To Unite All People On a World Scale - Peace Environment Health Empowerment
1st Annual Fix Our World Festival Benefit Concert
Gage Park Sept 27, 2008 Noon to 10pm
Our event is bringing approximately 20 McMaster clubs Engineers Without Borders, Save The Children, War Child, Hamilton area School Social Justice Clubs, G-Star, St. Thomas Moore, St. John DeBrebeuf, Dennis Howlett- Make Poverty History, Mission Services,Medic Services, The Hamilton AIDS Network, SISO, Environment Hamilton, Green Venture, HCCI, Absolute Leadership and Development, Wesley Urban Ministries, McQueston Community Center, Jamesville Community Center, ACCA, Aat-School, Crown Point, Sacha,The Hamilton Cycling Committee, Medic Services, The Right Foot Forward, community groups, clubs, organizations, student/youth groups, others TBA, for The Environment, Peace, Poverty, and HIV/AIDS/Global Health. Music talents include Rebel Yell featuring Paris Black Worlds #1 Billy Idol Tribute Performer, McMaster'- Emerson Street.Rhythm Band (performed for Parliament, Christopher Charles & Clint Alves, Jamila B., and more.
Our event is being Sponsored by Bullfrog Power who will be wiping out our carbon footprint. Medic Services is providing the On Site Medical Services. Bates Audio Production is sponsoring the Bandshell,
SISO, Charlie West, Gown & Gavel, The Bite Bar, Sure Print & Copy Centre are sponsors
A special Fusion Symposium involving three levels :Mentors, entrepreneurs, and designed to show youth that there are people who have come from humble beginnings and followed their passion and dreams and became successful. Workshops,
Youth Forum: for youth who have travelled to share their experiences allowing time for questions.
Film tent showing films brought by WHEN (the Womens' Healthy Environment Network) and a Wellness tent with practitioners from REIKI, Shiatsu and massage healing communities..
Donations will be collected at each participating group area, as well as at the entrances to the park and volunteers with donation collection boxes will be in the park during the event.
All are donating their time and talents to money to go to 4 local and 4 global organizations Mission Services, Robert Land Community Centre, The Hamilton AIDS Network, Environment Hamilton, Make Poverty History, The Stephen Lewis Foundation, War Child, The David Suzuki Foundation. We are starting in our own backyards to gain supporters for those who are making a difference, and reaching out to our global family,supporting the efforts of those who are doing incredible work to help change our world for the betterment of all living things.
Food Vendors- Afro Canadian Caribbean Association, Medina Fine Foods, Pizza Pizza, Charlie West
We are creating a Global Family on asking all to give tips and , ideas in the areas of Peace, Poverty, HIV/AIDS, and Environment to share with the world and help inspire others to do similar things.
We are educating, motivating and mobilizing our community especially youth, giving them tools to become a part of the solution to clean up our own backyards and reaching out to our global family in an effort to fix and restore our planet. We are honouring those in our community who are making a difference and gaining support for their efforts.
Make Poverty History Sign up Station on site- We are asking our leaders to keep their millennium development goal promises. All who are participating will have a carnival feel to their displays giving our citizens tools to go home with knowing they are helping and now a part of the solution to Fix Our World. eg Encouraging people to ride their bikes to Gage Park-The Hamilton Cycling Committee are having an area where people can bring their bikes; they will teach them how to load them onto the City buses, and also do some repairs, teaching how to repair your bicycle on the spot.
We will have a water station where people can bring their own containers to refill. We are asking people to bring their own dishes, containers to keep down on waste.
Our event will be Bullfrog Powered wiping out our carbon footprint! We want to keep our event as green as possible with no trace left behind that we were present.
Others are being asked to mirror our event around the world. We are gaining support by 2010 to at least have our event linked across Canada as the G8 Summit will be in Canada. Our event is working on locally cleaning up our own backyards as well as globally reaching out to our family.
Fix Our World is a non-partisan, non-denominational event focused on educating our public especially youth. All are welcome to join our website Each individual is showing what they are doing to make a difference, adding tips, ideas, information to share with others to help and inspire them to do similar things.
The Official Lineup:
10:30 am – Poverty Walk Starts (@MacNab & Main St. All are welcome) to Gage Park
12:00 – Opening Ceremonies
12:10 - Poverty Speakers Joe Rhodes & Thanh Campbell Unfortunately Dennis Howlett (Make Poverty History) was detained due to program issues and was unable to attend. Muriel Clemens spoke on behalf of Green Venture for their Environment programs, Kerri on behalf of WHEN for the Film Tent Exposure & Toxic Tresspass. Marnie for the Health & Wellness Tent.
1:00 – Emerson Street Rhythm Band
2:00 – Die Standing
2:40 – HIV/AIDS/Global Health Speaker Vaden Earle (Absolute Leadership – Author of National Best Seller-The Face Behind The Numbers
3:00 - Slow Motion Noise
3:30 – Peace/Conflict – James Poetry Reading & Jason Elrich War Child
3:50 – Make Poverty History Job Interview. An All Candidates Meeting with a twist. Each Party or Candidate has been invited to participate in this Job Interview. They will all be asked the same questions, and given the same time to answer. Our City can then decide on election day who is the best Candidate or Party for the Job!
Carla Cerqueira
Russ Wilson
Pro Logic
Jamila B.
Chris Briscoe
Christopher Charles & Clint Alves
Rebel Yell; Tribute to Billy Idol featuring Paris Black
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