Whitefish with a Tumor from the Athabasca watershed

Environment Canada scientists have confirmed results published by researchers from the University of Alberta showing contaminants accumulating in the snow near oilsands operations, an internal federal document has revealed. The original study, led by University of Alberta scientists Erin Kelly and David Schindler, analyzed winter snow and found that contamination levels were "highest near oilsand

s development compared to further away."said the document released by the government.


The document, which was attached to an email indicating the information was also in the hands of the office of Environment Minister Peter Kent, provided a scripted list of answers that explained researchers had tested the toxicity of the Athabasca River water in the spring of 2010 with negative results, and also that no link was established between levels of contaminants found and any effect on fish.

"If scientists are approached for interviews at the conference, the EC communications policy will be followed by referring the journalist to the media relations ... phone number. An appropriate spokesperson will then be identified depending on journalist questions."

If asked questions of this nature, the scientists were told in the script to say: "I am a scientist. I'm not in a position to answer that question but I'd be happy to refer you to an appropriate spokesperson."


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