Dr Emoto Water Ceremony for Peace on Earth

Event Details

Dr Emoto Water Ceremony for Peace on Earth

Time: October 11, 2024 at 11am to July 11, 2025 at 11am
Location: Global - Right where you are!
Street: Everywhere
City/Town: Global
Website or Map: http://createsend.com/t/j-DF2…
Event Type: global, wave, of, love, gratitude, for, world, peace
Organized By: Emoto Peace Project
Latest Activity: Sep 29

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Event Description

Water Ceremony for Peace is a global prayer of love and gratitude to WATER For PEACE. Harnessing the power of RESONANCE for Peace.. The power of the prayer is only as strong as the number of people who participate and the pureness of their intention.

"Water is the mirror that has the ability to show us what we cannot see. It is a blueprint for our reality, which can change with a single positive thought. All it takes is faith, if you're open to it." ~ Masaru Emoto


DATE: 11th of Every Month
TIME: 11AM Your Local Time Zone - For 11 MInutes
LOCATION: Please join in prayer right from where you are ~ This creates a global prayer wave of love and gratitude around Mother Earth. Please connect to your sincere heart for 11 minutes say these the Water Ceremony Prayers 3 times to yourself or aloud.

"Uchu no mugen no chikara ga kori kotte, makoto no daiwa no miyo ga nari natta" Meaning in English: “The Eternal Power of the Universe has gathered itself to create a world with true and grand harmony"

"Water, I am sorry, Water, Please forgive me, Water, Thank you
Water, I Love You" Meaning: The Ho'opono pono Prayer is a powerful Hawaiian healing prayer for reconciliation.

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Comment by FixOurWorld on November 15, 2018 at 11:35am

Please Share Emoto Childrens Book with every child

Comment by FixOurWorld on February 13, 2018 at 7:02pm

We invite you and your family to join monthly Water Ceremony of Love & Gratitude, a gathering of the heart, with true intention to heal our Waters for Peace on Earth. We are water and water is Life! Water is what connects all life. When we set our hearts intentions to love and gratitude to heal water, we heal ourselves and we heal all water life on Mother Earth.

Everyone Is Welcome to Join Our Monthly Water Ceremomy in person or in heart right from where you are. Please join this event, share with friends and check back each month for Monthly Ceremony Locations, Special Updates & Honorary Guests!
--> www.facebook.com/WaterPeaceProject/events

LOCAL WATER CEREMONY & BEACH CLEAN UP - JUPITER FLORIDA LOCATION~ Please Join in Person the 2nd Saturday of Every Month. With the exception for 2/11/18 and 3/11/18 will be held on Sunday. CLICK TO JOIN --> https://www.facebook.com/events/538436916507742/

~ Show resonance & support with Global Waves of Love & Gratitude www.MYHADO.com

~ This monthly Water Ceremony began after the earthquate hit Japan on March 11, 2011. In 3 days over 44,000 joined our event so we created a facebook group where we now have almost 7000 members participating. Click To Join --> www.facebook.com/groups/watermessenger

~ When we gather as a community and unite hearts in Love & Gratitude, it's the power of our resoance that will forever shift consciousness towards a greater awareness of WATER and the power each of us holds for Peace on Earth. Peace begins within.

~ We would like to share our deep Gratitude to Iron Eagle Joe, Richard Wyzanski and Lindsay Kemp for facillatiting Water Education & Monthly Water Ceremony for the South Florida Communiy. It has been through their resonance and support that Water Peace Project is able to continue spreading Love & Gratitude to this wonderful South Florida community!

Waterpeaceproject.org's mission is to inspire and educate all people, especially children, the importance of WATER for Peace. To find out how WPP fulfills this mission and for a free digital copy of Dr. Masaru Emoto's "Message from Water, Children's Version" children's book, please visit www.WaterPeaceProject.org

We thank you for your resonance in Love & Gratitude.
Many Blessings, A'ho !
Kid Friendly

Comment by FixOurWorld on December 9, 2017 at 6:49pm

Comment by FixOurWorld on March 10, 2017 at 6:57pm

Remembering the Earthquake that devastated Japan 6 YEARS AGO on March 11, 2011 and honoring the Late Masaru Emoto's message to the concerned people in the world. Dr. Emoto wrote this message before he passed in 2014 asking for the world's collective prayers on March 11th for peace on earth.

March 11th marks the Great East Japan Earthquake that devastated Japan. Measuring at a magnitude 9, the earthquake created a huge tsunami to follow, that hit the Tohoku area of Japan.

Literally destroying everything in its path, including victimizing 18,574 people. Sadly there are 2,694 people who are missing as a result of the tsunami’s powerful surge, taking them back out to sea.

In addition, the earthquake created meltdowns at the Fukushima Nuclear reactors that resulted in radioactive substances leaking into the ocean waters of Japan, contaminating the Pacific Ocean. WATER CEREMONY 
DATE: Saturday March 11th at 11am
Where: Right Where you are
In honoring of Great Spirit and all our relations we will offer the Ho'oponopono Prayer:

"Water, I Am Sorry
Water, Please Forgive Me
Water, Thank You
Water, I Love You."

Comment by FixOurWorld on March 10, 2017 at 6:56pm

We are very fortunate to have Iron Eagle Joe leading our Monthly Water Ceremony this Saturday, March 11th at 11 am at Coral Cove Beach in Tequesta Florida. Iron Eagle Joe will share wisdom from the heart and his dedication towards educating all people the importance of WATER.

We invite you and your family to join, in person or right from where you are, for a monthly Water Ceremony of Love & Gratitude, a gathering of the heart, with true intention to heal our Water for Peace on Earth. We are water and water is Life! Water is what connects all life. When we set our hearts intentions to love and gratitude to heal water, we heal ourselves and we heal all water life on Mother Earth.

In honoring of Great Spirit and all our relations we will offer the Ho'oponopono Prayer:

"Water, I Am Sorry
Water, Please Forgive Me
Water, Thank You
Water, I Love You."

When we gather as a community and unite hearts in Love & Gratitude, it's the power of our resonance that will forever shift consciousness towards a greater awareness of WATER and the power each of us holds for Peace on Earth. Peace begins within.

When we brought Dr. Emoto & Iron Eagle together in 2014 to hold Water Ceremony here in South Florida, they shared an instant brotherly connection of the heart and a great respect for WATER. Dr. Emoto held a private meeting, where with great honor, he invited Iron Eagle to Japan to participate in the very sacred Water Ceremony held every 5 years at the Heitate Shrine for World Peace. Even though Dr. Emoto sadly passed away suddenly, only two months later, Iron Eagle Joe honored Dr. Emoto's request to travel to Japan to participate in blessing our water for world peace.

Iron Eagle Joe is a consistent blessing and an incredible resource in the community of South Florida for helping families and facilitating healing for the people in need. With humbleness and great integrity, Iron Eagle leads by example, teaching others the importance of intention solely from the heart. When our intention into every moment comes from love and gratitude, we are open to the power of the resonance of Love and Gratitude making healing for all life (water) possible.

We would like to share our deep Gratitude to Iron Eagle Joe, Richard Wyzanski and Water Peace Project Director, Lindsay Kemp for facillatiting Water Education & Monthly Water Ceremony for the South Florida Communiy. It has been through their resonance and support that Water Peace Project is able to continue spreading Love & Gratitude to this wonderful South Florida community!

Waterpeaceproject.org's mission is to inspire and educate all people, especially children, the importance of WATER for Peace. To find out how WPP fulfills this mission and for a free digital copy of Dr. Masaru Emoto's "Message from Water, Children's Version" children's book, please visitwww.WaterPeaceProject.org

Comment by FixOurWorld on November 10, 2016 at 5:57pm

  Mni Wiconi  ~  Water Is Life ~
11-11 Water Ceremony of Love & Gratitude to
 Protect Sacred Water - Protect Sacred Land 
Protect Our Sacred Water Protectors  
​Protect All Native Americans at Standing Rock

Please Join in prayer on November 11th at Noon Central Standard Time. 
We kindly ask you to join us as we send our sincere LOVE & GRATITUDE to protect our Sacred Water & Land,  our Sacred Water Protectors and all Native Americans at Standing Rock by offering our Love & Gratitude.

Dr. Masaru Emoto spent his life educating about water's true nature and the effect all vibration have on water. His incredible Water Crystal Photography demonstrates how our thoughts, words, emotions and our prayers are in fact vibrations that actually change the structure of water. Why should we care?
Because #WeAreWater and Water is Life ~ Mni Wiconi. 
We Are Water People living on a Water Planet. 

Water showed Dr. Emoto that the powerful vibrations of sincere Love & Gratitude create a strong resonance that will purify or re-structure water into balance and harmony. The resonance of the pure vibrations or love & gratitude has a similar effect on water as electrolysis devices have in purifying water with the usage of very high frequency vibrations. 
Please Join in Prayer on 11/11 At Noon CST
 Together we will focus our intention on sending pure Love & Gratitude to our Sacred Water & Land, to our Sacred Water Protectors at Standing Rock. 
Please connect to your sincere heart
and say these two prayers 3 times to yourself or alloud. 

To Water.. To Mother Earth & To Native Americans
and To All Human Beings.. 
"Uchu no mugen no chikara  ga kori kotte,
Makoto no daiwa no miyo ga nari natta"

Meaning in English:
 “The Eternal Power of the Universe has gathered itself
to create a world with true and grand harmony"
" I Am Sorry, 
Please Forgive Me, 
Thank You
I Love You"

The Ho'opono pono prayer is a powerful
Hawaiian healing prayer for reconciliation.

Comment by FixOurWorld on October 11, 2015 at 12:09pm

 Join us Globally at noon from where you stand <3 Please say the prayer- Water.. I am sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you and I Love You <3 repeat 3 times <3

Comment by FixOurWorld on June 11, 2015 at 11:29am

Water we are sorry,
Water please forgive us,
Water we thank you,
Water we love you.

Comment by FixOurWorld on June 11, 2015 at 11:27am


"My sincere request to the concerned people in the world

March 11th, 2013 will mark 2 years after the Great East Japan Earthquake devastated Japan. Measuring at a magnitude 9, the earthquake created a huge tsunami to follow, that hit the Tohoku area of Japan at 2:46 pm that day.

Literally destroying everything in its path, including victimizing 18,574 people. Sadly there are still 2,694 people who are missing as a result of the tsunami’s powerful surge, taking them back out to sea.

In addition, the earthquake created meltdowns at the Fukushima Nuclear reactors that resulted in a lot radioactive substances leaking into the ocean waters of Japan, contaminating the Pacific Ocean.

In 1997, I was with a Buddhist monk, Rev. Kato who cleansed dirty dam water with his prayers at the Fujiwara dam lake in Gunma Prefecture of Japan. I would like to share this important story with you.

Attached Photos:
Photo 1 Me with Rev. Kato
Photo 2 Water Crystal Photo - before the prayer
Photo 3 Water Crystal Photo - after the prayer

As you can see by the photographs, the water showed a totally different water crystal shapes before and after the prayers. The one after the prayer, to me looked like a design which resembled the Dainichi Budda coming down to the water and cleanse it. Surprisingly, a few days after the prayers, a dead body of a young female surfaced in the lake and the next day, the homicide was resolved when the police were able to make the arrest with locating the body.

My interpretation of the 2 photos is that they were certainly a good indicator about the condition of the lake at that time. The water crystal before the prayer shows design that looks like a figure of suffering female face. On the other hand, the water crystal after the prayer turned out to be divine in showing lights around the water crystal.

Another example of how our prayers effect water, In the early morning of July 25th in 1999, 340 people were gathered for a water ceremony at Lake Biwa the biggest lake of Japan. At that time, Lake Biwa was so polluted that horrid odors were emitting from the lake. A few days after we went there to offer prayers, the local newspaper reported that suddenly there was no longer bad odors emitting from Lake Biwa.

So from these experiences, I learned that if our prayers and intentions are pure, with using water as medium, multi-dimensional power can take place.

Comment by FixOurWorld on June 11, 2015 at 11:27am

 I would like to help those missing 2,694 people who are still missing after 2 years past from the disaster. I would like to protect and heal the oceans from contamination of radioactive substances. I am sure that you feel the same way. In order to do so, we need numerous numbers of people at the same time to join together to send pure prayers to souls of the victims.

I speak of this well known Einstein theory at my seminars:

E = MC2 Mass–energy equivalence by Albert Einstein

I believe the true meaning and power of this equation is


The amount of energy or power of the prayer is determined by amount of people who collective connect their pure hearts at the same time.

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