We as Canadians would like our government to reflect the people. We do not want to be responsible for the deaths of innocent people.
In this day and age Poverty is a Choice and we choose to end it.

Please listen to our voices and keep the Millennium Development Goals as promised.
Millions of people around the world are screaming through their computers for change! Just think of the endless possibilities when Poverty is no longer an issue. The brilliant people who will be able to make a difference, change the world, come up with solutions. We can create a better world for all living things.

Now that 2010 has arrived and you have assumed the presidency of the G8 and will be hosting the G8 and G20 Summits in June, I am writing to urge you to set out an agenda that offers bold leadership on the challenges of global poverty, climate change and ensuring a global recovery for all.

The crisis in Haiti is an all-too tragic example of what can happen to a country mired in poverty, with no resources to cope with disaster. Your government and Canadians have been quick to respond to this emergency, but this is also an historic opportunity for Canada to provide bold leadership to create global, long-term solutions to extreme poverty everywhere and to alleviate the brutal calamities climate change is visiting on so many of the world’s poorest nations.

I know these are challenging times for national economies struggling with an economic crisis. That is why it is urgent that we reinforce the message to world leaders that reform of the international financial system is essential for our own well-being and the well-being of low-income countries.

We need to redouble our efforts if we are to move forward on achieving the Millennium Development Goals by 2015. New initiatives are needed especially on child and maternal health, where progress has been lagging at the cost of thousands of lives. Leadership is needed not only to ensure G8 leaders deliver on promises made to the poor but also to do more to ensure we achieve the MDG goals by 2015.

And Mr Prime Minister – you would make every Canadian proud if you would make a public commitment to a long-standing Canadian promise to commit 0,7% of our national income in foreign aid.

The world is waiting for Canada to show the global leadership, compassion and generosity that characterizes us as a people.

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