Facts and Figures.

The United Nations (Commission on the Status of Women, 1993) defines violence against women as:
"…any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty whether occurring in public or private life."

Fact we all know spousal abuse / domestic violence occurs.
Fact we all know records are gathered by various government agencies that document this spousal/ domestic violence abuse.
Fact we all know that both sexes have the ability to do right or wrong.
Fact The Constitution Act of 1982 Charter of Rights and Freedoms stipulates that all citizens are treated equally in matters of law (section 15.1)
Fact there is a substantial amount of irrefutable evidence that some legal professionals (police etc.) employed by the government in Ontario are fraudulently reporting the data submitted to statistics Canada.
Fact Women’s shelters use these statistics to justify the need for funding increases.
Fact Police use these statistics to justify the need for increased funding.
Fact the Crown attorney’s office uses these statistics as well.

Fact these budget increases come out of your tax dollars.

If what I have been posting here is not the truth than why is this phenomenon being reported about by other members of the public and news media groups?

If what I have been documenting and putting on this webpage are not the truth than why has no government group put forth an order of cease and desist to stop what I have been saying?
Why has a Prominent B.C. University professor Don Dutton had this to say about how the data on domestic violence / spousal abuse:

Thanks to Barbara Kay for being the only honest columnist in Canada on the issue of domestic violence. The data manipulation, lying and deceit generated by the DV (domestic violence)-industry is hard to imagine unless one knows the real data on domestic violence. Dv-industry hacks regularly cite inflationary statistics based on men's unwillingness to report dv to police.

Men report only 1/10 as often as women for equally severe victimization. The reported data are then seized upon as evidence of women being the disproportionate victims of dv. Shelter advocates and police chiefs (notably Murray Faulkner in London, Ontario) cite the reported statistics as though they represented reality without considering the differential reporting rates.

Real data indicates gender similarity in perpetration of dv and indicate that men to, are injured and distressed victims. That only 1% of women in a Cornwall, Ontario Hospital Emergency were there because of dv is telling. A similar study in Pennsylvania found 12% of all men in Emergency were there because of dv and Lisa Serbin's Concordia (Montreal) study of lifespan aggression found aggressive girls in kindergarten were more likely to grow up to abuse both their male partners and their children, resulting in more child visits to Emergency .

These "reality checks" and numerous others are routinely buried by the DV industry and its advocates, including out national and provincial governments.

There has yet to be single study in Canada focusing on dv abuse of men. This shameful gap is entirely generated by gender-political distortions not by research evidence.

Dr Don Dutton
Department of Psychology
University of British Columbia

Fact My ex Ms Workman committed crimes against me they were reported to police and the response I was given by a desk sergeant on or about February 3 2009 was to “suck it up.”

Fact an irrefutable amount of evidence was brought before the Sopinka Court house on August 18, 2009 included were 3 eye witnesses testimony giving a clear time line of when and what condition my government mail was received in from Ms Workman.

Fact an email from Ms Workman was also entered into evidence in which she admits to having the government mail in it she makes the statement she did not have to deliver my mail true but holding it hostage for over 60 days is called delay of mail and the crime can be found in Bill C-10 the Canada Post Corporation Act

Fact this happens on two different occasions.

Fact the mail dealt with a matter that was to be heard before The Ontario Human rights Commission.

Fact this could be considered as obstruction of Justice by Ms Workman, she did intentionally and with malice wait until the correspondence had passed its deadline for me to respond before finally forwarding this government mail.

Fact the events that have lead me to documenting all of these events have had incredible effects on my fiancé and me.

Fact Around Jan. 21 2010 My fiancé in her disbelief at the justice system assaulted me during an argument.

Fact my fiancé called the police.

Fact the police arrived and took her away.

Fact the police took her away to an abused women’s shelter.

Fact the police logged this in a report

Fact the women’s shelter logged this in their report.

Fact these reports go to statistics Canada.

Fact this is fraud

The facts speak for themselves folks increased taxation due to fraudulent reporting of police services as well as shelter services.

Predictions and speculation

Given that I have been putting some very damning evidence out on the internet here for all to read some interesting coincidences have happened. They are this:

On Friday after putting the “Close enough will do…” post up on my blog there were a couple of things that were mentioned to my fiancé by two different individuals.
These occurrences are what some would call suspect. What happened is while my fiancé was on her way back from downtown she was engaged in a conversation by a person from the legal community who said to her that
“I needed to watch what I was writing on my blog as it would upset the police”
To which my fiancé replied “oh well he’s only writing the truth”
The stranger’s second statement re-iterated what he had just said.

The second incidence was when my fiancé was almost home and an individual walked up to her and asked her if she could sell him some drugs, she replied no. and then the stranger said “Dan’s your old man and he sells weed I know he does” Her reply was no he doesn’t. The stranger said I know he does and that he had bought from me before.” Reply from fiancé No he doesn’t and no he hasn’t” My fiancé then asked him if he was a cop and the stranger then walked away.



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