This web page is about EQUALITY nothing more nothing less. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms gives us all equality. The Charter makes it very clear that there is to be no discrimination based on several characteristics including but not limited to race, religion and sex.

The starting point of this was a simple statement by a desk sergeant at Hamilton Police Services. That statement was “Suck it up!” Suck up gender bias, suck up discrimination suck up the lack of equality. Sorry, but I will not turn a blind eye to discrimination. I will not suck it up I will not keep quiet.

It has been said that this is all about my ex, however it is not. Although my ex did play a small role in this she is not the reason why I am keeping up this web based protest. If this was about my ex I could have settled that some time ago by taking her to small claims court but I did not. The reason? I could care less about her - I do care about equality.

It is about section 15(1) of the Charter of Rights and freedoms which reads as follows:

Equality before and under law and equal protection and benefit of law

15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.

My reason is that men are not being treated equally. These acts of discrimination have been ongoing for quite some time now and I say it stops now. Women need to be treated equally - if they commit crimes they need to be held accountable. Women deserve Equality but let us not forget that true equality includes being held accountable for your actions. Ladies I am not a misogynist nor am a woman hater. I am an Equality champion. I am protesting for your equality.

I have been an equality activist for many years since I became a shop steward around 20 years ago. I believe it is something we all deserve. Equality is what our country is based on. Equality is what our police, our crown attorneys and our judiciary system swear an oath to uphold in the Constitution of Canada. Equality is a right and no one should be denied it nor should any person any company or government organization be able to take equality away from us. Unfortunately it is not being given to us, not to women and not to men.
I am here to ensure that equality is observed and adhered to if not then be prepared to be named on this page.
Be prepared to be named as a criminal who obstructs justice, a criminal who promotes discrimination.
Be prepared to be named as you should be an enemy to the Constitution of Canada.
Be prepared to be named for your fraud.


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