Well recieved a decsion from the Justice of the Peace Review Council and guess what???
Apparently ignoring the Canada Constitution Act of 1982 is well within the right of a Justice of the Peace, and also ignoring the Crown Attorney's act where it says that a Crown Attorney is to advise a Justice of the Peace on the law is as well not considered to be an act of negligence, incompetance or anything else so what does that say about the court system here in Hamilton? also The Ontario Ombudsman found that the OHRC had "erred in its advice for me to file under section 53.3 of the Ontario Human Rights Act of 2006 wow and these are the Government entities that we trust to take care of us, our children and as well our children's children all the people we care about well just remember these facts when it comes time to vote folks I know I surely won't and will be letting you good people who make it out to vote about what has gone on. Lets see what is before you right now as far as evidence Mayor Fred ahh nope he did nothing ,,, Premier Dalton ahh he did nothing yep future sure looks bright here in Ontario with these people running it on our behalf ,,, who else has sat idly by and let our blessed constitiution be trampled on ??? was it me nope was it you no Let us put the blame where it truly belongs,,, with those whom we elected and I have a long list of elected officials whom I filed complaints with and will be posting those letters here soon. Right now I need to sit back and take some time to put things down properly.
Will also be putting on this website my complaint to the police services board as well to the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal against the Minister Chris Bently and as the three government entities who report to him that would be the Police The Crown Attorney and The Judiciary for discrimination on the baisis of sex. Multiple crimes committed against a male by a woman and they did nothing. Gotta say hats off guys you have done a stellar job at proving my case of discrimination.
I am not afraid of what is about to hit the fan boys and girls but it sure seems that they are lets see allegations have already started that I am delusional and have serious mental issues typical smear campign but hey all one truly needs to do is look at the documented facts on this web page.
Guess here in Hamilton it is Justice for the some and not for all and miscarriages of justice if you are a Man comaplining about a Woman.

Well am keeping up the good fight and my resolve is absolute to seeing this through to the end
Would also like to send a special hi out to Officer Smythe badge # 902 or 904 thank you for threatening me with my life not once but twice, Officers Yeull and Svec as well as Watson are you ready to loose your pensions there boys and girls oh and a very special hi out to "Peaches" and "Buttercup" the nic-names I gave 2 of Hamilton's finest for there part in denying me my Migraine medication that was perscribed to me by the Doctors at Hamilton General Hospitol.
Naughty naughty gonna be some repercussions for your actions course I won't post all your actions here just a few. Oh and hi To Kowalchuck who agreed that the treatment I was recieving was cruel and unusual treatment for you see I had myself arressted on purpose as I could not afford a lawyer to properly sue this matter out but as the saying goes there is always more than one way to skin a dishonest bunch of individuals.
These would be the persons involved in an incident which took place on Feb 21, 2010. Have some nice sleepless nites there. There was a very good reason why the Doctor asked for your badge numbers and oh yeah nice work of fiction in your reports you deserve a Pulitzer prize for that

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