Edward Teach's Blog – January 2012 Archive (3)

Charles Adler Gender neutral, or neutered? "Lego Friends' sounds so nice! Why are feminists furious about it? Charles, Jacqui and Krista weigh in."

Why is it the gender feminist community would take such offense to having a more female friendly version of lego?

Are gender feminists so out of touch with reality?

Isn't feminism's goal for people to have freedom of choice and equality?

Clearly with feminist radicals you are not permitted to have freedom of choice. According to them the only choice you can freely have is theirs.

I call bullshit on gender feminists I'll keep my…


Added by Edward Teach on January 24, 2012 at 7:32pm — No Comments

National Coalition for Men asks the United Nations to end all forms of discrimination against men

Will Canada answer the call and support the end of discrimination against men ?


Through the generous volunteer work of our Democratic Republic of Georgia Liaison Carl Augustsson, and after review and unanimous…


Added by Edward Teach on January 21, 2012 at 1:43pm — No Comments

The Story of Thomas James Ball

This is the story of a man, a father, who, like so many other men have been fed into the meat grinder we call a justice system.

Mr. Ball on Friday June 15, 2011 self immolated in front of a court house in Keene County, New Hampshire. His act was one of political protest, a final attempt to wake the sleeping populace out of their sexist coma. One aspect of that coma is how men are treated in our justice systems.

When I say our justice systems I mean just that. The way men are…


Added by Edward Teach on January 21, 2012 at 1:32pm — No Comments

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