Edward Teach's Blog – November 2010 Archive (10)

Appeal letter to Police Complaints

What this letter is about is the lack of willingness by Hamilton Police Services to do a proper investigation into the misconduct of their fellow officers. If the police have a duty in their mandate to investigate crimes which would include the obstruction of justice why would they not do it?

Why wouldn't they want to ensure that confidence in Police services is kept to the highest standards?

Will wait for a reply.

TO: Chief of Police Chief Glenn De Caire /… Continue

Added by Edward Teach on November 30, 2010 at 3:19pm — No Comments

Response From The Attorney General Who is Responsible for security at Hamilton Court House

The other day I sent an email to the Attorney General in regards to who is responsible for the security at the Sopinka Court House here in Hamilton.

I was pretty sure that it was Hamilton Police Services who were responsible and again I sent in a complaint already to them and their response was less than satisfying nor would it be what would be considered in the best interest of the public at large to just refuse to investigate my allegations but that is par for the course when it comes to… Continue

Added by Edward Teach on November 25, 2010 at 12:41pm — No Comments

Why aren't politicians speaking up?

Now here is an article on why politicians may not be speaking up about what is going on with the local police force. It has to do with a situation that was happening in Toronto, very close to us here in Hamilton.

It is about 10 years old. The point is how the police could and would influence the career of a politician who spoke out about their actions regardless if the politician was right or wrong in speaking out about police actions.

TORONTO… Continue

Added by Edward Teach on November 20, 2010 at 6:14pm — No Comments

In the Hamilton Spectator Thursday November 18, 2010

Here is what Police Chief Glenn De Caire has to say about systemic Charter of Rights violations by Hamilton Police Services. He states and these are not my words but his that are on record.

“We’ve provided training to our officers with respect to the Charter” of Rights and Freedoms, said the police chief Thursday. “They are well versed in the rules of arrest and detention, and the exercise of constitutional rights.”


“I stand in support of our officers out… Continue

Added by Edward Teach on November 20, 2010 at 12:26pm — No Comments

Response to letter from Justice of the Peace Review Council are they really doing their jobs???

To: The Justice of the Peace Review Council

Attention: Marilyn E. King

From: Dan Perrins

RE: Complaints made on November 3 and 4 of 2010.

Dear Ms King,

I have received your response to my original complaint letters faxed on November 3 and 4 of 2010.

I was quite surprised at your response regarding my complaints.

In your response letter you state that my complaints make no mention of conduct however this is not true. Please find enclosed…


Added by Edward Teach on November 17, 2010 at 6:53pm — No Comments

November 16 follow up to Senator Cools video

I know that today I was going to do some writing on fraud and the domestic abuse / violence issue and I would like to and will but something happened yesterday which I have been following in the news and it needs more public awareness.

First lets look at the statistics Canadian Senator Cools refers to in the video from yesterday.

1) In 2004 -- the base year of the study -- 654,000 women and 546,000 men reported being the victims of spousal violence at least once in the… Continue

Added by Edward Teach on November 17, 2010 at 12:00am — No Comments

Canadian Senator Anne C. Cools lets us know the Real Statistics about domestic violence/ abuse issues

The Respected and Honorable Canadian Senator Anne C. Cools has gone on record as saying "there is so much bogus nonsense coming out of those shelters in respect of research and data"

The "bogus" data is also added to by Hamilton Police as well. All you have to do is look at the Photo labeled Cottrill where in the official police report created by the officer states:

A) the situation was a verbal dispute despite the fact that there was… Continue

Added by Edward Teach on November 16, 2010 at 1:04am — No Comments

Justice of The Peace Complaints see Court Documents from blogpost called " August 13, 2010 ,, have a look at the administration of Justice here in Hamilton"

This is one of three (3) official complaint letters sent to The Justices Of The Peace Review Council. There was three of them all of them complaining about different Justices of the Peace involved in this matter but for simplicity sake will only post one. They all said the same thing after all it was the same crime of obstruction of justice that Their Worships engaged in just on 3 different occasions.

Documents or official court transcripts can be found at this link:…


Added by Edward Teach on November 13, 2010 at 3:30pm — No Comments

Results of Police Complaints

Ok so if you read the Hamilton Police complaints post lets see what Hamilton Police Services managed to do after all the complaints were substantial and well documented. So here is the best that Hamilton Police Services could do,, and it will make you laugh when I explain a key point at the end of it!

Mr. Dan Perrins


November 1, 2010


The Professional Standards… Continue

Added by Edward Teach on November 13, 2010 at 2:49pm — No Comments

My Defense

Ok now that there is lots of "dirty laundry" out there lets look at what my defense is to what I am alleged to have done.

It is called entrapment and it can be found under s. 8 of The criminal code.

The defining case is referred to or cited as R. v. Mack. The case is a Supreme Court of Canada case and it sets out the criteria for entrapment which starts around point 130 and continues on to point 134 here is the criteria as to whether police engaged in tactics which constitute…


Added by Edward Teach on November 13, 2010 at 12:30pm — No Comments

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