The Rothschild Banking family controls over 150 of the worlds biggest 500 corporations, but do not show up on the Forbes 500 list because they are not incorporated, rather privately owned.

This one family hires primarily based on Family Ties, Racial Ties, and Religious/Philosophical Affiliation (Judaism and/or Zionism).

This family also proclaims to follow the Babylonian Talmud version of Judaism (which makes radical Islam look like chicken feed).

To "Fix Our World" and not address issues like "Race", "Religion", and "The Global Political Intentions" of these ruling families is like trying to "Fix A Car", yet refuse to look at the vehicle in question!

What is the purpose of running, like a chicken with ones head cut off, trying to put gas into a car if the gas tank is full of holes?

Bloggers who speak of this/these topic(s) are routinely labeled as "Hateful, Nazi, Bigoted, Racist", or any number of "trigger" words (usually by the very people who are members of the "In Group" or "Racial Family" in question), but never do these, what I like to call, "Defamers of the so called Hateful Blogger" in question, debate the issues brought to the table.

These "In-Group" members resort to other "so called events" like the "Holocaust (TM)" and cry out emotional appeals based on "eye witness accounts" of relatives who were "persecuted" during the "Holocaust (TM)", yet can not name a single shred of documentary or biological forensic evidence to substantiate the occurrence of the "greatest lie of the the last and present century"! ]

6 million so called systematically massacred Jews, yet not a single shred of "FORENSIC" evidence to substantiate their claims!

Nevertheless, the Rothschild clan and the vast majority of Jews the world over use this colossal lie to extort psychological guilt, material wealth, and military armaments for Israel, and initiate wars fought primarily by Western countries to further the destructive and psychotic global power goals of Israel and its owners.

The Jews in question, who defend the actions of "their own Race, the Race most responsible for destroying this earth", refuse to debate the issue of the "Holocaust" because they claim it is a "manifestly obvious historical event" and debating it would belittle the very occurrence of the "greatest tragedy of all time".

However, 60 million White Russians and Ukrainians were killed by the Jewish-top-heavy, Russian government organized famines of the early 20th century, yet no one is prevented from debating this act of history.

Millions were killed in Darfur, Armenia, the America Civil War, Vietnam, etc., etc..., and any one of these events may be debated openly with respect to numbers, methods, blame, motives etc. and no one complains.

Yet why is the "holocaust (TM)" the only so called, "Historical Event", that one may NOT debate publicly? 

Why are topics of Jewish oligopolization of...; Western banks, Mass Meida, Corporations, and Primary Resources...; all taboo topics,- yet when a "Chinese" government corporation threatens the takeover of a single Western Resource, like Potash for example, does all hell break loose?

If this post is allowed to remain posted, I would be surprised. 

If Linda fights for my right to freedom of speech I will wager that she will witness a string of sponsorship defectors and other malignant responses to this post that will eventually result in having her account terminated.

Let the defamation begin...

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