White Buffalo Calf Woman

The         Mother of Life

White Buffalo Calf Woman's legend is ancient, arising about 2000 years ago, and is central    to the spiritual practices of numerous Native American nations. Various, but similar,    versions of the legend of White Buffalo Calf Woman are told.

The brief story presented     here is based primarily on the story of White Buffalo Calf Woman at various     websites as told by Joseph Chasing Horse, Traditional Leader of the Lakota     Nation.


“It was told that next time there is     chaos and disparity,         she would    return again.

She said she would return as          a White Buffalo Calf.     Some believe    she already has.”

Words of Chief Arvol Looking Horse,     19th Generation Keeper of the     Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe     of the Lakota Nation

While two warriors were out hunting buffalo, a white buffalo     calf suddenly appeared. As she approached them she changed into a beautiful     young woman . . . which is how she came to be called the White Buffalo Calf     Woman.

One of the young warriors offended her with his lustful     thoughts and White Buffalo Calf Woman asked him to approach.

White Buffalo Calf Woman Visit the art of         Cher Lyn at        Mystic Art Medicine  

As he stepped forward, a black cloud descended over him and     when it dissipated all that was left of him was his bones.

The other warrior fell to his knees and began to pray. The     White Buffalo Calf Woman told him to return to his people, telling them she     would appear to them in four days, bringing with her a sacred bundle.


And this she did, appearing to them as a white buffalo calf descending on    a cloud. Stepping down, she rolled over on the ground, changing from white to black, then    yellow, then red.
    When White Buffalo Calf Woman arose she was once again the beautiful woman, cradling the    sacred bundle in her arms.

Spending four days with the people, White Buffalo Calf Woman taught them    sacred songs, dances, and ceremonies as well as the traditional ways.
    White Buffalo Calf Woman instructed them to be responsible caretakers of the land and to    be always mindful that the children are the future of the people.

On the fourth day White Buffalo Calf Woman left in the same manner she had arrived,    telling the people she was leaving the sacred bundle, the White Buffalo Calf Woman pipe,    in their care. She promised to one day return for it and to bring harmony and spiritual    balance to the world.

White Buffalo Calf Woman prophesied that the birth of a white buffalo calf    would be a sign that it was near the time of her return.

A beautiful, and different, telling of the story of the White Buffalo Calf Woman is    provided by Matthew Richter in American Comments, a web magazine fighting racial hatred and    discrimination.  This version tells the story of how a woman called the Mother of    Life came to become the White Buffalo Calf Woman and discusses the meaning of the pipe and    the prophesy.


According to this legend a young woman, during an enemy                     raid on her village, saw a    toddler injured and ran to cradle him in her arms and comfort him as death approached.    Soon she too was mortally wounded and her young body crumpled with the young child still    cradled in her arms.
    Her spirit hurried to catch up with the child's so that she would be there to care for him    when they crossed over.  To honor her noble act, the Sioux gave her the name      Mother    of Life.

Later she appeared as White Buffalo Calf Woman to a young warrior whose    troubled heart yearned for a good future for the children, a future without the prospect    of continual war and divisiveness, a future of peace.  White Buffalo Calf Woman    advised him "to seek the vision of a mother's heart for the love of her    children".
    White Buffalo Calf Woman gave the pipe into his care, detailing the ways in which the    people could learn to grow into responsible keepers of the pipe, cultivating peace and    understanding.  



One of her gifts was the suggestion that all children be taught to hold baby animals with    love and caring, so that as they grow they will learn to love all the other babies of the    world.
    As she gave her instructions, the white buffalo calf that accompanied the woman rolled    over four times, each time changing colors . . . once for each race, first white, then    yellow, then red, the black, signifying that we are all members of the same family.  

White Buffalo Calf Woman:          Her Symbols

       In her    delightful book, A Goddess Is A Girl's Best Friend.             Laurie Sue Brockway highlights the importance of the White Buffalo Calf Woman:
    Now, more than any time in history, we need the sacred feminine to balance our lives and    to balance our world. We must be spiritual warriors…culling the profound and    important aspects of the power of feminine wisdom and directing them toward peace within,    as without, and utilizing the energies of the goddess and all mythical women and spiritual    heroines to help direct the course of history.”

    *In 1994, a white buffalo calf was born on a farm in Wisconsin. . .     the first white    buffalo born in decades.

Some believe she was the fulfillment of the prophecy that the return of         the White Buffalo Calf Woman will herald the advent of an age of peace and harmony.



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