Featured Blog Posts (140)

Musical Mutiny Update

We had a great time last night thank you This Ain't Hollywood for supporting our event! All the bands were great!

Incredible Judges Christopher Clause, Dan Medakovic, Spider Costello, Mark McNeil!

What a lineup right there! Participating Bands: Zone of Resistance,

ESRB, All For Nothing, Murhpy Slaw, Conservation Authority, Those Purple Shirts.

Top Prize 14 hours of…


Added by FixOurWorld on March 3, 2010 at 12:27pm — No Comments

Dear Prime Minister Harper


We as Canadians would like our government to reflect the people. We do not want to be responsible for the deaths of innocent people.

In this day and age Poverty is a Choice and we choose to end it.

Please listen to our voices and keep the Millennium Development Goals as promised.

Millions of people around the world are screaming through their computers for change! Just think of the endless… Continue

Added by FixOurWorld on February 10, 2010 at 11:19am — No Comments

International AIDS Candlelight Memorial

We are pleased to take this opportunity to announce this year's theme

for the 2010 Candlelight Memorial: "Many Lights for Human Rights", which

was voted on by our Board during our annual meeting in Accra. We feel

this theme captures the collective movement of the Candlelight to move

to action in the drive for access to treatment, care, and prevention, in

addition to the elimination of stigma and discrimination. It also aligns

with the UNAIDS 2009 World AIDS Day… Continue

Added by FixOurWorld on December 16, 2009 at 11:31am — No Comments

Message from Bob Geldof, ONE Campaigner

sign the petition

Dear ONEers,

The Copenhagen climate change summit is now underway. It is imperative that the necessary decisions and actions are taken. Key among these is to allocate adequate additional resources to enable the developing countries, which with inevitable unfairness are worst affected, to cope with the effects of climate change.

Please click here to sign ONE’s petition to the Danish Prime Minister to take the lead in doing so:…


Added by FixOurWorld on December 10, 2009 at 11:09am — No Comments

The UN Climate Summit begins today in Copenhagen,

December 2009

The UN Climate Summit begins today in Copenhagen, where Prime Minister Stephen Harper will have the chance to support a strong deal to protect our climate. Nearly 10,000 of you have already phoned, e-mailed or sent letters to the prime minister asking him to get behind a fair, ambitious and binding agreement.

Vote now for your favorite videos of phone calls to the prime minister in response to our Call the PM and David Suzuki Calls You contest. From… Continue

Added by FixOurWorld on December 7, 2009 at 5:00pm — No Comments

Recognizing the work of inspirational young people

Dear Members and Colleagues,

OCIC’s International Development Week 2010 committee invites you to join us in marking International Development Week (IDW) February 7–13, 2010 by recognizing the work of inspirational young people who are acting up for global change.

Amidst the homework books, school clubs, friends and family commitments, exceptional young people across Ontario and around the world are making global social justice one of their everyday… Continue

Added by FixOurWorld on December 7, 2009 at 3:18pm — No Comments

historic climate change meetings in Copenhagen, Dec. 7-18.

Dear Make Poverty History Supporter,

We are moments away from the historic climate change meetings in Copenhagen, Dec. 7-18. Our own future and the very lives of millions of people in the Southern Hemisphere are at stake.

Real progress is possible – just a few days ago, it was looking pretty hopeless, with world leaders saying they wouldn’t even turn up in Denmark. But thanks to our persistent chorus of global voices urging action, now they’ll all be there, including Prime… Continue

Added by FixOurWorld on December 3, 2009 at 12:41pm — No Comments

World AIDS Day

On December 1st, for one day only, Aeroplan’s Beyond Miles Programme will match every mile donated to the Stephen Lewis Foundation. Donated miles help us offset our travel costs, making it possible to send more money directly to the grassroots. Tell your family and friends about Mile Matching Day and donate your miles online now >>

Back in 2005, at the G8 Summit, all countries agreed unanimously to achieve “Universal Access” for AIDS treatment, prevention and care by the year… Continue

Added by FixOurWorld on December 1, 2009 at 11:24am — No Comments

Mothers and their children are needlessly dying

Canada can take the global lead on this – our country is hosting the G8 and G20 Summits next June. We can show the way by deepening our support for livesaving interventions.

Please take action now by copying the following letter or writing your elected representative.

As your constituent, I believe that every human being is entitled to good health. I am proud of Canada’s strong track record in support of child and maternal health in developing countries and… Continue

Added by FixOurWorld on November 30, 2009 at 4:09pm — No Comments

It's time to act on Child Poverty

Action Alerts

It's time to act on Child Poverty

It's time to act on Child Poverty Act now to give all of Canada’s children the right to a decent life

We’d like to tell you that November 24 is a day to feel good about being a Canadian. But right now, we can’t. Twenty years ago, on November 24, 1989, all of our elected representatives voted in the House of Commons to make child poverty history in Canada by the year 2000. It was to be our legacy for the generations of… Continue

Added by FixOurWorld on November 18, 2009 at 10:06am — No Comments

Have you heard the good news?

Don't let Apple hog the green!

Have you heard the good news?

When you told Apple that you wished its products came in green - they listened. Your voice turned Apple into a green IT industry leader - and we wanted to say thank you! Because not only has Apple dropped the worst toxic chemicals from its products - but the company itself is making some bold green moves!

At the beginning of October Apple stormed out of the US Chamber of Commerce - a lobby group that… Continue

Added by FixOurWorld on November 5, 2009 at 11:33am — No Comments


Stand Against Poverty


Thank you to all the Hamilton People who participated! Our slideshow will be posted soon!

More than 173 Million People Gather at "Stand Up, Take Action, End Poverty Now!" events, setting new world record for largest mobilization in history

A Guinness World Record shattered this weekend when 173,045,325 citizens gathered at over 3,000… Continue

Added by FixOurWorld on October 21, 2009 at 10:19am — No Comments

Please take the time to fill out the Transit Vision Survey and have your Voice heard!

Please take the time to fill out the Transit Vision Survey and have your Voice heard!

David Hart Dyke If you live in or around Hamilton, the Transit Users

Group would like to hear from you. Visit http://bit.ly/busbuzz

and fill out our survey. City Council will be making some important

decisions about transit soon. The best chance for public input ...will

come at the end of October. This survey is… Continue

Added by FixOurWorld on October 19, 2009 at 12:44pm — No Comments

Canada will need to offer global leadership as host of G8 in 2010

We are hosting our Fix Our World Festival to coincide with the G8 to help Canadians step up as Leaders and show we want Change! We have to work as a TEAM! Help by linking with us and host an event in your area.

Canada will need to offer global leadership as host of G8 in 2010 to deliver results on unfinished business from this year's G8. This year’s G8, while there was some progress, didn’t fully deliver on promises to the world’s poorest, in part because of weak leadership by Italy,… Continue

Added by FixOurWorld on October 12, 2009 at 3:23pm — No Comments

A bloody massacre in Guinea could undermine peace across West Africa.

Dear friends,

A bloody massacre in Guinea could undermine peace across West Africa. Sign the call for targeted sanctions on the Guinean junta and let's raise a popular outcry worldwide against this crackdown:

Sign The Petition!

Last week, over 150 civilians were killed when the military opened fire on a peaceful pro-democracy rally in the West African country of Guinea. Women were raped and people were bayoneted on the streets as they tried to escape --… Continue

Added by FixOurWorld on October 6, 2009 at 11:00am — No Comments

April 4th Leading The Way-Thank you!!!

I want to thank everyone who participated in our show! What an amazing event! Everyone performed to the best of their abilities and the audience loved you all!!!

Very Special Thanks to our ever needed Volunteers :

Mary Jane Oates, Deborah Barfkneckt, Cindy Duff, Jovaune Rhodes, Valerie Cousens, Diane Chiarelli, Mark Lannigan, Jesse Lannigan, Tess Goodwin.

We reached some new people who want to help Fix Our World achieving our goals one audience at a… Continue

Added by FixOurWorld on April 7, 2009 at 1:00am — No Comments

Dear Make Poverty History supporter

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Make Poverty History


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Dear Make Poverty History supporter,

World leaders will be meeting next week at the G-20 conference in London, England to discuss how keep the crisis from getting worse.

We need to make sure that they don't just bail out banks and large companies, but that they also address… Continue

Added by FixOurWorld on March 27, 2009 at 11:30pm — No Comments


Added by FixOurWorld on March 22, 2009 at 1:15am — No Comments

Don't forget your tickets to ShAIDS of Grey!

I hope you are doing well and 2009 is shaping up to be a productive year. All the Best! Happy New Year!

Linda :)

I am hoping you can send a message out to all of your memebers about ShAIDS of Grey.


ShAIDS of Grey to hit Toronto

December 1, 2008 – CURE Canada's landmark original theatrical production, ShAIDS of Grey, will be taking on Toronto at the Betty Oliphant Theatre… Continue

Added by FixOurWorld on January 16, 2009 at 11:05am — No Comments

Canada dragged its feet at the G8!

The G8 Summit is wrapping up in Japan, with little progress on poverty, climate change, or the food price crisis, and Canada is partly to blame.

The final commitments of the G8 leaders recycle old promises, and sadly Canada did its best to block bold action.

Are you as disappointed as I am? Take a moment to let the Canadian government know how you feel

While European Leaders pushed for substantive action on climate change, Canada dragged its feet. Our… Continue

Added by FixOurWorld on July 9, 2008 at 10:03pm — No Comments

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