Part 2 of Hamilton Police Services Complaint

Part 2 of original complaint sent to Ontario Commission on Police Services
First Part Sent October 22 @ 6:30 am
From: Dan Perrins

Phone / Fax : (905) XXX - XXXX { omitted from web posting by me} [call first before faxxing]

To: Ontario Civillian Commission on Police Services
250 Dundas st. W. Suite # 605
Toronto, ON
Phone: 1-888-515-5005 fax: 1-888-311-7555


Ms R. Thompson last known residence is 151 Wentworth st. S. #2 Phone: (905) XXX - XXXX

Ms Maria Perrins 26 sleepy Hollow crt. Dundas ON. Phone (905) XXX - XXXX

Mr. Matthew Perrins (905) XXX - XXXX Cell # (905) XXX - XXXX

Mr. Dan Perrins 26 Sleepy Hollow crt. #2 Dundas ON. Phone (905) 627-1839

Document List

• Ontario Human Rights Commission envelope date stamped by Canada Post 081119 [2008 11(November) 19] showing my name and Ms Workman's residence and stamped "CONFIDENTIAL"
• Ontario Human Rights Commission envelope date stamped by Canada Post 081218 [2008 12(December) 18] showing my name and Ms Workman's residence and stamped "CONFIDENTIAL"
• email from Ms Workman from her email address admiting she had said OHRC mail and delivered it
• e-mail sent via to Ms Workman (chat name Dalpatria) from me requesting her defence lawyers name sent July 16, 2009 @ 1:08:52
• HPS officer Dell's report from July 20 regarding alleged email sent to Ms Workman where it is alleged there is an implied threat. Occurance # 09-250048 *( please note how Chu, T. #608 entry times are different from Dell's also if statement was made in the alleged email why is it not written out verbatim or printed out?) wrong Address on Sleepy Hollow as well Quality of HPS services simple look in the phone book would have confirmed residence.
• HPS officer Chu # 608 from Monday July 20, 2009 which is different set of material facts from HPS officer Dell's but is cross refferenced to it and I cannot find a date when handwritten notes are made nor a "statement time" * ( please note how times are different from Dell's also e-mail address is different / wrong also why was email not printed out? Again wrong residential address simple look in phone book would have produced proper one. Also manufactured date of Jan. 31 2009 - impossible as witness was working that day also Matt Perrins should remeber my date of Jan. 29, 2009 as he was working at his shop and his business is not open on Saturdays in the evening.
• Letter sent to Ms Workman asking for her lawyers contact information as well asking her to name who helped her committ the crimes on January 29,2009 as well who helped her fabricate statement on July 20, 2009(co-conspirators)
• e-mail from then Chief B. Mullan (included in body of complaint)
• e-mail from Insp D. Doel confirming there was a loss of corresspondence from OHRC (included in body of complaint)
• HPS officer's report by Cottrill,P. badge # 358 in which Ms R. Thompson admits to an unprevoked assult nor was her assult an act of self defence. End result Ms R. Thompson taken to abused woman's shelter.
• Application "For Protection or Public Safety - Section 515(10)(b) two areas of concern here first no report on who recieved anomynous tip also have no criminal record so why is the box for "Liklihood of Committing Further Offence(s)" marked yes? Did HPS already have a trial in absentia and find me guilty?
• Offence Record Report confirms No Charges Found (printed 2010/02/21 by 48)

• HPS officer's report by Svec's badge #772 pertaining to having being defended verbally by Officer Smith # 902- shows there was interaction between me and officer smith should be a recording of it as there is plenty of signage in "Central Booking" stating everything is being recorded audio and video
• HPS officer's report by Pc Watson, L #814 confirming treatment was given for what she calls a "headache" but was reported to attending doctors I was suffering a migraine. (medical history of them for about 30 years)
• Fax from Debbie Fournier dated February 25, 2010 with a fax time or print time of Feb 26, 2010 8:00am no mention of mental issues in Ms Fournier's letter.
• e-mail print out by Marty Remigis from Bruce J. Farquhar stating " I think she (refers to Ms Fournier) was getting some resistance from her bosses regarding giving a statement" letter goes on to say "variety of mental disorders..." and yet Ms Fournier's letter makes no such statement. Points to fabrication of evidence by HPS in that they make a statement that was not endorsed by a medical healthcare practitioner.
• Court Transcripts from August 13, 2010 when HPS' special constable and one Ontario Provicial Police officer hold my copies of current consolidated Canadain law and other legal documents which would be needed to make legal arguments before the Justice of the Peace presiding that day [L. Ross] "hostage" while I am before the courts. Court Room 100. Please note if I had my legal memorabillia ( copies of the law as well as jurisprudence ) I would not have asked to have access to them but would have asked for a moment to refer to my notes. (16 pages)

• Not included 1 audio recording from September 11, 2010 where HPS pc fails to identify himself when asked to for the begining of recording, also subsequent recordings where I request said officer to return my call in regards to the shutting down of website member's page Edward Teach. these are audio recordings and will need to be mailed out or sent via email as requested by proper investigative body either Ontario Civillian Commission on Police Services or its replacement agency.

Dan Perrins

October 22, 2010

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