Shelter Them
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Right now present we are changing the orphan problem in Rwanda, Kigali
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100 Days Of Change
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Shelter Them
About Me: Describe what you are doing in the areas of Peace,Environment, Health, Empowerment
Check out the site and find out the things we are doing
100 Days Campaign

In April each year Rwanda remembers
the 100 days of genocide, which took
place April 7 – July 17 1994. This year
Shelter Them joined in this time of
remembrance and hope with our own
100 Days for Change campaign.
Through the simple act of putting your
loose change into a jar we were able
to provide more funds for our feeding
program in Kigali. As you dropped
coins into your jar every day, you
brought food, shelter and education to
the children of Rwanda. On July 19th,
Shelter Them hosted a fundraising BBQ
to recognize the ending of our
successful campaign. The sun was HOT
but many came out to drop their jars
off, enjoy the food, face painting and
musical entertainment of Joshua Cross.
The 100 days campaign was an
overwhelming success thanks to the
many who gave unselfishly to this
cause. We could not have done it
without you.

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Shelter Them's Blog

100 days of changes

Shelter Them is committed to helping the homeless children of Rwanda who have been ravaged by genocide, AIDS and poverty. Our Holistic approach helps care for each child’s physical, emotional and spiritual needs. With one team in Rwanda and one in Canada, we are working at raising a young generation that will have hope and a chance to reach out to its own country in love.

100 Days Of Change is here at last! Help us reach our goal of $20,000

* We have been to schools and… Continue

Posted on June 17, 2009 at 6:00pm

Ontario Entertainer Joshua K Cross Gets involved with Charity


Cross speaks a musical language that blends acoustic rock with alternative rock/pop/country to create his own avant-garde dialect. While his sounds may be hard to define and his composition difficult to conveniently box into a single genre, his passion is straight up. Cross is a consummate artist and the struggle and inspiration behind him work comes directly from life experience. For that reason, perhaps, he defies conventional categories while concentrating on reinventing… Continue

Posted on May 7, 2009 at 3:03am

100 Days

Joshua Cross volunteered his musical talent and provided us with some great Music, the sun was HOT
but many came out to drop their jars off, enjoyed the food, face painting and the many other presentations and fun we had that evening but all and all it was a success. In 2009 we have faith it will be even better.
To find out more about Joshua Check his Music in our player or go to his web

Posted on May 5, 2009 at 12:00am

Visited Eglise Vivante in Gikondo

When we visited Eglise Vivante in Gikondo, we met the volunteers involved in the program and our brother Jules. We joined them in their work and were touched to see this small group of people making a difference, managing to feed 150 children once a week with few resources. In speaking with these volunteers, one lady said to us “twe twararize amarira arakama, none harageze ko namwe murira mukihanagura” - “We have no more tears…our tears are dried up, now is your time to cry and wipe yours.” On… Continue

Posted on May 4, 2009 at 6:30pm

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At 12:54am on November 30, 2009, Edward Teach said…
Please Check out my blog hunger strike started Nov. 28 2009 for reasons outlined there.
At 12:55pm on May 5, 2009, FixOurWorld said…
Hi Shelter Them
Welcome to our Global Family
I would like to have you host a table at our Fix Our World Festival
Please contact me

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