To Unite All People On a World Scale - Peace Environment Health Empowerment
Everybody... take off our collective's blinders
There are vital things we all need to understand and reorient toward
before continuing headlong with the same old same old.
We need a stranglehold on things around here in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada and around the world.
The following is put forth for those with no naturally evolving ecological sense... throughout their being(s) while destroying every creature and environ.
This is about the psyche of, and addressed to, our-entire species…because most do-lackecological-empathy and environmental integrity…and this trait remains inherent throughout… Consequently it is difficult to see those co-existing inter-dependently-with… Earth’s whole-sum-of creatures and environs…or even with each other for that matter.
Whether any accept it or like it…Nature’s intervention already occurs and it is-not, on humanity’s behalf, or in-our-favor… Given… that all people and peoples in general, are-not,ecologically viable at virtually any universally-accommodating level… Caused…by a totality ofindividual choices, over many generations, throughout all human races. No matter what teamany are on.
What or whom, any follow, or whoever we claim, or imagine we are…and…What anyaccumulate, profess to, preach about or take pride in…Cannot-alone substitute-for… Ecological-empathy and naturally-evolving symbiosis. Having already-been rendered, that’s right…having already-been rendered!
Be advised…The body of humanity, is already fallen…
We wake up, and make amends, or our demise, as a species; is-already done…becauseremaining environmentally destructive…gains no favor…
Evolving creation only embraces being, and beings, inter-exchanging, and counterbalancing; naturally, evenly, moderately, modestly and in sync…
Yet…human civilization, overwhelmingly-assumes, even still… That we humans, and humanity,are-literally-permitted-to…burden, abuse and destroy…every depth or dimension of everyenvironment…
We are not.
Universal abusiveness is never favored.
There’s no debate.
It does not require Hawkings; to realize that our-entire’s-way…does-not weigh-favorably…nor does it require Nostradamus…To see humanity, sitting pointedly upon, evolving creations’…fragile bubble.
Our means and mechanisms of habitation, assemblage, exchange, communication, cultivation and nourishment already failed. Our mating, communal, and social habits already failed…Along with family form, effective parenting, natural nurturing, and inherent mentoring…
…Human form emerged incrementally…Evolved into this form…through countless “finite”-opportunities… To adapt and accommodate, accordingly-enough… …Based, onuniversally-conscientious-orientation. Through exponential, or whole-sum consideration, and…From mutually-beneficial-being…
An entire human body is mortally exposed because most have not cared fully enough… No matter what’s imprinted upon once-innocent souls.
An essence or awareness, within and of inter-evolving existence… Is taken advantage of by humanity…However…Those otherwise inclined, and diligently averse to existing in kind… arenever cast again…
If most within our species or humanity…do not snap out of our collective daze…and rehabilitate locally… universally… “Modern” Civilization’s days are-already done…and humanity is not far behind…because…
Within universal creation…Evolving forms…failing, to exist in kind, possess no, overriding or divine sanctity…Have no, heavenly or holy sanctuary. Forms…failing, to exist in kind maintain no totally secure place, exclusive influence or dream team to the rescue…
Forms…failing to exist in kind…have no Swiss bank accounts, welfare plan, cavalry, Calvary, tradition, loophole, technology, army, gaggle of virgins or 911 to rely or depend upon…and those most worship would agree.
Now…Pertaining to celestial, spiritual or eternal aspirations…Regarding any “one’s” personalawareness, or individual soul:
Within whatever circumstance…being, and sense of awareness are experienced… …Beings, existing inter-beneficially amongst*… Are…embraced and rekindled beyond… (*amongst the whole or universal sum of creatures and environs…Not just each other or one kind alone.)
Now take it in a notch…The same holds true for every succeeding species…Ecologically evolving…awareness of being; gains living, develops and grows through inter-advancing, mutually-inter-dependent, environmentally-compatible, inter-synchronizing progressions and stages…
No species or being is an island… No matter which hood any are in… or gig otherwise adhered, attended or addicted to…
Achieving symbiotic, or ecologically evolving, being… matriculates-naturally…Not virtually or vicariously.
Evaluation of our or any validity…is-not-possessed by humanity…Though our collection of personal actions ascertains…
Without ecological empathy and exponential conscientiousness… No entity… individual or collective, receives a free pass, automatic exception, immunity idol or religious exemption…
An essence within, throughout and of evolving creation…evaluates…every form…based on each forms underlying contribution…Toward the well being of the entire. Evolving species or sentient forms fit in…We either assume life’s demeanor, or we won’t.
There is nothing virtual about nature’s reality, or virtue-in-ours…
Humanity’s finite opportunity… to adapt-accordingly… is ending…
All teeter on abyss, accountable for our whole sums’ actions…
Each one or species embraced…mutually absorbs throughout…
None may exist at the full expense of universal well-being…
What our species had access to, is virtually squandered…
We all make up humanity and… we are all in trouble…
Not they or them, us… you, me…everybody…
We are they and they are us…
Humanity in general…might emerge from our multitude of self created, self-ingratiating and fatally-destructive stupors…But only may…if most of our form of awareness…render in kind…no matter what kind…
For humanity, to be endured, never mind endeared…most would-have-already…mutually absorbed throughout…
Most every one and kind would have stopped pointing fingers, aiming weapons or assessing blame…anywhere else.
In order, to regenerate sustainably, and…evolve; gaining means, must-synchronize-with…the overall nature of evolving existence…
Whether we accept voluntarily or not; there is no option, and…later is already too late.
But who amongst those who remain…admit…to an overall destructiveness in our individual and collective ways…?
This is for those…
Within this meaning make a chain and through its tether start again…or not.
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