After many years of searching for the right mix of people Fix Our World is excited to finally have found the right team and be able to organize a Help Portrait event. There are some incredible people who have come together to make this event happen!
Our Help Portrait event is Dec 1, 2016 from 10am to 3:30pm at Lorenzo's School of Hair Design 90 John St S. Hamilton
Lorenzo's School of Hair Design has graciously donated themselves to do Hair, Makeup and allow us to use their space for Portraits! We have 2 local photographers Jim Unsworth of Video-Prom Inc and Suzanne Steenkist of SuZImageZ who are donating their time and talents taking the Portraits, Bell*Arte Camera is Printing our Portraits and Fix Our World is coordinating this event and delivering the Portraits to all the participants.
Each December, photographers, hairstylists and makeup artists all around the world will find people in need, take their picture, print their picture and then deliver it—free of charge.
Help-Portrait is about GIVING the pictures, not taking them. These portraits aren’t for a portfolio, website, or sale. It’s about giving people who otherwise couldn’t afford photography, a chance to capture a moment, a memory…and a whole lot more.
On top of this great day of pampering we want to give people tools to help them create a new path. We are so grateful to have a representative from McMaster join our special day and share real possibilities of furthering education with our Portrait participants.
Photographer: Jim Unsworth Video-Prom Inc 905 745 6663
Fix Our World is grateful and thankful for your time and efforts and your much needed support to make this special day happen bringing Joy and Love to our community

Linda Lannigan
Fix Our World
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