historic climate change meetings in Copenhagen, Dec. 7-18.

Dear Make Poverty History Supporter,

We are moments away from the historic climate change meetings in Copenhagen, Dec. 7-18. Our own future and the very lives of millions of people in the Southern Hemisphere are at stake.

Real progress is possible – just a few days ago, it was looking pretty hopeless, with world leaders saying they wouldn’t even turn up in Denmark. But thanks to our persistent chorus of global voices urging action, now they’ll all be there, including Prime Minister Harper.

We're asking you to help our Prime Minister make something truly FABulous happen in Copenhagen: A REAL DEAL, one that would be:

Fair Ambitious Binding

The trouble is, Mr. Harper says he will only make "minor adjustments" to Canada's plan. He is bringing a proposal to the table so modest, even the Secretary General of the UN has publically scolded him.

Canada's fair share of emissions reductions is 25%-40% below 1990 levels by 2020; Canada is offering only 3% below 1990 levels.

Floods, drought and famine are wreaking havoc in countries who have not contributed to global warming, but Canada still hasn't agreed to pay its fair share to help these vulnerable countries recover and adapt .

And Canada has yet to pledge that any adaptation assistance we do offer will not be paid out of the aid budget. People shouldn't have to give up health care and education because we are paying to clean up problems caused by our pollution.

Let's all give Mr. Harper and the world's leaders, a last big send-off. And then, let's keep the pressure on throughout their 10 day meetings. Tell them to make a real climate deal.

Will you:

1. Write to Prime Minister Harper using our draft or in your own words.
2. Send a copy of your letter to your Member of Parliament.
3. Host a vigil for a real deal
4. Join over 10,000,000 others and show that you're ready for a real deal on climate change by signing the TckTckTck pledge.
5. Place the TckTckTck Pledge widget on your site or blog and encourage others to sign the TckTckTck pledge

On behalf of people and the planet, we thank you,

Your Make Poverty History Team

Dennis, Kelly, Jennifer, George, Laura May and Alyshah

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