All Blog Posts (441)

To those that remain...distant:

The difficulty and uncertainty we all come upon... cannot be resolved until reality is faced and that reality is this... No species, individual, or form of being, can remain distant from naturally regenerating, inter-dependence... and survive... Never mind receive or achieve supreme status, global dominance, heavenly reward, eternal bliss or evolving life.

Ongoing existence only embraces beings, forms, and ways of being... that inter-depend and sync and sanity...… Continue

Added by Richard Nattress on September 19, 2008 at 2:44pm — No Comments

A Question To Stephen Harper

I just saw a commercial with Stephen Harper sitting by himself talking about his son and how much he loved being a father.

My question to Stephen Harper.

Why are children in Canada still living in poverty? There are millions of fathers and mothers just like you who love their children more than life itself. In their eyes all children are equal, being such a loving father how can you allow any child to go hungry. Why was Campaign 2000 put into place and not… Continue

Added by FixOurWorld on September 9, 2008 at 11:08pm — No Comments

Falklands are Argentinian

Sovereignty is the core of the dispute

The sovereignty question, the issue that is central to the dispute, has not yet been addressed due to the reluctance of the United Kingdom to include this topic in the negotiations despite the many calls of the international community in favour of a definitive solution.

F The First Transitory Provision of the Argentine National Constitution of 1994 stipulates: "The Argentine Nation ratifies its legitimate and imprescriptible… Continue

Added by GreenSublime on August 3, 2008 at 6:31pm — No Comments

Send a message to Prime Minister Stephen Harper

Please join me and send a letter to the Prime Minister.

Go to and find out how you can help Make Poverty History!

Dear Prime Minister Stephen Harper

Have you ever missed a meal? Do you know what it is like to go hungry? I urge you to take a test and not eat for 3 Days. Please promise me you will give it a try. Let me know how it feels and then let me know if you think a child should go through… Continue

Added by FixOurWorld on July 17, 2008 at 11:03pm — No Comments

Canada dragged its feet at the G8!

The G8 Summit is wrapping up in Japan, with little progress on poverty, climate change, or the food price crisis, and Canada is partly to blame.

The final commitments of the G8 leaders recycle old promises, and sadly Canada did its best to block bold action.

Are you as disappointed as I am? Take a moment to let the Canadian government know how you feel

While European Leaders pushed for substantive action on climate change, Canada dragged its feet. Our… Continue

Added by FixOurWorld on July 9, 2008 at 10:03pm — No Comments

Children Of Northern Uganda We Did Not Forget You





Added by FixOurWorld on June 17, 2008 at 9:35pm — No Comments

Stephen Harper has apologized for a national disgrace:

Stephen Harper has apologized for a national disgrace: the residential schools program forced on First Nations people here in Canada.

This apology has been a LONG time coming, and it's a great first step. Here's your chance to join the apology:

1. Set your Facebook, or IM status to 'Sorry' and your profile picture or avatar to black.

This is an expression of apology to and solidarity with… Continue

Added by FixOurWorld on June 11, 2008 at 10:52pm — No Comments

Congratulations to Kritika Ganapathy, Jesse Lannigan & Mark Lannigan

Think About It

Kaleidoscope Real World Video Shorts Festival & Gala on June 6, 2008.

We were honoured to be invited.

Mark & Jesse are proud to be awarded Best Animation for "Think About It" produced by Kritika Ganapathy, Jesse Lannigan & Mark Lannigan; their claymation video short about the Inequality between women & men in the Canadian… Continue

Added by FixOurWorld on June 7, 2008 at 3:42pm — No Comments

Please Join us September 27 and Unite with the World on our 1st Annual International Fix Our World Festival Announcing our next event "First Annual International Fix Our World Festival" on Sept 27 H…

Please Join us September 27 and Unite with the World on our 1st Annual International Fix Our World Festival

Announcing our next event "First Annual International Fix Our World Festival"

on Sept 27 Hamilton Ontario. We will be linking around the world uniting as a Global Family

I hope you will come and join our Global Family and help Fix Our World.

Please sign up on and show your support for our Global movement to honour all who are making a… Continue

Added by FixOurWorld on June 5, 2008 at 1:00pm — No Comments

Teen talk the Album........

Come check out the album , TEEN TALK.. on

Hope to see you @ the event..Let's make a difference.................

Added by Chanmia Washington on May 9, 2008 at 8:34pm — No Comments



We are uniting groups, clubs, organizations, bands, individuals etc, who are making a difference in the areas of Peace/Conflict, Poverty, HIV/AIDS, and Environment to raise awareness, inspire others and educate our communities especially youth locally and globally to mobilize and gain them as active members who will become a part of the solution to fix and restore our planet, creating a more and just future for all living… Continue

Added by FixOurWorld on April 28, 2008 at 5:30pm — No Comments

An InTREEging Cause for Earth Day

WHAT: Download Trees by Lovehammers TODAY! Lovehammers are doing a special dedication of our song, "Trees," for today, Earth Day 2008. Today (and only today) every time someone downloads "Trees" by Lovehammers, 100% of the proceeds generated are being donated to the Earth Day Network.

WHEN: TODAY, April 22, 2008

WHERE: "Trees" is be available for download now on… Continue

Added by FixOurWorld on April 23, 2008 at 10:39am — No Comments

New Legislation to Weed Out Lawn and Garden Pesticides

New Legislation to Weed Out Lawn and Garden Pesticides

Will Protect Environment and Public Health

Thank you--You made a difference!

Nearly 2,000 you sent an e-bouquet of pesticide-free flowers to the Premier back in February.

It must have warmed his heart.

The Government of Ontario introduced legislation today (Earth Day) to ban lawn and garden pesticides, province-wide. This bill begins the process that will prohibit the use and sale of hundreds… Continue

Added by FixOurWorld on April 23, 2008 at 9:28am — No Comments



Join and add your tips, goals, videos, share information, help to inspire others around the world become active members in the conservation of our Planet.
Come Unite as a Global Family and lets Fix Our World.


Go Green, Live Rich - Author: David - Author of 5 New York Times Bestsellers.
1001 little ways to save our planet - Author: Esme Floyd

Added by FixOurWorld on April 22, 2008 at 9:48am — No Comments

Networking for Transformation

The Internet is a wonderful tool for connecting conscious people throughout the world. Through MySpace, I've linked up with more than 400 individuals and more than 80 groups that are not only devoted to peace, justice and spirituality but are aware that the only hope for changing the dysfunctionality that we see around us is to elevate human consciousness. I've posted the links to those groups elsewhere on this blog. So, the purpose of this post is simply to explain why I'm here.

I invite… Continue

Added by Michael Sullivan on April 11, 2008 at 3:34pm — No Comments

a spring day

Enjoy this day, this moment, Spring, April 07

Added by Lin on April 10, 2008 at 10:54am — No Comments

Hold an Event in your area

We are encouraging others to hold events throughout Canada and Internationally. The event will have tables, workshops, music, entertainment, guest speakers on the issue of Envirionment, HIV/AIDS/Global Health, Peace/Conflict, and Poverty both locally and globally to educate our communities especially youth on what is happening in our own backyards as well as uniting us as a global family to fix and restore our planet.

I hope that you will consider holding an event in your area. Our… Continue

Added by FixOurWorld on March 18, 2008 at 10:00am — No Comments

The 0.7 per cent goal was first proposed in 1969 by Canadian Prime Minister Lester Pearson.

Let's See If Canada Keeps Their Promise!

The 0.7 per cent goal was first proposed in 1969 by Canadian Prime Minister Lester Pearson.

Elections are over and it's time to put those promises to work! Canadian Children are in desperate need of attention. Nearly 1 in 6 live in Poverty! Ontario is the richest Province in Canada, what is wrong with this picture!

There are a few major… Continue

Added by FixOurWorld on March 17, 2008 at 10:09am — No Comments

Time is running out for Better Aid please we need your help

Time is running out for Better Aid please we need your help

Time is running out for Better Aid / Le temps commence à manquer pour l'optimisation de l'aide

Help now

Dear Make Poverty History supporter,

Congratulations to all who signed the Make Poverty History petition to the Canadian Senate to act on the "Better Aid Bill" without delay. More than 11,000 supporters signed up within a week! And it worked!

With… Continue

Added by FixOurWorld on March 17, 2008 at 9:20am — No Comments

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