Feb 4 or 5 the police are all of a sudden interested in contacting me via a phone message at my Mother's place.
52. I choose not to respond to police until I can research and gain legal advise.
53. From Feb 6 to present I know longer trust police and it has cost people to be injured on two different occasions I have attempted to have federal laws enforced by the government body that has an official mandate to enforce the laws of the land.
54. Mar 21 2009 I am mugged at a residence located at the corner of Main and Wentworth in Hamilton ON.
55. I choose not to report this to the police due to recent interactions between me and the police regarding their intentional lack of intention to enforce current consolidated Canadian law.

345. Every one who stops a mail conveyance with intent to rob or search it is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for life.R.S., c. C-34, s. 304. as well as under the Canada Post Corporation Act Opening mail

48. Every person commits an offence who, except where expressly authorized by or under this Act, the Customs Act or the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act, knowingly opens, keeps, secretes, delays or detains, or permits to be opened, kept, secreted, delayed or detained, any mail bag or mail or any receptacle or device authorized by the Corporation for the posting of mail.

R.S., 1985, c. C-10, s. 48; R.S., 1985, c. 1 (2nd Supp.), s. 172; 2000, c. 17, s. 88; 2001, c. 41, s. 79.

Abandonment of mail

49. Every person commits an offence who unlawfully and knowingly abandons, misdirects, obstructs, delays or detains the progress of any mail or mail conveyance.

1980-81-82-83, c. 54, s. 43.

Delay of mail

50. (1) Every person commits an offence who, without reasonable cause, refuses to permit or delays permitting any mail or mail conveyance to pass on or use any road, ferry or other route or mode of transport access to which is under his control.

Reasonable cause

(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), collecting toll, ferriage or other charge for the use of any route or mode of transport is deemed not to be reasonable cause.

1980-81-82-83, c. 54, s. 44.

56. Both of these offences are indictable and there are two counts of each.
57. In April 2009 I find in an alley while walking my dog a bag of jewellery display cases disposed of in an off the path sort of way in a travel bag/ suitcase
58. Again I choose not to report it either again due to the incidents with the police from late Jan to early Feb 2009.
59. I choose to ask JW for her legal contact information due to the fact that two previous attempts by me to have the indictable crimes against her pressed were met with disregard and blatant lack of duty of care to my protection from JW.
60. On or about July 15 2009 I send JW an Email through a chat site requesting the contact information of her legal representative.
61. July 20 2009 I receive information that an officers Dell or Chu would like to contact me.
62. July 21, 2009 I respond to the request by Officer Dell and inquire as to why she wished to contact me.
63. The following phone conversation took place from 3:00 pm to approximately 3:20pm
64. pc Dell asked if I knew why I was talking with her to which I replied that it probably has something to do with JW.
65. She confirmed this and asked if I made any threats against JW's person.
66. I replied no and that I had sent her an e-mail requesting her counsel's contact information.
67. pc Dell informed me that from the letter she seen that I made an alleged statement that I would extract my pound of flesh.
68. I made no statements in my email correspondence asking for her counsel's contact information.
69. On the night of Jan. 29 2009 I was there to retrieve some property JW had and I made mention of some documents.
70. Along with the documents there was a personal letter to myself shortly before my leaving JW's residence I had written a letter to myself as to why JW was abandoning me after being injured at work and having to go through all the hard times ahead by myself. I did write the statement exact a pound of flesh it is a line from Shakespeare.
71. This confirms my statement that after divulging the whereabouts of said papers JW stole them probably a crime as well.
72. I also informed pc Dell that I would still like to see justice done and that the original theft charges should be enforced against JW.
73. pc Dell informed me she would not process the charges at exactly 3:18 pm I noted the time on the stove clock.
74. pc Dell informs me she will not file the charges as she was not the reporting officer but funny thing is no officer is the reporting officer as no charges have been filed against JW.
75. pc Dell informs me her incident report filed by JW is 09-250048.
76. I feel incredibly affronted and my faith in police services of Hamilton is lost

77. I decide to make an appeal to all government bodies with my true history of events hoping that the discrimination against males filing charges against females will stop!

All documents mailed to JW are stored safely away and can be made available for investigative purposes they show the date stamps all witnesses are contactable as well so am I through my email


More storage. Better anti-spam and antivirus protection. Hotmail makes it simple. a href="http://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=9671352">http://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=9671352>

I did make a mistake on the address where I was mugged there are two main access streets in Hamilton that travel East and West. One is called Main street and the other is King street. I had mixxed the two up an easy mistake considering where the mugging crime took place King street and Main are only a block apart.

The response from HPS was by an Inspector David Doel whom is currently on numerous charges numbering about fourteen (14) against The Police Services Act. They are as follows five (5) counts of discreditable conduct, four (4) of corrupt practice, three (3) of insubordination and two (2) of neglect of duty.

Here is Insp. Doel's reply to me and my reply back to him as well as my response to Insp D. Doel please take note they are emails.

RE: Information Request from Hamilton Police Service Website‏
From:DAN PERRINS(dan_perrins_@hotmail.com)
Sent: July 27, 2009 12:22:46 PM
To: ddoel@hamiltonpolice.on.ca
Cc: Andrea Horwath (ahorwath-co@ndp.on.ca); dalhia phillips (dphillips@ombudsman.on.ca); David Christopherson (christopherson.d@parl.gc.ca); GOV LIEUT (ltgov@gov.on.ca); news global (tips@global16x9.com); ombuds man (info@ombudsman.on.ca)

Date: Mon, 27 Jul 2009 10:09:26 -0400
Subject: Information Request from Hamilton Police Service Website
To: dan_perrins_@hotmail.com
CC: NUrciuoli@hamiltonpolice.on.ca
From: DDoel@hamiltonpolice.on.ca
Mr Perrins:

I am in receipt of your e-mail sent to Andrea Horwath, MPP, David Christopherson, MP, Bernie Morrelli, etc. on July 21st, 2009. I have reviewed the information provided in your email and checked our records with respect to the incidents described.

Although I understand your concerns with respect to the loss of correspondence relating to your Ontario Human Rights Commission investigation it appears the officers who you dealt with handled the matter correctly.

If you are not satisfied with the service you were provided by the Hamilton Police Service you can make a complaint at any police station or with our Professional Standards Branch who can be contacted at 905-546-4776.

If you require additional information, I will be pleased to assist as required.


David Doel B.A.,MSc.
Quality Assurance
Phone 905-540-6240
email: ddoel@hamiltonpolice.on.ca

Mr. Doel,

Wow I am amzed at the fact that a blatant disregard for the law is preached in the police services act but that is fine as I already have the above forms requested from the police investigation boards but have also sent these emails to various investigative report shows and am sure they will be interested in the fact that if you are female by all means committ indictable federal offences. With no chance of you ever being charged for the indictable offences you committ. Makes me seriously consider having a sex change operation so that I can committ indictable offences.

I have had enough and am going to find out who the two gentlemen were that were stabbed on or about Mar. 21, 2009 and let their legal council know how that the firms clients were stabbed as a direct result of HPS grosse negligence and that but for the actions of HPS that the accussed would have been in booking and they would not have been stabbed!
Again why is it one law if your a male and another if you are a female probably a human rights tribunal issue and considering that I am now actively engaging in creating a survey for males to respond to about if they complained about wether their spouse had committed any crimes against them and if their spouses were brought to justice.

I am extremely tired of discrimination and will see this through to the end if I have to start a grass roots campaign with flyers and articles handed out on street corners I will.

Enjoy your discriminatory ways as well as your selective prosecutions.

govern yourself accordingly,
Dan Perrins

Please note how Insp Doel acknowledges that "the loss of correspondence relating to your Ontario Human Rights Commission investigation it appears the officers who you dealt with handled the matter correctly." the loss was a crime and it as I have pointed out current consolidated law which a description of said crimes can be found under two statutes of Canada.
Police specifically HPS already know that not all crimes and or laws giving description of crimes are found under The criminal Code of Canada and already charge citizens under The Highway Traffic Act, The Controled Drugs and Substances Act etc.
Insp. Doel's reply is infuriating and seems to be the common response from HPS when it is a male complaining about crimes committed against them by a female. This is a pattern of discrimination and has been ongoing with me and HPS.
The next series of events take place around the end of November 2009 and into December of 2009.
On November 28, 2009 my fiance', at the time, Ms R. Thompson due to the stress of the situation makes a suicide attempt. She is hospitalized for part of the day. (her attempt was done by taking a large volume of pills, I called 911 and an ambulance and police arrived and transported her to a local hospital she was released later on that night) The effect of having my fiance' try and take her life motivates me into action.
The action I choose is to start a hunger strike infront of The Sopinka Court house located at 45 Main st E. in Hamilton On. The first day there after dark around midnight four (4) or five (5) officers from HPS show up and try to intimidate me into shuting down my peaceful protest the officers threaten me with charges, an act of intimidation. Why as a Canadain citizen, who was invoking a chartered right, was I threatened that night with false charges I am still trying to understand further more why send four or five HPS officers to engage in this very illegal act if it was not intended to intimidate me for the purpose of denying a Chartered Right? This is in direct violation of their oath to uphold The Constitution of Canada which includes the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Section 2 of the Charter says we as citizens have the right to peaceful assembly, freedom of thought, belief, opinion, and expression, as well as some other inherent rights that we as Canadain citizens are guranteed by the Charter. After facing down the multiple officers from HPS I realize that there are no witnesses around if HPS decided to fabricate some charges against me.

I was by myself, a lone protestor and decided that I was in a very dangerous situation if HPS decided to act in violation of section 2 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms as well as the rule of law. I decided that my best protection would be to only protest during the hours of operation at the court house and go home at the end of the day. The next day I was again intimidated / threatened by two (2) more officers but I know my rights and hold my ground but what I do do is to add the HPS officers badge numbers to my sign outing them for their Charter of Rights violations.
I continue my hunger strike for 18 days until I am too weak to make the walk down to the court house, at that point my fiance' begs me to stop my hunger strike for fear I would die soon from it. I had lost around twenty-two pounds of my starting weight and was not looking to healthy. I do as she asks as by this time it is getting close to Christmas and did not want her to remember the holidays as the time her fiance' died.
Around August of 2009 I had started / joined a social reform website under the name of Edward Teach documenting all the events as well as emails sent and recieved as well all regular mail sent and recieved by various government officials. The site was called fixourworld.ning.com( my account has since disapeared which I will get to later) On the website my hunger strike had daily updates of what was happening while I was on protest as well I fielded any questions put forth by any who asked them. I handed out around 5000 flyers or more in those 18 days and my members site was getting quite popular but with the holidays fast approaching interest slows down. I still post bits of information about HPS etc on my website at fixourworld.ning.com.

Around December 16, 2009 or so I send a complaint about the crimes committed by Ms Workman in the form of an email to The Canada Post Corporation with little result as they have nothing to do with the mail after it is delivered.

The new year comes and passes with me still writing on the "fixourworld" website and the stresses between me and my fiance' are still building. I still can't get the desk Sargent words out of my thoughts "suck it up" suck up acts of HPS discrimination, suck up victimization of the victim etc. It causes many verbal arguements between me and Ms R. Thompson. Finally it reaches a breaking point on January 24, 2010 when I am assaulted by Ms R. Thompson. Ms R Thompson is in such a state of disbelief that HPS would not press charges against a woman in a domestic situation that she then proceeds to call 911 on herself. She then admits to the HPS operator her crime of assault and HPS are sent to 147 Grant ave #2. The two HPS officers who respond are an officer Cottrill,P. badge # 358 and an officer Svec I. badge # 772. Ms R. Thompson relates the above events to said HPS officers again she tells them she assulted me and that I did not hit her back nor have I ever laid a finger on her physically in anger. HPS officers then remove Ms R. Thompson from the residence and instead pressing charges against her for the assault she admitted to them ( not once but twice she admits to the crime) they take her to an abused woman's shelter located in Hamilton ON. The report is filed as a verbal dispute despite the admittance by one party (Ms R. Thompson) to the crime of assault against the other party(me Dan Perrins, the victim again). The occurrance number is #10116367 (included in fax transmission is Cottrill, P. badge #358 report Svec's badge #772 report has not been disclosed to me as yet)
On Febuary 21, 2010 I still have a hard time believing the events of the past year. I call a crisis line to relieve some stress. I may or may not have said some things and will not go into the details of what I may or may not have said. I am arrested that day. Ironically enough one of the arresting officers is Svec I. #772. This is my statement as to what happened after I was arrested. HPS officer Svec put his handcuffs on me with incredible force causing me great pain. When I complained he said they were not and that he did his proper check. The check he did consisted of him placing a finger between the lower part of my wrist and he commented that he could fit a finger in there. This is no test to see if handcuffs are to tight as they clamp in from the side and not from top to bottom. None of the HPs officers there would double check officer Svec's work and I was forced to endure great pain from the handcuffs. This caused me great stress and I was not lead to the cruiser in a plesant way. When I arrived at HPS Central police station I was still complaining about how the cuffs were causing my hands to feel numb especialy my pinbky and half my ring finger on both hands. The staff Sargent who was on duty in prisoner recieving that day immediately had my handcuffs loosened off and led me into the desk area. All during these event I had chest pains. When officer Svec #772 and Yuill S. #64 came into the desk area I was insulted by Officer Svec, his insult was " that I was what wrong with this coutry" I replied to him informing of one of his chartered rights of mobility and if he so chose to he could move back to his mother country. At this point an officer Smith badge # 902 threatened me by saying " that if I ever insulted an officer again he would F____ (expletive) ing kill me himself" This is crime under section 264.1 of The Criminal Code of Canada I then felt my chest pains getting sharper and informed the Sargent who ordered an ambulance to take me to General Hospital located on Barton st in Hamilton. There should be a recording of this as there is plenty of signage in the prisoner recieving area of HPS Central stating that HPS is recording the area both audio and video, however it is my belief that the tapes will have some how disapeared, or have been lost / misplaced. There is an entry in a police report by HPS officer Svec how "Pc Smith Intervened on my behalf" Officer Svec does not say how Officer Smith intervened or what Officer Smith whether it was verbal or physical just he intervened. (faxed as well)

SGT Pilot then instructed Officers Svec and Yuill to accompany me to General Hospitol where I am seen by Dr.Benoit who after seeing the condition of my wrists immediately asks for the badge numbers of officers Svec #772 and Yuill #64. Soon after Dr. Benoit asks for the badge numbers of said officers he is replaced by a different doctor a Dr. Carron. Dr. Carron tries to examine me but Officers Svec and Yuill are intent on being present despite the fact that I am handcuffed to the gurney this is an attempted infraction against Doctor paitient confidentiality. There entries in officer Yuill's #64 log book at 12:40 "Two Dr's with him want us to move away -Advise we can't protect if he gets violent or Dr. Carron" Again intimidation by HPS trying to discourage my right to Doctor paitient confidentiality.
I am transported back Central Police Station around 16:00 pm (4:00 pm)
I am placed in cell number thirteen (13) I am offered two sandwhiches by officer Smith #902 and a blanket. Shortly after that I am taken out of my cell and brought to be photographed and fingerprinted. when I am returned to my cell my blanket is gone and is never returned. There are no reasons why my only means of staying warm is taken away nor is any medication for a migraine ever given to me despite the fact that I was suffering one when I was brought to General Hospitol and was assured by officers ( Pc Watson, L #814) HPS officer Watson verifies that I was "given medication for a headache" and was present it was assured that medication would be dispensed by the officers working through the night at Central Police Station. There should be mention in the medical report of the pre-existing migraine and yet no medication was dispensed for the duration of my incarceration at Central Police Station in Hamilton. During the night I complain about the lack of a blanket as well as my migraine and recieve neither medication nor the blanket which was freely given to all other prisoners. at one point a guard / officer comes by to do visual checks on prisoners and threatens me by saying that he would love to get me outside and " beat the piss out of me" said officer / guard only comes by once as his threats would have been witnessed by the other prisoners locked up that night. Denial of medication for an existing medical condition I believe constitutes cruel and unusual treatment as outlined in The Charter of Rights and Freedoms section 12 as well as the denial of a blanket to keep warm.
The next morning I am brought to The Sopinka Court House ( Feb. 22, 2010) The Justice of the peace who was presiding that day made mention of the condition I was in (sick from the denial of migraine medication) I believe I replied to His Worship that I was feeling extremely ill. The Court room this event took place in was Court room 100. The transcripts of this event should still be available through the Attorney General or the Hamilton Court house as the matters are not yet delt with.
I am transported to the Barton st correctional facillity and am there until Feb 26, 2010 when I am granted bail with a $1000.00 surety by my then fiance R. Thompson. during the bail hearing Ms Thompson is called to the stand and again she tells of the assult she inflicted on me on Jan. 24, 2010. Also read into the bail hearing is that Police recieved an anomynous tip that I was seeking defence advice / council just two (2) hours after I am arressted but there is no corressponding HPS officer report on this. No mention as to whether the caller was male or female no details of what was said nothing just an application under section 515 (10) (b) to have bail denied. I have asked for disclosure on this application numerous times but have as yet to recieve it. If the HPS recieved such a call why was there no report generated? If such a serious event had taken place it would be prudent police practice to create an incident number and a report but none has been produced. This I believe makes a prima facie case of HPS fabricating evidence in order to prejudice me before a court of competent juridiction as well as to ensure that I could not mount a full answer defence in that I would not have a proper chance to examine the alleged evidnece against me. Also entered into court records that day is the allegation that I had been diagnosed "dilusional" This allegation is first made by HPS officer Jeff Groleau #1187 on Feb. 22, 2010 and is from an interview with Debbie Fournier a mental health care nurse whom I was seeing for anger management issue stemming from the events from Jan. 2009 till then. This is again mentioned in a report by bail safety program HPS officer Bruce J. Farquhar in an email to Marty Remigis. The report / email is printed out Friday Febuary 26 , 2010 and has a creation date of February 25, 2010. In the report it is again re-iterates that I suffer from "delusional schizophrenic" mental disorder as well as other mental illnesses. This report is used in the bail hearing on Feb. 26, 2010. Also mentioned by HPS office Farquhar in the email is the statement " I think she (Ms Fournier) was getting some resistance from her bosses regarding giving a statement" again this seems to coroberate that HPS was trying to manufacture evidence through implied intimidation. Said report is printed off at 8:55:49 am on Feb 26, 2010. this report is made despite the fact that Ms Fourniers report is recieved by fax at 8:00 am on the same day.
In her report Ms. Fournier makes no mention of any mental disorders. this is corroborated again in a forensic psychiatric report done by Dr. R Padgett on March 1, 2010 and recieved by Hamilton Crown Attorney's office on March 3, 2010. The report states that I do have anger management issues which did not manifest itself until after the begining of my interaction with HPS in January of 2010. This is self evident by the lack of mental health treatment prior to the above noted date. When I recieved disclosure of Dr. Padgett's diagnosis I faxed him with some questions as well as the email from Insp Doel and some other evidence. I recieved a reply fax from him in which he writes that not all relevant information was related to him by the crown. As these are medical documents I would prefer to not disclose them to your organization unless you absolutely require them.

After I am released on surety on Feb. 26 2010 I begin to start my defence against what HPS alleges are the events and request on numerous occasions for full dislcosure and it is denied for reasons as yet are undetermined. I make several appearance at The Sopinka Court House making said requests for disclosure and other pre-trial issues and I study the law specifically The Courts of Justice Act. I discover in said act that as a party acting in person I have the right to record all proceedings for the purpose of suplelmenting my notes of said proceedings.
The relevant section dealing with this is 136.2 in which the law states
"- Nothing in subsection 1, (a) prohibits a person from unobtrusively making handwritten notes or sketches at a court hearing; or (b) prohibits a lawyer, a party acting in person or a journalist from unobtrusively making an audio recording at a court hearing, in the manner that has been approved by the judge, for the sole purpose of supplementing or replacing handwritten notes. 1996, c. 25 s. 1(22)

This section of law is further enforced by what is called The Howland Directive:

Subject to any order made by the presiding judge as to a non-publication of court ptoceedings, and to the right of the presiding judge to give such direction from time to time as he or she may see fit as to the manner in which an audio recording may be made at a court hearing pusuant to s. 146 [now s. 136] of the Courts of Justice Act, the unobtrusive use of a recording device from the body of the courtroom by a solicitor, a party acting in person, or a journalist for the sole purpose of supplementing or replacing handwritten notes may be considered as being approved without an oral or written application to the presiding judge"
The foregoing Practice Direction was approved by the Ontario Courts Advisory Council on April 10, 1989.
W.G.C. Howland
Chief Justice of Ontario

{This practice direction is still in effect as of October 8, 2010 as relayed to me by Madame Justice Speyer who presided over the setting of a trial date for matters currently before the courts.}

I appear before Justice of the Peace Devellano on or about mid July 2010 and met with resistance from said justice regarding s. 136.2 of the Courts of Justice Act. Despite the fact that as a Justice of The Peace Her Worship should know under what rules court is to operate under. Also in The Crown Attorney Act the law mandates that under s. 11. " The Crown Attorney shall aid in the local administration of justice and perform the duties that are assigned to Crown Attorneys under the laws in force in Ontario," I believe advising said Justice of the peace about s 136.2 of The Courts of Justice Act would aid immensely in the administration of justice, however Ms Malkovich chose not to. Whether this was because she was asked to not aid in the administration of law by an officer from HPS or not is up for speculation and should be investigated by the proper government entity such as the Law Society Of Upper Canada.

My next Court appearance was on August 13, 2010. On this particular date I approach the metal detectors with my brief case which contains my copy of The Criminal Code of Canada, Ontario Annual Practice which has The Courts of Justice Act, as well as other consolidated law that are in full force and effect in Ontario. I am denied access to the courts by the Special Constables who are working the metal detector area. This is contrary to all laws in force in Ontario and even though I show said officers who works for HPS the relevant sections of The Courts of Justice Act (s136.2) I am denied entrance to the courts. This is obvious obstruction of justice as defined by s. 139 of The Criminal Code of Canada. The denial of my access to the courts obstructs the natural course of justice and is an attempt to intimidate me into giving up my rights under section 136.2 of the Courts of Justice Act. I inform the officers who were stationed at the metal detectors that I will need to speak with their supervisor. I paitiently wait in the foyer with my surety Ms R. Thompson for the supervising officer to address my concerns. After around 45 minutes a special constable SGT badge# 499 Larss or Lawss of HPS appears and procceds to tell me he does not care about The Courts of Justice Act nor does he care about my rights. Said Sgt also threatens me with physical violence and after I raise my voice asking him "if he had just threatened me in a courthouse" he makes a hasty retreat to beyond the metal detectors. Ms R. Thompson is a witness to this as well court transcipts also show that I was being denied entrance to the courts.(included in fax) At this point in time I sent my mother (Maria Perrins) in with a statement to read when my matter was called before the courts. The statement let the Justice of the Peace Her Wroship L. Ross know that my surety and I were being denied access to the court room by special constables from HPS due to the fact that I had an audio recording device and intended to invoke my rights under s. 136.2 of The Courts of Justice Act as well pursuant to the Practice Direction issued by Chief Justice Howland in 1989. At this point in time Ms R. Thompson had broken down and was crying in the foyer, I believe the stress from the intimidation and obstruction of justice being engaged in by HPS was too much for her to take.

After My mother read said statement to Her Worship L. Ross an officer Nokes whom I believe is employee of the Ontario Provincial Police and another HPS Special Constable entered into what could best be described as negotiations as to if or how my audio recorder would be allowd into the courts. We came to an agreement that I would allow one of the officers to hold onto the tape recorder but that I would have my law books and legal documents in my possesion and would be able to present a proper legal argument before Her Worship with access to all my legal documents as well my copies of current consolidated law. This is however not what happened. What did happen and is quite evident in the court transcipts is that as soon as HPS special constables and the OPP officer had all of my legal documents and personal copies of current consolidated Canadian Law in their possesion they would not return it. During my appearance before Her Worship I make the comment on page five (5) line eleven (11) I say to the courts " Your Worship I do really need my notes" said notes were in the possesion of Officer Nokes and the above noted HPS special constable in effect the special constable from HPS and officer Nokes were committing the crime of theft as described under s. 322 of The Criminal Code of Canada I can only speculate as to why but it is my belief that it was to deny my right to have the law applied equally as outlined in s. 15 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and to intimidate me as well. I appeal to Her Worship again on page five (5) line seven-teen (17) to have access to my legal documents and copies of Canadian Law at this point Her Worship shuts down my legal argument.

Under s. 139.2 of The Criminal Code of Canada it reads as follows:
"Everyone who willfully attempts in any manner other than a manner described in subsection (1) to obstruct, pervert or defeat the course of justice is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding ten years"

Since The Courts of Justice Act (s136.2) makes it known that a party acting in person has the right to make an audio recording of proceedings to supplement their notes, HPS denial of my open access to the courts as well the act of confiscating my copies of Canadian law and legal documents for the duration of my time before Her Worship L. Ross interferes with the natural course of justice. These acts infringe upon my right to equal application of the law under s. 15 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms the end result is an obstruction of justice in that I could not make a proper legal argument without my copies of Canadian Law and my legal documents supporting said right to record the matter. I therefore could not supplement my notes for the above noted court date. It stands to reason that these acts were intentional as the applicable law was shown to the involved members of HPS as well as the officer from the OPP. It also stands to reason that the intentional acts were to ensure that I would be at a severe disadvantage when going over my notes for that day / court appearance it seems to satisfy all the requirements of the elements of proof for this offence.
The above noted events affects me in a severe way I am barely able to function and causes me an incredible amount of anger. I am left feeling betrayed, insulted, and loose all faith in HPS as well as have no ability to release the anger I feel. It finaly takes its toll on my engagement with Ms R. Thompson and it is ended. The final act is when Ms R. Thompson revokes her surety on me and I am re-arrested. This event happens on August 24, 2010. This re-arrest happens without any infraction against any of my rights and for the most part the arresting officers from HPS are respectfull and operate as I understand they should towards the citizens whom they have great power over.
I am incarcerated at the Barton st corrections facility until September 7, 2010. I am again released on surety with my mother signing for me.
On or about September 11, 2010 I am at the residence listed in my surety agreement when I recieve a phone call from a male person who identifies himself as officer Sirello. The conversation takes place at or around 8:30 pm. Said HPS officer starts a discussion about my website at fixourworld.ning.com as soon as I realize what the subject of the conversation is I turn on my audio recorder and ask the officer to identify himself. He does not and continues discussing about Ms Workman being referred to as the "accussed" on my website's series of events. At no time in the course of the conversation does he do as requested and identify himself for the recording. I let said officer know that I am not willing to change how I refer to Ms Workman and he quickly disengages the phone conversation with me when he realizes he is being recorded. Shortly after this conversation said website is shut down. I am still confused as to why an officer from HPS would involve himself in what is a civil matter despite the fact that he made mention that he had read through the website and located on said website was plenty of documentary evidence proving my original claim about how this whole series of events starts when HPS refuses to enforce current consolidated law against a woman when it is a male who is the complainant. (copy of recorded conversation will be made available to Ontario Civilian Commission on Police Services)

I appear again before the courts September 24 and am allowd to bring my recording device into the courts although a few special constables from HPS again try to get me to relinquish it into their custody contrary to current consolidated law. I again attemt to invoke my rights unser s.136.2 of The Courts of Justice Act and meet with indifference to the rule of law by the Justice of the Peace presiding. Another Court date is set and I am to appear before Madame Justice Speyer in court room 306 at 10:00 am

On or about October 4, 2010 I recieve a package from the Crown Attorney's office in regards to further disclosure. In said disclosure there is a copy of my court appearance from August 13, 2010 as well as some more police statements and will says. One catches my immediate attention and that is HPS officer Chu # 608 from Monday July 20, 2009. In it Pc Chu makes the statement that "acting on information provided, Pc Dell and I attend 29 Heritage Dr., Stoney Creek for a domestic investigation. Upon arrival, we spoke with the complainant, Jennifer Workman (cross refference 09-250048). I read an e-mail which she stated that she had recieved from Daniel Perrins. The e-mail site was from dan/perrins@Hotmailcom. It read "dalpatria needs to re-think what she is going to do, and how she will pay up her pound of flesh". There is no statement time but the entered time reads 2010/09/28. If HPS is so proactive in their prosecution and arresting in regards to domestic issues why did it take so long for officer Chu to why is there statement time entered? also as one can plainly ascertain my email address has never been nor will ever be dan/perrins@hotmail.com. It is and was as is self evident dan_perrins_@hotmail.com evidence is in the e-mails from INSP. D.Doel as well as e-mails from Chief B. Mullan.
My matters having been moved to a higher court (see letter from Timothy Power Crown Attorney dated October 4, 2010) scheduled to appear before Madame Justice Speyer. The matter is scheduled to be heard before Madame Justice at 10:00 am in the morning in court room 306. My surety and I arrive at the Sopinka Court house around 9:50 am and are denied entrance to the courts by the special constables of HPS. I again show them a copy of The Courts of Justice Act and despite the fact that it is written in plain english they intentionally refuse to recognize and adhere to the law. Nowhere in the the aforementioned act does it say that the police are to arbritrarily make descsions for Judges and or Justices of the Peace. I also show the memebrs of HPS court staff the Howland directive. Again I am met with resistance in regards to my rights a party acting in person. This I believe illustrates HPS willingness to break the law when it suits them. I and my surety are forced to wait inside the lobby for about an hour when a one court staff member of HPS offers to allow my mother to move beyond the metal detectors and take a seat where she can adhere to the stipulations set out in my surety agreement which states that I am not to be off the residential property unless in the company of my surety (Maria Perrins). Now the amount of people entering the court house is to many to count and most of those entering are in possesion of a cell phone which are quite capable of producing both audio and video recordings. None of these people are denied access to the courts but I am. This proves my claim about discriminatory and intimidation tactics engagged in by HPS.

This is my statement of events which all start in January 2009 and which have been continous until my last interaction with HPS on or about October 8, 2010. The events are a continous event and should be investigated as one continuous event.

I end this corresspondence attesting it to be a true testament of facts about my interactions with Hamilton Police Services reserving the right to edit at a future date.

Dan Perrins

this complaint was filed today @ 6:30 am

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