A few days ago I let you know about the lawsuit launched by Tom Martin. Now a couple of days later the Guardian  ran a story called "We need gender studies to battle inequality across the board." The Guardian in their infinite wisdom decided not think to ask the man, who is suing the London School of Economics, for his take on sexism in the education system. People spoke out about the paper not asking for Tom's input on this topic,. Incredibly short sighted move on their part, or was it?

Here are some of the comments made there :


8 February 2012 4:25PM

Tom Martin might disagree with you.

He is currently suing the LSE Gender Institute for discrimination against men, and misandry.

Maybe you could have mentioned that in your article? "

TomMartin 8 February 2012 8:21PM

I couldn't possibly comment.


8 February 2012 10:18PM

I am sick of all this one-sided, completely sexist approach to genderpolitics. I have donated to Tom Martin's legal fund to help him sue LSE's gender studies course, because I think he is interested in equality, and wants to see proper integration for men's issues along with the women's issues in gemder studies, unlike the author of this article.

Good luck to Tom on March 13th.

TomMartin9 February 2012 11:33PM
I second that.Maybe now the Guardian will give me an opportunity to write an article about why we do need gender studies in schools, but not the hoary old separatist kind.

Now here is what is weird about this article where the Gurdian talks about the need for gender studies in school. After the title the very next line is "The elimination of discrimination is both a moral and legal issue - and has to start in the classroom" Looks like the Gurdian is willfully asleep in regards to discrimination in schools already faced by boys / men but is more than willing to engage in it when it comes to misandry.

Article here:

So get on over there and make some comments debunking the feminist writings by the author of this piece.

After 40 years of feminist lies isn't about time the truth started being popular again?

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