To Unite All People On a World Scale - Peace Environment Health Empowerment
Time: October 24, 2009 all day
Location: Hamilton
City/Town: Hamilton
Event Type: global, action, on, climate, change
Organized By: FixOurWorld
Latest Activity: Oct 20, 2009
As you probably know, people all over the world are counting down to a crucial UN Summit on Climate Change in Copenhagen this December. Global action on climate change is vital for the health of our economy, our communities and our future. We can only address global warming by addressing it together. Individual actions like driving less help, but we need our political leaders to provide policies that make green living easier, not harder. Cheaper, not more expensive. And you can help make that happen.
What’s at stake at the UN climate summit?
The stakes are high for everyone on the planet.
* Rising global temperatures are changing the climate balance that has existed on earth for hundreds of thousands of years.
* Leading scientists say that if average temperatures on Earth rise just one more degree, global warming could reach a point where recovery is impossible; we are at a tipping point.
* Runaway global warming would destabilize our climate, affecting our water supply, food production and economy for generations.
Canada is at a crossroads, with a choice between responsibly addressing the problem now or dealing with severe consequences later. We can either lead and take advantage of this shift, or miss the boat as other countries act more swiftly.
Canadians want real action on climate change in Copenhagen. Our goal: 5,000 letters to the Prime Minister by December 7, when the UN Summit on Climate Change begins.
What you can do:
* Gather your networks together and create an event for October 24, International Day of Action on Climate Change. Enter your event on the map at (Let’s get that Canadian number up!) The event might be something as simple as a dinner party.
* At your event, make sure to include writing letters to Prime Minister Harper. Real letters have more impact than email. (Did you know that political leaders calculate the value of each letter received as representing 100 citizens? It’s true!)
* Although it’s more effective to send real letters, invite those in your spheres of influence to sign this petition if they can’t make it to your event, and to circulate it to all their contacts.
NOTE: October 24 is a ‘hook’ for action, but that doesn’t mean your event has to happen on that day. The important thing is to get those letters to Stephen Harper before December 7.
In the first 24 hours, our invitation to tell Stephen Harper to take real action on Climate Change in Copenhagen resulted in 10,000 responses. Click here to help us get to our goal of 25,000 before December 7.
Save paper by collecting the letters and sending them altogether in one envelope to:
Prime Minister Stephen Harper
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Canada K1A 0A6
(Letters to the House of Commons can be mailed postage-free!)
Send copies to:
Michael Ignatieff, Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada
Gilles Duceppe, Leader of the Bloc Québecois
Jack Layton, Leader of the New Democratic Party
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