To Unite All People On a World Scale - Peace Environment Health Empowerment
January 11, 2025 at 11am to October 11, 2025 at 11am – Global - Right where you are! Water Ceremony for Peace is a global prayer of love and gratitude to WATER For PEACE. Harnessing the power of RESONANCE for Peace.. The power of the prayer is only as strong as the number of people w… Organized by Emoto Peace Project | Type: global, wave, of, love, gratitude, for, world, peace
May 6, 2012 from 3:30pm to 4:30pm – The First Unitarian Church OCCUPY PEACE! In keeping with the spirit of Mother's Day which was created as a day of peace, on Sunday, May 6, (the week before Mother's Day) at The First Unitarian Church (170 Dundurn St. South,… Organized by Sponsored by the Social Justice and World Outreach Committee of Hamilton Presbytery of the United Church of Canada | Type: peace, vigil
May 23, 2012 to August 20, 2012 – Global 90 Days-to Establish a Habit! I challenge Everyone <3 Peace Be With You Always <3 Add your tips, ideas, things you do to make a difference <3 <3 Join our Global Famil… Organized by | Type: global, peace, wave
July 6, 2012 to September 21, 2012 – NORTHERN UGANDA 2012 GLOBAL PEACE GAMES VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES:Warm Greetings from Africa Youth Ministries. I am writing this mail inviting for your partnership in our 2012 Global PEACE GAMES. The 2012 Global Peac… Organized by AFRICA YOUTH MINISTRIES | Type: peace, games
July 6, 2013 from 6pm to 9pm – Stewart Memorial Church, The Hamilton Friendship Association with Cuba Proudly Presents: Celebrating the 60th Anniversary of the Moncada Barracks Attacks Onward and Upward Fundraiser for Annual Pastors for Peace Cuba Car… Organized by The Hamilton Friendship Association with Cuba Proudly Presents: | Type: fundraiser, for, annual, pastors, peace, cuba, caravan
October 5, 2013 from 10am to 4pm – Hamilton City Hall 6 21 Annual Gandhi Peace Festival will be held on October 5, 2013 at Hamilton City Hall. Its purpose is to promote non-violence, peace and justice; for various human rights groups in the co… Organized by Gandhi Peace Fesival | Type: peace, walk
April 6, 2014 all day – Barlonyo 2014 INTL DAY OF SPORT FOR PEACE & DEVT As we mark the first International Day of Sports for Peace & Dev’t, We would like to share with you our success story in Sport For Peace & Developm… Organized by Albert KUNIHIRA | Type: intl, day, of, sport, for, peace, &, dev't, 6th, april
July 3, 2014 from 6:30pm to 9pm – Afro-Canadian Caribbean Association (A.C.C.A) T he Hamilton Friendship Association with Cuba and Hamilton FMLN proudly presents: PASSAGES TO PEACE A fundraiser celebrating the 25th Pastors for Peace Friendshipment Caravan to Cuba Thursday,… Organized by The Hamilton Friendship Association with Cuba and Hamilton FMLN proudly presents: | Type: a, fundraiser, for, the, annual, pastors, peace, cuba, caravan.
July 20, 2014 from 11am to 1pm – Tragina and Barton "World peace through self realization"If you stand for peace join us for our annual celebration on Sunday July 20, 2014 from 11:00am to 1:00pm.Lunch will be servedFree parking1441 Barton at e, hamilt… Organized by Divine Light Awakening Contact Bhayva | Type: celebration, for, peace
August 8, 2014 from 12pm to 1pm – Global Thank you Thank you Thank you God <3 Thank you for this wonderful Gift of Life, For the Beauty that surrounds us, For All of Nature, Animals, Bugs, Insects, Bees, Flowers, Trees, Plants, Earth, Wi… Organized by Deepak Chopra | Type: global, peace, meditation
September 1, 2015 to September 21, 2015 – Adjumani Refugee Camp (Uganda) Greetings from The 2015 Global Peace Games Team. I am inviting you to join our quest for Global Peace with a Focus on South Sudan refugee Children in Northern Uganda refugee camps. On 21st September,… Organized by Albert KUNIHIRA | Type: 2015, global, peace, games
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