Dear Fellow Campaigners,

You made history when you and your group joined over 116.9 million people to Stand Up and Take Action (www.standagainstpoverty.org) from October 17-19 2008 calling on your elected leaders to achieve and exceed the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by 2015 and put an end to poverty and inequality. In order to make the mobilisation even better next year, we want to know what you think about Stand Up. Take a moment to complete our online survey before 16th of December 2008.


On 10th December 2008 we mark the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. On this day, MDG campaigners and human rights advocates will join hands towards our common goals of ensuring human rights, human dignity and a world free of poverty and injustice. We urge you to go to your leaders now with the strength of the massive numbers of people who stood up for the MDGs behind you, to remind them of their commitments to their citizens and that for the majority of the world's population, meeting the MDGs is a human rights issue. Then make your own pledge to live by the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights at http://www.everyhumanhasrights.org.

Ask your friends, colleagues, fellow students, community members or members of your organization to do the same.

This is a one time email, but we would like to have the opportunity to send you more actions in support of the Millennium Development Goals and information in the lead up to Stand Up 2009 next October. If you do not want to receive further emails, please unsubscribe by clicking the link below.

Around 50,000 people still die from poverty every day and the current food, fuel and financial crises mean the pressure on women and mariginalised people already struggling to survive has increased dramatically. We must keep working together to ensure that the commitments made by our governments to improve the lives of the world's poorest are honoured. It is more urgent than ever that we continue to strengthen the global movement against poverty and continue to hold our leaders accountable for their promises. We look forward to your ongoing support and engagement.

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