Tell Harper to honour Canada’s promise on poverty



Tell Harper to honour Canada’s promise on poverty

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Dear Linda,

Monday October 17th is the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty.

More than three million people in Canada live in poverty, including more than 630,000 children – one in every ten. And that does not include the shameful situation in First Nations communities where one in four children lives in poverty. This has significant impact on the health of First Nations children and future generations.

In 2009, MPs unanimously voted to “develop an immediate plan to end poverty in Canada for all”. Now there is a new bill to make that happen.

On June 20th, NDP MP Jean Crowder introduced Bill C-233, An Act to Eliminate Poverty in Canada. This proposed legislation comes very close to what we have advocated in terms of a law that would bind the federal government to a long-term commitment on ending poverty and to accountability for results.

Canada needs Bill C-233. This Act would obligate the Government of Canada to take action to end poverty in consultation with the provinces and territories, municipalities, Aboriginal communities, non-profit and private-sector bodies and civil society organizations.

Join us on October 17th by sending the following message to Prime M...
Dear Prime Minister,

Twenty-two years ago Parliament voted to end child poverty in Canada.  Yet more than 630,000 Canadian children – about 1 in every 10, still lives in poverty. In 2009, all MPs voted to “. . . develop an immediate plan to end poverty in Canada for all.” Yet, most recent statistics indicate that almost 3.2 million people live in poverty in Canada.

As Canada heads into a period of economic uncertainty, NOW is the time for the government to take urgent steps to end poverty. Bill C-233, An Act to Eliminate Poverty in Canada deserves your support.  I urge you to exercise leadership to enact Bill C-233 and to ensure that sufficient resources – financial and human – are made available to implement the steps needed to complement family and community efforts to eradicate poverty.

Please also take a minute to add your voice to the more than 8,400 individuals and 540 organizations who have already signed-on to support Dignity for All: the Campaign for a Poverty-free Canada. A multi-partner, non-partisan campaign, Dignity for All’s vision is to make a poverty-free Canada a reality by 2020 through 3 key objectives: (i) a federal plan to eliminate poverty, (ii) an Act to ensure accountability, results and commitment to the plan, and (iii) sufficient federal investment in social security. Your support makes a difference!

Thank you,
Make Poverty History


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