Send a message to Prime Minister Stephen Harper

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Dear Prime Minister Stephen Harper

Have you ever missed a meal? Do you know what it is like to go hungry? I urge you to take a test and not eat for 3 Days. Please promise me you will give it a try. Let me know how it feels and then let me know if you think a child should go through such an experience.

I am writing to ask you to keep Canada’s promises to the international community and the world’s poorest nations.

In 2005 Canada, along with the other G8 nations, made commitments to improving the foreign aid we give, and to fighting the AIDS epidemic in the world’s poorest nations.

Now the newspapers are reporting that Canada is backing away from these commitments.

I urge you to make sure that Canada fulfills our commitments to poorer nations made at the G8 and in other international forums. In particular, Canada needs to come up with a timeline for giving 0.7% of our national income in foreign aid.

The upcoming UN High Level Meeting on the Millennium Development Goals in September would be a good opportunity to make such an announcement.

Linda Lannigan

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