Phone call by Hamilton Police Services

On September 11, 2010 I was sitting at home when i received a phone call from an pc Sirello (sp) badge # 886 or something like that don't have it written down in front of me right now but the call was interesting to say the least.
As soon as i realized I was speaking with an officer from Hamilton police Services I immediately turned on my tape recorder and asked the officer to identify himself for the recording which he wouldn't what can I say about that ,kind of ahh pretty sure against the law but wait it gets better how about the reason for his call was to inform me that some individuals didn't like what i was writing about! ,, too bad if I am posting lies then by all means charge me with liable and slander I welcome the chance to prove my case in court!
Shortly after informing said officer that I was recording the conversation he ended it ,, hmm kinda seems like Hamilton Police Services has forgotten their oath to uphold the Constitution of Canada which includes the Charter of Rights and Freedoms specifically section 2 you know the part about freedom of speech freedom of assembly freedom of the press.
So why is it that Hamilton Police Services would want to violate their oaths as well as attempt to intimidate me into changing this blog?
Up for total speculation there folks after all an honest person or service has nothing to hide and I wouldn't be posting things here but what would a dishonest service do?

Further things on October 8, 2010 I was to appear before the courts for ongoing matters and was going to invoke my rights under section 136.2 of the Courts of Justice Act. My appearance was to be in court room 306 @ 10am but surprise surprise I was stopped at the metal detectors ,, ugh nice how the personnel who swear an oath to uphold the law break it by denying me access to the courts. so anyways I am forced to wait from about 9:30 am till about 3:40 pm close to 4 pm the reason was because I had a tape recorder which is permissible in the courthouse but for me it was a major issue.
So anyways I wait patiently all day long well past the 10 am time I was to be in the courtroom at all the time people are permitted to go into court rooms with their cell phones which not only can make excellent audio recordings but can do video as well,,, so what does that say about Hamilton police Services as far as how far they will go to stop a person from having their rights adhered to in Hamilton? you figure it out

Dan Perrins

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