Edward Teach's Blog – November 2009 Archive (3)

And so it begins...

Daniel has been out in front of the Court House at 45 Main Street East since 2pm this afternoon. He started his "hunger strike" on the 28th in protest for the injustices that have be perpetrated against him. We welcome you to leave your comments and encouragagement - even suggestions would be welcome. We will see that he gets them regularily. Your encouragement and support may not help keep him warm as he sleeps infront of the Court House tonight but they will do wonders for warming his heart… Continue

Added by Edward Teach on November 30, 2009 at 7:10pm — No Comments

Dalton McGuinty responds

I sent an email to The Premier of Ontario and his reply is to be found in photo album ladled Dalton. Guess he had nothing to do with the OLG being reprimanded nor did he have anything to do with E-health having been overhauled and the head fired. Yes his hands must definitely be tied and he can offer no assistance such as an intervener an Inquiry or something like that , but after all he is only OUR ELECTED PREMIER remember that fact when it is time to vote!

Added by Edward Teach on November 30, 2009 at 9:00am — No Comments

EVENTS AKA Statement of Claim


Preamble, The Charter of Rights and Freedoms says that we are individuals Equal. We are to be treated Equal by all government services and or institutions as well so are all the Provinces their ministries and the legislation that those provinces create through legislation.

The events outlined below are about two individuals supposedly Equal but as you will see they are not in fact the system actually bends over backwards to protect the criminal in this story. Citizen A… Continue

Added by Edward Teach on November 29, 2009 at 10:30pm — No Comments

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