Well Folks looks like the Liberal Government is doing what it does best sticking its head in the sand instead of facing the problem of corruption head on. Where is the federal government they must know by now I'm out there ooops not yet but Sharron from the Omsbudsman's office knows as well as Andrea Horwath and a slew of other people whom we all elected to look out for us, not to mention am pretty sure that upon taking up an elected psoition they do take an oath to uphold the Charter as do the Police, the mayor, the crown, do I need to run out that list again. Hello CHCH TV Multiple levels of the Charter being ignored documented I might add, and there is a case going through that very same court house hoping they can prove their Charter rights were ignored. My heart goes out to them. I know some of the relationship stresses they have been through. Should be a good slogan today damn will somebody's face be red.
What else hmm enjoyed my day off of protesting but did not cheat on my hunger strike not even a tic tac. What else hmm oh they have been asking me to go to the hospitol for help with my anger issues, hmmm hello I'm angry because you trampled on my Chartered rights not just once but multiple levels of the "Fiberal" Minister of the Attorney Generals office ,, you know the people you have to go up against if you are charged.
A little deeper look,
If I am right and all 3 arms of the Attorney general in the Hamilton area engaged in obstruction of justice then how can anyone expect to have a fair trial in there? and if you were Dalton and given the events of the last little while like oh I don't know say the OLG scam or The E-Health scandle, ahh then there is Justice of the Peace Daly or something already under investigation for indiscretions at the very same court house.
Hmm The Fiberals and their ministers are suppossed to be impartial and adhere to the Charter not just when it is convienent but all the time.
How do we stop this well first make sure you go out and vote and do some research on who you vote for don't take their word for what they are about nor what their opposition has to say about them but look them up on Google ask around to blindly throw your votes in the ballot box is ridiculous. We give them a job to do they answer to us I say Dalton you are fired for incompetance. How many more fiascos can Ontario handle?

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