Fix Our World Foundation would like to express our deepest appreciation and gratitude to all who contributed and participated in our 2nd Annual Fix Our World Festival Sept 4,5,6, 2009 It takes a huge amount of time and energy to put this event together. We are extremely grateful for the support of our volunteers who worked incredibly hard in all areas to make this event a success.

A Special Thank You:
All of the Incredible Musicians who performed, what an honour to have you on our stage!
Alfie Smith, Anne-Marie Pavlov, English Patience, Christopher Charles, little SUNDAY, Fall Of Spring, All For Nothing, Jamsquid, Kojo Damptey, Sonny Del-Rio, Chris & Christa, Backroom 11, Melissa Bel, Christopher Clause, Malachi and The Music, Rogue Six, Chris Briscoe, Prologic, Tommy Gunn, Jamila B., E.S.R.B Band, Rob Enfield, Zone of Resistance, Kim & Frank Koren, Fred D. Smith, Straight-Cut, The Gooligans, Andre & The J Tones, The Hammertones, Jovaune Rhodes and Guests, DAME, Negus, Dean Gagnon & the Rhythm Factory and All the Drummers who came out for the Open Drum Circle and performed for our Closing Ceremony.

To our sponsors:
102.9 K-Lite FM, Oldies 1150, Talk 820, CHCH Morning Live, Cable 14, Lou's Control on C101.5 Mohawk College Radio, North End Breezes, Ric Taylor, VIEW Magazine, Bullfrog Power, Hamilton District Labour Council, Public Service Alliance of Canada, SISO, CD Video, Allegra Printing, ecojot

Thank you to all of our Volunteers:

Ivona Radon - Media & Public Relations

Cynthia Duff Terra Nova Images- Photographer

Simon Salatandre -Graphics and web maintanence
Ted Orfan,Don Dudar & Bob Black - PSAC, Don Fraser - Hamilton District Labour Council, Paul Vijda & Ashen White - Sound Production, Clint Alves -Stage Manager, George Roche & Andrea Coulson - Lucid Productions, Long & McQuade, Valerie Cousens - Film and Wellness tent Coordinator, Peter Clemens, Kathy Kimmins - Wellness Team, The 23 Field Ambulance, Deborah Barfknecht, Mary-Jane Oates, Jason Erlich, Alex Sevigny, Rezanna, Jayla, Rabe, Wayne, The Globe-Poverty Walk, Tyler Campbell, Pete Latulippe, Steve Decloedt, Lindsay Fontaine, M.J. Mackey, Anne Marie Grover, Gord Garbella, Jesse Lannigan, Catherine Mahoney, Jesse Maiuri, Madison Cobey, Collin Wright, Christine Oliver, Gerald Blackburn, David Osterling, Adam Sloka, Rachel Blackburn, Peter Simovic, Helen Simovic, Leander Boat Club, Our Street Team who posted posterrs and promoted our event,

Our Guest Speakers
Our heart felt thanks to our Guest speakers who took the time out of their busy schedules to reach out to our youth and families and educate them on the important issues we face here in Hamilton.
Allan Loft, Julia Riddell and Chelsea Cox, Dr. Mahendra Deonarain, Avvy Go, Shri Ashutosh Maharaj, Peter Ormond, Don Fraser, Mike Pattison, Ryan Walker, Sharon DeSousa, Thanh Campbell,

All of the Students and Volunteers who worked so hard all weekend manning tables, games and stations, setting up and tearing down.

Interactive Stations & Workshops
Green Venture, HCCI, SISO, The Globe, Rezanna, Jayla, Hamilton Car Share, Victory of Awakening Light, Public Service Alliance of Canada, Child Alive, Fair Trade Coffee, The Peace Café, Hamilton Cycling, ROCK, Creation Quest Reptile Show, Colour of Poverty, Hamilton District Labour Council, The 23 Field Ambulance, Medic Services, Make Poverty History, Kiwanis,

A Very Special Thank You to My Family:
Jesse, Mark and Ashley without their help and support I wouldn't be able to achieve these goals.

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