To Unite All People On a World Scale - Peace Environment Health Empowerment
Amur Leopard | Panthera pardus orientalis | Critically Endangered |
Black Rhino | Diceros bicornis | Critically Endangered |
Cross River Gorilla | Gorilla gorilla diehli | Critically Endangered |
Hawksbill Turtle | Eretmochelys imbricata | Critically Endangered |
Javan Rhino | Rhinoceros sondaicus | Critically Endangered |
Leatherback Turtle | Dermochelys coriacea | Critically Endangered |
Mountain Gorilla | Gorilla beringei beringei | Critically Endangered |
Pangolin | Critically Endangered | |
Saola | Pseudoryx nghetinhensis | Critically Endangered |
South China Tiger | Panthera tigris amoyensis | Critically Endangered |
Sumatran Elephant | Elephas maximus sumatranus | Critically Endangered |
Sumatran Orangutan | Pongo abelii | Critically Endangered |
Sumatran Rhino | Dicerorhinus sumatrensis | Critically Endangered |
Sumatran Tiger | Panthera tigris sumatrae | Critically Endangered |
Vaquita | Phocoena sinus | Critically Endangered |
Western Lowland Gorilla | Gorilla gorilla gorilla | Critically Endangered |
Yangtze Finless Porpoise | Neophocaena asiaeorientalis ssp. asiaeorientalis | Critically Endangered |
African Wild Dog | Lycaon pictus | Endangered |
Amur Tiger | Panthera tigris altaica | Endangered |
Asian Elephant | Elephas maximus indicus | Endangered |
Bengal Tiger | Panthera tigris tigris | Endangered |
Black Spider Monkey | Ateles paniscus | Endangered |
Black-footed Ferret | Mustela nigripes | Endangered |
Blue Whale | Balaenoptera musculus | Endangered |
Bluefin Tuna | Thunnus spp | Endangered |
Bonobo | Pan paniscus | Endangered |
Bornean Orangutan | Pongo pygmaeus | Endangered |
Borneo Pygmy Elephant | Elephas maximus borneensis | Endangered |
Chimpanzee | Pan troglodytes | Endangered |
Eastern Lowland Gorilla | Gorilla beringei graueri | Endangered |
Fin Whale | Balaenoptera physalus | Endangered |
Galápagos Penguin | Spheniscus mendiculus | Endangered |
Ganges River Dolphin | Platanista gangetica gangetica | Endangered |
Giant Panda | Ailuropoda melanoleuca | Endangered |
Green Turtle | Chelonia mydas | Endangered |
Hector's Dolphin | Cephalorhynchus hectori | Endangered |
Humphead Wrasse | Cheilinus undulatus | Endangered |
Indian Elephant | Elephas maximus indicus | Endangered |
Indochinese Tiger | Panthera tigris corbetti | Endangered |
Indus River Dolphin | Platanista minor | Endangered |
Loggerhead Turtle | Caretta caretta | Endangered |
Malayan Tiger | Panthera tigris jacksoni | Endangered |
North Atlantic Right Whale | Eubalaena glacialis | Endangered |
Orangutan | Pongo abelii, Pongo pygmaeus | Endangered |
Sea Lions | Zalophus wollebaeki | Endangered |
Sei Whale | Balaenoptera borealis | Endangered |
Snow Leopard | Panthera uncia | Endangered |
Sri Lankan Elephant | Elephas maximus maximus | Endangered |
Tiger | Panthera tigris | Endangered |
Whale | Balaenoptera, Balaena, Eschrichtius, and Eubalaen Endangered |
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African Elephant | Loxodonta africana | Vulnerable |
Bigeye Tuna | Thunnus obesus | Vulnerable |
Dugong | Dugong dugon | Vulnerable |
Forest Elephant | Vulnerable | |
Giant Tortoise | Vulnerable | |
Great White Shark | Carcharodon carcharias | Vulnerable |
Greater One-Horned Rhino | Rhinoceros unicornis | Vulnerable |
Irrawaddy Dolphin | Orcaella brevirostris | Vulnerable |
Marine Iguana | Amblyrhynchus cristatus | Vulnerable |
Olive Ridley Turtle | Lepidochelys olivacea | Vulnerable |
Polar Bear | Ursus maritimus | Vulnerable |
Red Panda | Ailurus fulgens | Vulnerable |
Savanna Elephant | Loxodonta africana africana | Vulnerable |
Southern rockhopper penguin | Eudyptes chrysocome | Vulnerable |
Whale Shark | Rhincodon typus | Vulnerable |
Albacore Tuna | Thunnus alalunga | Near Threatened |
Beluga | Delphinapterus leucas | Near Threatened |
Greater Sage-Grouse | Centrocercus urophasianus | Near Threatened |
Jaguar | Panthera onca | Near Threatened |
Monarch Butterfly | Danaus plexippus | Near Threatened |
Mountain Plover | Charadrius montanus | Near Threatened |
Narwhal | Monodon monoceros | Near Threatened |
Plains Bison | Bison bison bison | Near Threatened |
White Rhino | Ceratotherium simum | Near Threatened |
Yellowfin Tuna | Thunnus albacares | Near Threatened |
Arctic Fox | Vulpes lagopus | Least Concern |
Arctic Wolf | Canis lupus arctos | Least Concern |
Bowhead Whale | Balaena mysticetus | Least Concern |
Brown Bear | Ursus arctos | Least Concern |
Common Bottlenose Dolphin | Least Concern | |
Gray Whale | Eschrichtius robustus | Least Concern |
Macaw | Ara ararauna | Least Concern |
Pronghorn | Antilocarpa americana | Least Concern |
Skipjack Tuna | Katsuwonus pelamis | Least Concern |
Swift Fox | Vulpes velox | Least Concern |
Amazon River Dolphin | Scientific Name Inia geoffrensis | |
Dolphins and Porpoises | ||
Elephant | ||
Gorilla | Gorilla gorilla and Gorilla beringei | |
Pacific Salmon | ||
Penguin | Spheniscidae | |
Poison Dart Frog | Dendrobates species | |
Rhino | ||
Sea Turtle | Cheloniidae and Dermochelyidae families | |
Seals | ||
Shark | ||
Sloth | ||
Tree Kangaroo | Dendrolagus sp. | |
Tuna | Thunnus and Katsuwonus species |
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