Well looks like Mother Nature will prevent me from being out there in front of the Court House again. It is alright am spending my time still on my hunger strike and taking care of things on the home front.
Will be posting questions and discussions as well as adding more evidence to this and other websites.
I was on the phone yesterday to a Ms S. Anderson from the Omsbudsman's office file has been opened up and started (Hello OLG and E-Health scandal looks like the next one is here in the Hammer) also to the lawyer/councilor who was there to discuss matters about a judiciary official on Wednesday please feel free to contact me through here or through the email address that was on the emails that were sent to your agency and or law firm.
What else oh to those who have been wronged by the system I've not forgoten about you all either I will be there from the way the weather looks on Monday probably with a chair am getting light headed alot lately and dizzy spells when exerting myself to do things. On the plus side I now have that washboard stomach just to bad it is sucken in. 135 lbs is the lightest I've been since I was like 16 too bad I feel like I'm 50 the hunger strike is really draining but I am still just as committed to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and what it stands for just like it was day 1 even though it is day 13 or 14 oh well it was started Nov 28 2009 ,,, kinda funny thing was the last meal I had was with my fiance and it was our anniversary dinner. If that is the last meal I am to have then so be it for I enjoyed evrey minute and aspect of it.Will keep me full till I am either pine box material or the government steps in and examines what has been going on with those employees who answer to the Attorney General and Dalton.
They work for the Attorney General and take an oath to do their duties without favour
here is the one for the Police:
2. The oath or affirmation of office to be taken by a police officer, special constable or First Nations Constable shall be in one of the following forms:

I solemnly swear (affirm) that I will be loyal to Her Majesty the Queen and to Canada, and that I will uphold the Constitution of Canada and that I will, to the best of my ability, preserve the peace, prevent offences and discharge my other duties as (insert name of office) faithfully, impartially and according to law.
So help me God. (Omit this line in an affirmation.)
I solemnly swear (affirm) that I will be loyal to Canada, and that I will uphold the Constitution of Canada and that I will, to the best of my ability, preserve the peace, prevent offences and discharge my other duties as (insert name of office) faithfully, impartially and according to law.
So help me God. (Omit this line in an affirmation.)
O. Reg. 499/95, s. 2.

For the Justice of the Peace:
I, ................, solemnly swear (affirm) that I will faithfully and to the best of my skill and knowledge, execute the duties of a justice of the peace, and I will do so without fear or favour, affection or ill will. So help me God. (Omit last sentence in an affirmation.)

Without favour affection or ill will pretty much the exact opposite of what happened on August 18, 2009 in the laying of an Information by a private citizen.
When those who take an oath or an affirmation to uphold and do something to certain standards and they don't what are we as a society to do?????

Also to those who recognize me on the street and show your support and well wishes thanks again!!!!!
When one individual's or a section of the population's Chartered Rights are denied or abused it is done to us all. There are plenty of examples of this going through those very same Courts right now, lets hope they are not let down by a few corrupt individuals who would pervert the natural course of justice to save their careers due to their lack of Integrity.

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