few interesting events of the day well lets see a bunch of students were there and they heard me and asked some questions etc so i explained what I was out there for Our Charter for when it is ignored for one it is ignored for all. As I am speaking to the students one of their teachers made what I can only guess was a gesture insinuating I was crazy well after spending about 15 minutes outside with them they understood why and the funny thing was thatsome were actually chearing "Go Dan" as they were leaving and I would like to say one thing to a certain young person and that is this when you asked if I had actually not eaten anything solid nor truly nurishing for 11 days why don't I just "cheat" well if I act dishonest the same as they did then it makes me no better than them I keep my word. To that teacher come on your there teaching them students about the law the courts, etc etc. and here I was trying to engage their minds in what they should know about it a little thing called our right to free speech and association hello Constitution Act of 1982 ,, try checking back at Highland SS and ask about the video they made of me giving a speech about why students should graduate.
What else well in response to Chief Mullan's statement about what he said on CHCH TV tonite at 6 pm hmm what did he say "you do the crime you do the time" or something to that affect heres the email quite laffable actually when you consider what was actually done about 2 indictable offense committed by one citizen against another.

Fwd: FW: Discrimination and Police Services‏
From: Brian J. Mullan (BMullan@hamiltonpolice.on.ca)
Sent: July 22, 2009 8:01:28 AM
To: dan_perrins_@hotmail.com

Mr. Perrins

I have received a copy of the email you sent to the individuals outlined below and following a review of the information we have to date a member of HPS will be in contact with you.

Brian Mullan
Chief of Police
He was in contact with me through an officer Daly

Information Request from Hamilton Police Service Website‏
From: David Doel (DDoel@hamiltonpolice.on.ca)
You may not know this sender.Mark as safe|Mark as junk
Sent: July 27, 2009 10:09:32 AM
To: dan_perrins_@hotmail.com
Cc: Nadia Urciuoli (NUrciuoli@hamiltonpolice.on.ca)

Mr Perrins:

I am in receipt of your e-mail sent to XXXXX, XXXXXX, XXXXXX,( x = innocent people removed) etc. on July 21st, 2009. I have reviewed the information provided in your email and checked our records with respect to the incidents described.

Although I understand your concerns with respect to the loss of correspondence relating to your Ontario Human Rights Commission investigation it appears the officers who you dealt with handled the matter correctly.

If you are not satisfied with the service you were provided by the Hamilton Police Service you can make a complaint at any police station or with our Professional Standards Branch who can be contacted at 905-546-4776.

If you require additional information, I will be pleased to assist as required.


David Doel B.A.,MSc.
Quality Assurance
Phone 905-540-6240
email: ddoel@hamiltonpolice.on.ca

Lets see same evidence entered at the laying of an information on Aug 18 yup you do the crime send email admiting it and we'll do what? nope not a policy flaw there. Oh and the police investigating the police oh puhhhhleeze vested interest conflict of interests or how bout this common sense man just plain old not interested. Yup CHCH tv is really shinning the light in the dark corners on that one.
Alright I'm not saying they are all crooked after all we need them for the truly evil ,, how about Paul and Karla truly evil people. I hope the parents and family of Tori Stafford are served better by the Attorney General than that Karla crap ,, 12 years for killing three innocent people one of them her sister and video tape evidence of her violating her plea agreement I am truly disgusted.
Well day 12 tomorrow new slogan and please I'm not saying all city councilors are bad but they too also trust the agents of the Attorney General to do their job properly nor am I saying all crown attorneys are either what I am saying is on this webpage there is documented and hard evidence that some of them are and it is time they were removed.

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