Help Save Our Hospitals!

Fix Our World Foundation is teaming up with the Hamilton Health Coalition
On April 4, 2009 to help save our Hospitals.
We need all of our citizens of all ages to participate in the Rally. Make a sign showing your groups support! Invite all of your friends, organizations, groups, clubs. Our Hospitals are being under funded in Hamilton! It is up to us to step up and make sure we save our Health Care Institutions! We need to line the sidewalks of Hamilton's downtown to show we are serious. We need everyone to be at Main St & Summers Lane April 4 starting at 2pm

The Waterfall cars will be there as well!!!!! Come get your picture taken with them!!

Let's use the cars to collect food!!!
Please bring food items.

Hamilton Place Studio April 4 show starts at 6pm Doors open at 3pm

Fix Our World Foundation & Hamilton Health Coalition presents "Leading The Way" featuring The Legendary Inkspots, Jamila B, Christopher Charles and Malachi & The Music. Guest Speakers: Hamilton & Ontario Health Coalition, Rolf Gerstenberger, President of USW Local 1005, Leo Johnson CURE Canada, Poet Bill Mahoney others TBA. Silent Auction, Draws, Social Justice
Tables with Tools to help become a part of the solution.
Make Poverty History Sign Up Station.
We are asking for your assistance in sponsoring this worthy event; by informing the General public.

--Please contact Fix Our World Foundation 905.518.1308.
Tickets available at the Copps Coliseum Box Office, or call 905 527 7666 $35.00 per ticket

--About Us:

Fix Our World Foundation is a non-partisan and non-denominational organization based in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada that utilizes the use of the internet, events, concerts, festivals etc... To connect with individuals, organizations, clubs, bands... worldwide, creating campaigns and initiatives that are meant to empower and reinforce all beings to become an active part of the solution to fix and restore our planet.

Our organization is focused on achieving our goals through education, motivation, mobilization and support honours individuals and organizations local and global on how they are making a difference.
New members sign on and have their own page to tell what they are doing to make a difference to motivate and inspire others, add tips, ideas, collaborate with others around the world, post videos, photos, music, events, festivals, etc. as well as contribute to our blogs and forums on how to fix our world.
There is also a group section "create a group" on our network as an added feature for Organizations, clubs, bands, and groups as an Advertising Tool to advertise your organization, upcoming events, gain support, members, etc..
Second, along with our website, we organize events, concerts and festivals where artists, musicians, organizations, schools, youth groups, clubs, local business, unite to educate our citizens through displays, workshops, guest speakers, technology, focusing on youth, our future generation.
This is also a way of honouring our community members who are making a difference in these areas, gaining recognition and support for them.

*Raising Funds*
we chose to raise funds during these events for 4 local and 4 global organizations
LOCAL- Cafe Adonai, CURE Canada, Fix Our World Foundation, TBA
GLOBAL- Make Poverty History, The Stephen Lewis Foundation, David Suzuki Foundation, Oxfam Canada. We are reaching out to others to mirror our events around the world. Each event will be linked on our Web page to show the struggles and accomplishments each area faces and achieves. Our Events are annual where we will update each year the changes that have been made and where help is needed both locally and globally in an effort to Fix Our World.

Lastly, we are involving local schools, groups, etc... Asking them to take part by creating banners, art, essays, for the issue(s) of their choice to be signed by their staff, students, etc... And later will be sent to the G8 Leaders at an upcoming G8 summit. This campaign will be ongoing until our leaders commit to the Millennium Development Goals.

Linda Lannigan-Founder
Fix Our World Foundation
If We Believe We Will Achieve

Together We Can Make Poverty History

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