Please keep list going Globally... Just sign and send on, this is serious. Denmark is a big shame.

Pictures are gruesome - just sign and send on! 

Subject: See Photos & ADD your name....PLEASE (don't just initial it!
Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2013 11:26:43 -0800

Susan Roberts, Managing Director

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    Press  Forward'  button and then scroll to the bottom of page to  sign your  name  

Please keep list going  Globally
Just  sign and send  on, this is serious.     
Denmark is a 
big  shame.  
The sea is stained in red and in the meanwhile  it’s not because of the climate effects of nature.   

It's  because of the cruelty that human  beings (civilised humans)  kill hundreds of the famous and intelligent Calderon   dolphins.  

This  happens every year in Faeroe Island in Denmark ..  In this  slaughter the main participants are young   
 teens.   WHY?
A  celebration,  to show that they  are adults and  mature!

In  this big celebration, nothing is  missing for the fun.  Everyone is participating in one way or the other,   
 killing  or looking at the cruelty “supporting like a   spectator”

It  is necessary to mention that the dolphin  calderon, like all  the other species of dolphins, it’s near extinction and  they  get near men to play and interact in PURE   friendship.   

They  don’t die instantly; they are cut 1,  2 or 3 times with thick  hooks. And at that time the dolphins produce a grim  cry like  that of a new born child.

But  he suffers and there’s no compassion while this  magnificent  creature slowly dies in its own  blood

We  will forward this e-mail until it  arrives in the mailboxes  of all associations which protect and defend the  animals, we  won’t only read. That would make us accomplices, viewers.   

Take  care of the world, it is your  home!   
Assine  contra essa  crueldade:

Sign  Against this cruelty:
hit   the forward button, sign your name and keep it   going!
1.-  Ana kARINA Rivas  (m) Mexico   DF 
2.- Carlos  Enrique Bulle-Goyri. DF 
3.- Alejandra Nabarro  ( Mexico  Cuernavaca ) 
4.- Esteban criz mejia. Mexico   DF  
6.-González  Alvarez Victor Rodrigo 
7.-Ines Garcia  Perez (México)  
8.-Stella Morales (México) 
9.-lgarcia  (México)  
10.-Leticia Cuéllar (México) 
11.-Salma Urbina   Aguilar (Quintana Roo, México) 
12.-DIANA LUCELLY POOT PUC  (quintana  roo, mexico ) 
13.-Josue Acero Gonzalez (  Quintana Roo , Mexico   ) 
14.-Micaela Medina (  Argentina ) 
15.-sofia bidondo(  Argentina ) 
16.- Ma.  Marta Soruco ( Argentina ) 
17.- Cyntia  Mariela Roitman (  Argentina ) 
18.-Aldana Martínez ( Argentina   )  
19.- Adriana Salomon ( Argentina ) 
20.-fernando  valussi(  argentina ) 
22.- Francois Swart ( RSA )
23.- Augusto Patricio Mateos  (  Argentina - Chaco ) 
24.- Maria Alejandra Bury (  Argentina - Chaco   ) 
25.- Claudio Alexis Agnesio (  Argentina - Chaco ) 
26.-  Cesar Abel  Falcon(Argentina-Chaco) 
31- NATHIA JUDKEVICH (   Argentina ) 
32-MARINA JUDKEVICH  ( Argentina    ) 
33-MARIANA JUDKEVICH (Aregentina) 
34- Bogado  Espinoza,  Lorena Abi ( Argentina ) 
35- Ortiz, Natalia  Muriel ( Argentina   ) 
36- Marcelo Rodrigues de  Rezende (Sorocaba-Brasil) 
37-  Thais Chenchi Santana  (Sorocaba-Brasil) 
38- Lilian Yoshie Kato (  Sorocaba -  Brasil) 
39 - DIOGO CRISTO (  Sorocaba - Pindorama - Gaya  ) 
40 - DANILO GOMES ( Sorocaba -  Cidade de Mentiras)  
41- Tiago Holtz Guerreiro (Sorocaba-  Brasil) 
42 -  Laura Nunes Garcia Vieira ( Sorocaba -  Brasil) 
43 -  Anderson Schmitt Junkes (Jandira - Brasil) 
44 -  Eronides  Santos Filho (Jandira - Brasil) 
45 - Suzana Lopes Ribeiro  (  Jandira - Brasil ) 
46 - Paulo Henrique Ferreira  (Cotia/SP  Brasil) 
47 - André Luiz da Fonseca Rob erto (  Carapicuiba/ Brasil  ) 
48 - Jean Paulo Camargo Costa  (CARAPICUIBA/ BRASIL) 
49 -  Rodrigo de Jesus Ferreira  (Jandira - Brasil) 
50- Bárbara Tabain  Seslija de Sá  (Jandira - SP - Brasil) 
51 - Ana paula Morina Ferreira   (Barueri - SP - Brasil) 
52-Bárbara Louise (São   Paulo-SP-Brasil) 
53-Diego Lima (Carapicuíba-SP-Brasil)   
54 – Wanda  leila de Oliveira marra ( Osasco – SP –Brasil  ) 
55 – Joilva  Duarte (Osasco-Brasil)
56 - Patricia M.  Dias (  São Paulo - Brasil)  
57- Eduardo M.  Dias  ( São Paulo - Brasil) 
58 – Wagner R. Franco  (  São Paulo – Brasil) 
59- Ruth Cristina Serafim ( São Paulo  -  Brasil) 
60- Thiago Silva ( São Paulo -  Brasil)  
61 - Cristiano S. de Moraes ( Rio de  Jane iro - Brasil)  
62 - Kelly Lopes Dias ( São Paulo -  Brasil)
63 -  Fábio Ferreira / São Paulo -  Brasil
64- Fábio Araujo  /  São paulo - Brasil  
65- Marcia Stevaux/ São Paulo  - Brasil 
66 - Débora Gisele  Ferraz - Brasil 
67-  Andrea Alexandre de Carvalho 
68 -  Adilson dos Santos  Pinto (Cruzeiro SP) 
69 - Francisco ReZende  (Lorena-SP)  
70- Mislane Souza Prates( São Paulo-Brasil) 
71  -  Janderson Dutra (Rio de Jane iro-RJ - Brasil) 
74- Maria L Lima - (Rolândia -  Brasil)
75 – Marilise G.Z. Solle  (Rolândia-Brasil)
76-  Luis Fernando Silva de  Almeida (Rolândia Pr- Brasil) 
77-  Adriana Amaral de Souza  (Rolândia Pr - Brasil) 
78 –  Carlos Alberto Ferreira do  Amaral (Rolãndia PR –  Brasil)
79 - Lilian Carla de Souza Gonzalez (  Londrina -  Pr. - Brasil) 
80 – Ailton Valdivino da  Silva-   (Uberlândia – MG -  Brasil) 
81 - Heliza Piosiadlo   (Uberlândia - MG – Brasil 
82 - Patrícia  Cordeiro (  Joaçaba-SC-Brasil)
83 - Danielle Argenton (Herval D'  Oeste  - SC - Brasil) 
84 -  Valdirene Soares (  Joaçaba - SC - BRASIL ) 
85 - Luiz  Sérgio Belló - Joaçaba  SC Brasil 
86- Eduardo Wieser  -SC-  Brasil  
87-Julio Pancera   ( Navegantes , SC - Brasil)  
88- Fredi Goede ( Pomerode , SC   Brasil) 
89 –  Mario L.Fanton
90 - Valério Littig  ( Curitiba - Brasil )  
100-cassia  cavalheiro
101 - Paulo Terumitsu Ishii [  Curitiba - Paraná -  Brasil] 
102- Caroline Niro (  Curitiba - Paraná -  Brasil 
103-Alexandre   Batista(Londres-Inlaterra) 
104-udson bergues de almeida  
105  - Inês Calazans, Alemanha 
106 - Ana bela Martins  -  Portugal 
107 - Luisa Sequeira - Silves / PORTUGAL  
108 -  Alzira Rodrigues - Silves / Portugal 
109 -  Cremilde Ribeiro - A. de  Pêra / Portugal 
110 - Augusto  Miguens - Elvas / Portugal 
111  - Natália miguens - Elvas  / Portugal 
112 - Manuela Santos -  Carcavelos / Portugal  
113 - Carla Santos - Oeiras /  Portugal 
114 - Maria  Carlos Barreto de Carvalho - Carcavelos /  Portugal 
115 -  Eliete Mendes - Lisboa / Portugal 
116 -  Conceição  Oliveira - Lisboa / Portugal 
117 - Mariana Domingues -   Portugal 
118 - Joana Murtinha - Portugal 
119 -  Filipa  Almeida - Portugal 
120 - Iolanda Fontes - South  Africa 
121 -  Kalen Viljoen - South Africa 
122 –  Wendy Golding – South Africa   
123  – Inge  Strugnell – Botswana  
124  – Philippa Lee -  Botswana  
125 - Ilse Swart 
126 - Miche de  beer  
127 - Celeste  Smit 
128 – Jeneane Fourie
129.  Stefnie de Beer (SA) Human beings ? How can we  call  ourselves that ! 
130  Corné van Staden 
131   Anna-Marié van Staden 
132 .Sheralee Scott ( South Africa )  
133 Bev Hindmarch ( South  Africa ) 
134. Ian Pardy  (SA) 
135.  Dominic Porter (SA) 
136.  Carl  Bennett (SA)  Sick Bastards!! 
137 Dieter Rossler South  Africa uncivilised  idiots 
138.  Vigie Naidoo,  Johannesburg South  Africa (how far western  man??)
139  Rodney Reddy S.A. --- lily-livered, sure   they'l never dare try this with some tiger or bull   sharks
140.  Mira Naidoo, Johannesburg South  Africa  (shameful specimens called humans)
141.  Rocco   Steffannelli, Bari Italy (senseless killing) 
142.   Christian  Hoffer,  Mank   Austria  (Neanderthals!)?
143. Sarah Caine   (SA)
144.   Lorraine Caine (SA)
145.  Elaine  Caine  (Sa)
146.   Lorraine Isaac  (SA)
147.  Ron nie  Isaac(SA)
148.  Angelique  Mason(SA)
149.  Alysha  Isaac (SA) 
150.   Mary Joe Emde (SA)
151.  Nalisha  Gangadien SA)  
152.  Charlene Gangadien (SA) 
153.    Cordelia Soobramoney 
154.  Nicholas   Soobramoney
155.  Gabriela Pillay
156.   Sarah  Pillay
157.  Jaeden Chetty
158.   Sam  Chetty
159.  Dean Prinsloo
160.   Nicole  Pillay
161.  Janine Geldenhys
162.   Noeleen  Pillay
163.  Vigie Naidoo, Johannesburg  South Africa (Nordic  barbarism!! - Climate Change?- go  figure?)
164.  Colette Boyd
165.  Tanya   Scheffel
166. Rob Armstrong
167. Megan  Adriaanzen –  Jhb S.A. This is the most appallingly, disgusting thing I  have  ever seen!!! 
168. Gareth Adriaanzen
169.  Aldorette Swanepoel  
170. Steve Maree – Durban ,  South  Africa 
171.  Karen Rob jant – and they are  supposed to  come from a civilised country – very sick people  
172 Gerhard Janse  van Rensburg - Durban South Africa  
173 Keagen Janse van Rensburg -  Durban South Africa  
174 Trent Janse van Rensburg - Durban South  Africa  
175 Graham Rob jant - Durban South Africa 
176  Tamaryn  Rob jant - Durban South Africa 
177 Beryl Rob  jant - Durban South  Africa 
178 Joan Austin - Durban  South Africa   
179 Simone Heijmans-Durban South  Africa 
197  Janice   Wittrup SA
198 Tempest Hindman (Aus)
199  Gary Hindman  (Aus)
200 Eben van der Watt (UK)
201 Jean  dre van  der Watt (UK) 
202 Armand van der Watt  (UK)
203 Jetro Smith  ( UK )
204 Morne du Preez  (  UK ) 
205 Joey Wasiliew ( USA )
206 Willie Olivier, Cape  Town   (uncivilized barbarians) 
207 Andre’  Groenewald, Durban   (SA) 
208 Chris  Goldmann   Carvoeiro, Portugal 
209 Gary Fonternel  -  Australia
210  Simon Lewis - Australia 
211  Scott Wetherall - New  Zealand 
212 Jeremy Cusiel -   Perth 
213 Victoria Verity  - Perth  
214 Claire  Tarrant-  Singapore
215 Caroline  Wilkie, Bahrain  ..
216 Sonja Flynn, Bahrain
217 Sarah Bruce,   Dubai
218 Rebekah Bruce, Dubai 
219 Gillian Wallbanks,   Nottingham ( UK ) 
220 Lynne Wallbanks, Portsmouth 
221  Jeroen Koopman, Haarlem
222 Karen koopman, Haarlem
223  Stephen Lomas  UK
224Carol  Brinson 
225Malcolm  Brinson 
226Fiona Brinson  
227Gwen Brinson 
228Jake  Dawson 
229Skye Brinson  
230Yordanka Margaritova  Bulgaria - Cyprus 
231Barbora  Paulinyova - Slovakia  
232 Martin Cyprich - Amsterdam 
233  Nicole van  Hasselt- Amsterdam
234 Carla Kouwenhoven,  Baarn, The  Netherlands 
235 Johannes Slijper,     
236  Ben ten Hoopen, The Netherlands 
237 Ria ten  Hoopen  , The Neterlands 
238 Will Stoelman,  The  Netherlands 
239 Diane van  Poortvliet, The Netherlands  
240 Marieke van  Boven, The Netherlands 
241  A.v.Boven,The  Netherlands
242 Pvan Dam, the   netherlands
243 L.  Staallekker, The Netherlands 
244.  Sandy G. Oduber, ARUBA    
245. Esther Ziegler ,  Germany 
246. Maya Neugebauer , USA    
247.  Tara Malanga , USA
248. Sherry Patterson ,   USA  
249. Diane  Ilardi , USA 
250. J.Calabrese USA  
251. Cherie Morris , PA ,   USA 
252. Randy Omark  , PA , USA
253 Russ Barrett  
254 Maria Perez  Laubhan
255 Bill Pogson  IL, USA   
256 Don  Mantell AZ , USA 
257 Candice Miracle, AZ,  USA
258  Darrell Doyle  USA   
Eldon Doyle   U.S.A.
259 John  Truex
260 Lori  Kelso 
261  Sandra Lasso WA , USA 
262. Lisa Beaman WA ,    USA
263.  Cynthia Koval , CA , USA     
264 Thomas Horan ,CT USA    
265.Richard  Alfredo
266. Gail  Marchitto 
267  selda steinberg  hallandale beach   fl             
268. Thomas  F.Eurton 
269. Glenda Van Slyke TN ,  USA    
270. Jennifer Jones    USA
271. Phil Jones   USA/Australia 
272 felicia  foster usa
273  Randy Repass, VT, USA 
274.  Sue  Rob inson , Vermont ,  USA 
275 Rosemary Hopkins ,  California , USA 
276 Gwen  Luce , California , USA  
277 Margot Boteler, California ,  USA
278  Heidi  Orley ,  Switzerland
279    Donald Porter,  Old Lyme CT USA 
280 Lisa wilde USA   
281 Allison  Reilly-Bombara, Connecticut , USA 
282 Jackie Pisani   Harrison, Connecticut , USA 
283Rosie & Martin Foley, Sea  Cliff , New  York 
284 Eileen Goettelmann, Sea  Cliff  , NY   USA 
285 Virginia Treiber, Sea  Cliff ,  NY   USA 
286 Laura Caldari Sea Cliff,  NY USA  
287   Kristie Werz, Sea Cliff , NY   USA  
288   Diane Genninger 
289 Laura Shoemaker   
290 Marcelo Sanchez 
291 Cristina Galofre, Montreal ,  Canada 
292 R Erasmu 
294 Miekie Vuyk
295  John Clements
295 L-A Gomes 
Angela Ferguson-Canada  (disgusting slaughter) 
296 Jamie Rueffer- Kitchener , Canada  (checked snopes, it's true) 
297 – Billi Ho Waterloo (this is  NOT the HOWAY! – and they diss us over seals!!)
298- Rachel  Hull, Waterloo Canada 
299- Susan Sinclair, kitchener Canada  
300- Jennifer Geldart , Canada 
301 - Tegan Dove, Whistler,  Canada 
302 - Nerrida Nixon, Mornington , Australia
303  Bronwyn Sanford Mount Martha Australia
304  Linda Brumby,  Mount Martha , Australia     
305 Laura  Tranter, Mount Martha , Australia
306 Dawn Tonge, Somerville  Australia
307 Carmen Ryan ( Australia )
308 Jacinta  Henderson ( Australia )
309 Len and Coral Davis ( Australia  )
310 John and Joy Smithers ( Australia )
311 Trish, Josh  and Michael Ave ( Australia )
312 Catharine Garrity ( Canada  )
313 Esther Ploos van Amstel ( South Africa )
314 Corrie  Ploos van Amstel ( South Africa )
315  Leon Schaffer (  South Africa ) 
316  Ben Jonge Poerink ( RSA ) 
317  Johann Ludick ( South Africa ) 
318 Johan Ludick(snr) ( South  Africa )
319 Donald Gates ( South Africa )( I WOULD LOVE TO PUT  THESE SO CALLED HUMANS THROUGH THIS!!!!) Then you would lower  yourself to their level!
320 Madeleine Rall ( South Africa  )
321 Liesl Roos ( South Africa ) 
322 A Fourie ( South  Africa )
323 Johanna Bouwer( South Africa )
324 johan  Paulsen ( south Africa )
325 Cornea du Toit ( South Africa ) –  And we wonder why the world’s turning against us!
326 Wendy  Abraham( South Africa ) 
327 Amelia Pereira ( South Africa  )
328 Linda Rodrigues
329 Diane Faria ( South Africa )   Karma is a wonderful thing!!!!
330 Fatima Dell Erba ( South  Africa )
331 Paulina da Silva ( South Africa )
332 Laeticia  Nel ( South Africa )
333 Pieter Du Plessis ( AUSTRALIA )  
334 karl mulvaney( australia )
335 jade hohapata (  australia goldcoast)
336 Louis Mac Donald(KIWI LAND NZ) OMG  What a pack of wankers
338  Pete r  Barker, AUSTRALIA
339 Jillian Cree. Australia . Shouldn't "our"  Princess Mary of Denmark be doing something about this  horror??
340 Lesley Hale, Australia – Disgraceful, couldn’t  believe my eyes.
341Tania Goldsmith - this is an image of human  beings who are very very disconnected from their hearts 
342  Pete r Hendrie - Australia - when will we learn 
343 Rachael  Poole - Australia
344 Kellie Whelan-Poole - Australia  ........Shame on you Denmark .. 
345 Alissa Fowler Australia  ..... Absolutely disgusting NEEDS TO STOP!!!!!!
346 Kasie Giles  Austrailia.....sick!!!!!
347 Shabnam Abrahams - Australia  ...(How can they think that cruelty is a passage to  Adulthood...what are they teaching there children...its ok to  kill... (... I HOPE THEY SUFFER THE SAME CRUELTY...)    
348 Irshaad Abrahams…….( South Africa )  People do not  realize that the earth will take back whatever was taken from  it!!!!! 
349 Kelvin Briant – South Africa . This is truly  disturbing!!!!! 
350 Lauren Briant-South Africa
351 Ron  Briant- South Africa - These people are sick!! 
352 Veronica  Briant- South Africa - Im ashamed to be a human being 
353  Sarel Pienaar-South Africa
354 Jenny Pienaar - South Africa ,  Why are you killing them? 
355  Nadia Pienaar South Africa  
356  Dewald Pienaar- South Africa 
357 Tyldesly Gouws  ( south Africa ) hoe wreed kan mense wees, ek hoop hul word  gestraf!!!!!
358 Natasha Hollenbach - South Africa 
359  Christine Barrett -  South Africa 
360 Mona Bester – CPT  South Africa 
361 Emré Louw – CPT South Africa
362 Sandiso  Maseko – CPT South Africa
363  Thandi Kebeni - CPT, South  Africa   
364 Brian Wessels Cape Town , South  Africa  
365 Ilse Nagelmaeker Cape Town, South Africa  
366 Arno Nagelmaeker Cape Town, South Africa 
367 Riek Le  Roux
368 Michael Byleveldt
369 Samantha Le Roux
370 Landi  Le Roux
371 Dominiqué Roos
372 Charlene Stoffberg 
373  Antoinette Fourie Cape Town SA
374 corika Dodd  (Cape Town  SA) 
375 Adrian Dodd (Cape Town SA)
376 Danika Dodd (Cape  Town SA)
377 Jakkie van Schalkwyk ( Cape Town SA) 
378 Kobus  v Schalkwyk(Cape Town SA)
379 Suenel v Schalkwyk    (Cape Town SA) 
380 Sam Jacobs 
381 Marna Van Zyl 
382.  Helienka Buitendag 
383. Marié Hattingh ( South Africa /  Pretoria ) Why, why, why……..?????
384. Zahn Haughton ( South  Africa / Pretoria ) GEEEEEEEE WHHHIIIIIZZZZZZ These people are  some sick Maniacs!!!!!!!!!!!
385. Jacoleen La Grange
385.  Gustav Darries ( South Africa / Pretoria ) 
386 Rouche Botha  (South Africa/Eldo’s)
387 M K Jacobs (South  Africa/Eldo's)
388 F. Sallie ( South Africa ) 
389 Gerda  Jansen van Rensburg ( South Africa ) 
390 Pieter Jansen van  Rensburg ( South Africa ) 
391 George Visagie(SA)
392 Ciara  Packer (SA) 
393 Chantel Grimsell (SA) 
394 Janine De  Villiers 
395 Johnine Bradley (SA) 
396 Hendrik De Beer  (SA)
397 Kaylin De Beer (SA)
398 Martin Van der Byl  (SA)
399 Nicole Van Der Byl (SA)
400 Venetia Van Der Byl  (SA)
401 Sheelah Morton (SA)
402 Carmen January (SA)
403  Kim Lodewyk {SA}
404 Natalie Covele ( Cape Town South Africa  )
405  Maghmouda Karan – Cape Town – South  Africa
406  Masnoena Barnes – Cape Town   -  South Africa
407 Rifqah Fataar – Cape Town – South  Africa
408 – Ameera Fataar – Cape Town – South Africa
409  -  Mapule Mokoena – Cape Town – South Africa
410 – Debby  Kemp – Cape Town – South Africa
411 -  Gizela Sherry –  Cape Town , South Africa
412-   Gino  Sherry-       Cape Town , South  Africa
413- Sean Jeneker - Cape Town , South Africa
414.  Nuraan Fataar – Cape Town , South Africa
415.Mona Stone – Cape  Town, South  Africa               
416.CHRYSTAL .LANGENHOVEN – CAPE TOWN, SOUTH AFRICA (r these  animals”people” mad!!!!!!!!WTF       
417.Anthea Cameron Cape Town_RSA
418. Brent Whittaker –  Cape Town - SA
419. Janita Daya
420. Bibi Jogee
421.  Khatija Mahomed 
423.ashraf  carr-cpt.(sa)
424.Sherwyn Bothman-CPT. SA
425.Aashieqa  Abrahams-CPT.SA
426. Kim Oaker – CPT.SA
 <> /span> <> <> > <> – why man??? 
427. Dionne Hellenberg Cape Town South Africa  
428. Anita February Cape Town- South Africa 
429. Deirdré  Pedro CPT- South Africa 
430. Kim Pedro CPT- South Africa  
431. M. Abrahams - CPT - South Africa 
432.S Ryland - CPT -  South Africa 
433. K Sydow -CPT- South Africa
434. Morne  Carstens - CPT - South Africa - What has happened to the good  elements in the human species??? This is soooo wrong!!! 
435.  Julie Duncan - CPT - South Africa - This is sick!
436 Charlene  Mansour – Gauteng – South Africa
437 Celeste Afonso -   Cape Town - SA- This wrong
438 Sandra Meyer – CT South  Africa
439 Amanda Jephson – Overberg South Africa- An  abomination
440 Ros Nightingale – and we want to breed more  humans????
441  Susan du Bois – Cape Town – this is  unbelievable – dolphins are mammals – people please!!!
442 EJ  Carstens – Cape  Town – SA – And I Thought here was still  some reason to believe in Humanity but obviously I was wrong,  Princess  Mary or whoever you are, get you arse off you so  called throne and do something about this.
443  GP  Cilliers - Vredendal South Africa
444 JM Moon – Vredendal –  South Africa
445 I Moon – Vredendal – South Africa
446 HD  Rautenbach - Vredendal - South Africa
447 Hester van  Schalkwyk-Stellenbosch
448 Danie Carstens Stellenbosch
449  Lizemari Geldenhuys - Somerset West - Cape Town - South  Africa
450 Kim Loubser - Gauteng - Benoni - South Africa
451  Elbe van Jarsveldt Gauteng South afica
452 Frans van Jaarsveldt  Gauteng South Africa
453 Estee van Jaarsveldt  Gauteng  South Africa
454 Renier Coetzee – Boksburg – South  Africa
455 Amelia Coetzee – Boksburg – South Africa
456  Remelia Coetzee – Boksburg – South Afric
457.   Riaan  Coetzee – Boksburg – South Africa
458 Mariette Laubscher  Johannesburg REP of South Africa    Is this really  real? No wonder God regretted that he ever created man!!
459  Jacqui Teixeira Johannesburg South Africa , how cruel that humans  have no feelings in situations like this……
460 Adaire Bekker  Krugersdorp South Africa absoutely disgusting this is a crime  against mammals and should be punishable
461 Adaire Beryl  Towlson –   South Africa Unbelievable, uncivilized,  disgusting
462. Claire van Rooyen – Sickening that humans can  be so inhumane!!!!!
463. Sam Thompson- Johannesburg- South  Africa
464. Caryn Nixon – Johannesburg South Africa
465.  Bjorn Hahmann – Johannesburg SA
466. Shawn Laggar -  Johannesburg , South Africa
467 Laura Van Eeden - Johannesburg  , South Africa
468      Joan Pete rs  Johannesburg South Africa -  we need to cherish the earth and  all living creatures in it.
469       Edgar Pete rs Johannesburg South  Africa
470      Courtney Pete rs  Johannesburg South Africa
471       Connor Pete rs Johannesburg South Africa  ...
472      Jurieka Peens JHB  SA
473     Cyril Bensley JHB  SA
474    Lindi steyn JHB SA
475  Janusz  Lipinski JHB SA
476 Carolina Stemmet JHB SA
477 Mike Moore  Pretoria SA
478. Darren Kerwin ( South Africa ) Why don’t you  bunch of savage pussy’s take on something that can fight back? A  real man takes care of his environment, he doesn’t destroy  it!!!!
479. Bronwen Hatch Johannesburg South Africa
480  Lodewyk Steyn Centurion South Africa
481. Desree Odendaal  Centurion South Africa
482.  Joanne Sabatier – South  Africa
483. Paul Sabatier - Boksburg , South Africa
484.  Marita Sabatier - Boksburg , South Africa
485. Rob Krummeck-  south africa
486 Ingrid Krummeck-south africa
487 val  krummeck-south africa
488 trevor krummeck-south africa
489  kevin krummeck-kzn-south africa
490 donna krummeck( south  africa )
491 derek krummeck( south africa )
492 celeste  krummeck- kzn SA
493 craig krummeck- South Africa
494 tanja  krummeck-South Africa
495 duran krummeck(Kzn S Africa)
496  shaina krummeck(kzn S Africa )
497  Roy Lawson South  Africa
498 Viv Lawson  South Africa
499  James  Blain, Cape Town , South Africa
500 Judith Dakin   UK
501 Jackie Marriott UK
502 Carol Gerard ( UK )
503  Philippe Gerard ( UK )
504 Valerie Hepplewhite ( UK )
505  Norman Hepplewhite ( UK )
506 Chris Boston    (  Spain )
507 Pete Boston ( Spain )
508 jane sagrott (  uk
509 Reg Sagrott ( uk )
510 Gill Walsh    (  UK )
511 Les Walsh    ( UK )
512 Nicky O'Dell  ( UK )
513 Keith O'Dell ( UK )
514 Hilary Sykes ( UK  )
515 Linda Wellard ( UK )
516 Stuart Hammond uk
517  Malcolm Tapper UK
518 Jan Vian UK
519 Tony Vian UK
520  Joan Nelson UK
521 Mike Squire UK
522 Cheryl Weeks  (turkey)
523 Linda Griffiths (UK)
524 Debbie Dodds  (UK)
525 katrina van ginkel
526 eddie jackson colmenar  spain
527 hazel jackson
528 Paul Woo
529 Margaret  Wood
530 Cyndy Spicer (UK) how awful is this??????
531  Margaret Pooley (UK)
532 Hilary Elder (UK)
533 Jon Turner -  UK
534 Andrew Cooper (UK)
535 Terry Bengtson (UK)
536  Vivien Pearce
537 Victoria Murray
538 Maxine Walch  (UK)
539 Lynne Eardley
540 Rob Eardley (UK)  
Bella  Day  (Australia)
542  Rita Cameron  (Australia)
543. Jacqui Neill Borneo, Malaysia
544   Terry Neill. Borneo, E Malaysia
545 John Bardill.  Australia
546 Marieke Taylor Australia
547 David Taylor  Australia
548 Anne Langford Australia
549 Fred Langford  Australia
550 Nola Australia
551 Helen Gorman,  Australia
552 Dixie Cinquina (Australia)
553 Anne Stephens,(  Australia )
554Ted Stephens    ( Australia  )
555 Stu Scott - New Zealand
556 Lou Scott - New  Zealand
557 Greg Casey. New Zealand
558 Jeannie Casey. New  Zealand 
559 Shirley Hughes, New Zealand
560 Cristy Kuka  NZ
561 Kris Newcombe NZ
562 Kelly Craig NZ
563 Jacqui  Crilly NZ
564 Paul Crilly NZ
565 Lorraine Peters
566 Nic  Peters
567 Gary Peters
568 Gaylene Bethell
569 Patricia  Maitland
570 Diane Sansum 
571 Ngaire Theobald
572  Jillian Oliver- New Zealand
573 Stewart Couchman – New  Zealand
 574  Linda and Jim Farley - New Zealan 
575  Penny and Noel  Anderson - New Zealand 
576 Jackie & Eric McEwan - New  Zealand
577 Lyn & Allan Lockerbie - Edinburgh,  Scotland
578 Ann Walker, Cleethorpes, UK
579 Geoff Formby,  Louth, UK 
580 Carolyn Putt. UK 
581 Tim Everitt   -  UK
582 Derek Glen-Barber - Harwich, Essex, UK
583  Peter Lancaster Poilhes France
584 Sian Edwards Poilhes  France_________ 
585 Brian Salzmann Paris France (Dont buy  Danish products)
586 Sharon Salzmann Paris France (Dont visit  Denmark)
587 Lawrence Smit - Bahrain
588 Pete Hutchings  Dubai
589 Jaime Bordes, Malaysia
590 Trinh Dang, Vancouver  Canada 
591 Harvinder Mahey, Vancouver Canada
592 Tony  Remedios, North Saanich, BC. Canada
593 Shirley Bamford ,Sidney  B.C. Canada
594 Maureen Tomsich British Columbia ,Canada
595  Roger Johnson, Dongara. Western Australia
596 Barbara Prestidge  Dongara WA
597 Barbara Harbeck Bunbury WA
598 Len Harbeck  Bunbury WA
599 Peter Wilkin Bunbury WA
600 Sandy Wilkin  Bunbury Wa
601   Annmarie   Hinchcliffe   Mandurah WA
602.Geoff Livo   Adelaide SA
603 Nina  B Salisbury Adelaide SA   
604  DIRK BONT Murray Bridge S.A
605  Jan  Waye   Victor Harbor  SA 
606. Linda Kerr  Hackham West SA 
607.  Hellen Hill, Epping. UK
608 Anne  Ayres South Africa
609 Ilse Hahn
610 John Difford -  Johannesburg, South Africa
611 Ernest Blomkamp Cape Town South  Africa
612 Paula Blomkamp Cape Town South Africa
613 Erika  Smeets – Uvongo South Africa
614 Brandon Tier-Geyser – Uvongo  South Africa
615 Bronsen Steele – Uvongo South Africa
616  Julie Steele – Uvongo South Africa
617 Jelinka Kriel – Uvongo  South Africa
618 May Eloff – JHB, South Africa
619 Louwrens  Gildenhuys Kempton Park SA
620 Nicola Smith
621 Petro  Zaayman
622 Herman Heunis South Africa
623 Marius Smit -  South Africa
624 Patience Ngwenya - South  Africa
626.April Mahlangu South Africa
627. Thomas  Ramantsima - (South Africa)
628. Tshepiso Machaka – (SOUTH  AFRICA )
630. Vuyisile  Mbuyane South ARICA Mpumalanga
631.Samke Nhlabathi
632.  Portia Mngomezulu Kempton Park SA
633. Sophy Matumba Kempton  Park SA
634. Daisy Mohono – Duncanville – RSA
635. Tumo  Mohono – Duncanville – RSA
636. Naledi Mohono – Duncanville –  RSA
637. Kamohelo Mohono – Duncanville – RSA
638. Tladi  Sekati --- Bophelong --- RSA
639. Tshepo Sekati --- Sebokeng  --- RSA
640. Kamohelo Sekati --- Sebokeng --- RSA
641. Fonti  Sekati --- Bophelong --- RSA
642. Tladi Sekati jr --- Bophelong  --- RSA  643.SAM NXANGANE-PARYS-RSA 644. MJ  Mahlakwane—Vanderbijlpark… RSA 645. AM van Dyk.  Vanderbijlpark…RSA
 646.  Debbie Sutherland. Vanderbijlpark   RSA 647.   Theuns Stander  648.   Doreen Stander  649.  Simone Stander  650.  Quintin Stander 651.  Bertie Barnard South Africa 652. Yolanda Barnard South  Africa 653.  Gys Barnard  (SA)  653.  Claudia Barnard  (SA)  654.  Ruby Barnard  (SA)  655.   Kobus Le Roux (SA) 656. Ben Burger (RSA) 657. Wessel Pretorius  (RSA) 658.Ben  Burger(RSA) 659.  Dolf Kemp (RSA) 660.  Amanda Lombard (RSA)  661. Eardley Lombard (RSA)  662.  Evan Lombard (RSA) 663.  Emile Lombard (RSA) 664.Paul  Johannes Grobler (RSA)  665  Louise Grobler (RSA)  666   Gavin Ohlson (RSA) 667  Caroline Maasdorp 668  Genevieve Christie(RSA)  669.  Francois Wilhelmus Marias (Northern Cape – South Africa 670 -  Joamie Vermeulen Marais (Northern Cape – South Africa) 671  – Ivan Liedeman(RSA)
672 – Liam Fisher (RSA)
673 – Kathy  Fisher (RSA)
674 – Morne Marais (RSA)
 675  – Elmandi King 676-  Jacques Muller (RSA)  677  - Jaco Scheepers (RSA)  678  – Petrus Pretorius (Northern Cape – South Africa) 679  – Hendrik Du Preez. 680  ­– Cilliers van der Merwe  681-  ERIC HAUSER JOHANNESBURG SOUTH AFRICA 682-  CRAIG SIEBERT S.A 683  – TRACY BRIDER – RSA  684-  WARREN BRIDER – RSA 685  – ADAM CHARNLEY – RSA  686  – ETHAN BRIDER – RSA  687  – ESTHER ROLLO – RSA  688  – ALEXANDER ROLLO – RSA  689  – JASON ROLLO – RSA 690  – Roberto Bona – RSA  691  – Antonio Bona – RSA  692  – Gabriella Bona – RSA  693  – Patricia Bona – RSA  694  – Angela Di Pietro –RSA  695  – Roberta Di Pietro – RSA  696  – Maria Di Pitro -RSA  697  Sonia Belloni 698  Niccolo’ Belloni 699  Anna Minucci 700  Mario Galletti 701  Oriana Galletti 702  Federica Galletti 703  Eleonora Galletti 704  Graham Smith - South Africa  705  Paolo G. Gladulich 706 Lenard Henry 707  - Carla Potgieter – South Africa  708  Anthea Abels South Africa  709  Karel Landman South Africa  710  rob Connacher South Africa  711  stuart connacher 712  tide connacher 713  jayde connacher 704  tamaryn Connacher 705  Christelle Connacher  706  Dennise Groch 707  Kelly-Leigh Mucka 708  Thomas Mucka 709  AliWilmot 710  Peter Wilmot 711 Ernie  Edwards (RSA) 712   Anthony North (RSA) 713   Estelle Swart (RSA)  Hoe kan mense so wreed wees 714  Ria Mans South Africa  715  Hans Mans South Africa  716  Gustav Van Wyk 717  Marie Mans 718 Enrico  Vrey719  ralph becke 720 FD  Page 721 C van der Merwe  RSA722 A.D van  der Merwe RSA
 723 CC  Potgieter
726 K.J. Martin
  727 Heather Rijntjes  - The Netherlands


728  Carol Nockels -RSA      disgusting
730  Sheila Rice, South Africa
731 Tony  Durell. South Africa
732.  Martin Simons  UK   Unbelievably  Disgusting
733  john legg uk 
744 Steve Kingshott  UK 

745  John  Musto (Zimbabwe)

746  April Thompson (Zimbabwe)

747   Angus Thompson (Zimbabwe)  

748  Andre Botha (Netherlands

749  Anton Botha (Zimbabwe)

750  Barbara Bonham (Zimbabwe)

751  Liz Bonham  (Zimbabwe)

752 Edna Frees  (Zimbabwe

753 Gordon Millar  (Zimbabwe)

754 Tanya de Klerk  (Zimbabwe)

755 Tina Danes (Zimbabwe)

756 Ingrid Roelofsz

757 Prue Hildebrand,(Zimbabwe)

758  Rupert Hildebrand (Zimbabwe)

759 Anne Lane  RSA  & Zimbabwe

760 Melanie Steyn Botswana –

761 George Steyn Botswana

762 Helen Buchanan (South Africa)

763 Steve Buchanan (South Africa)

764 Graham Hide (South Africa)

765 Lillian Hide (South Africa)

766 Bev Burnard - South Africa

767 Tubby Burnard – South Africa

768 J Rogerson – South Africa

769 C. Seymour – Australia

770 D, Sauermann

771 Lynn Degan – Australia

772. Liz Brandtman - Australia

773. Pat Miller  Canada

774. Kathy Lunner, Vancouver, Canada

775. Susan Roberts, North Vancouver, Canada

776. Eleanor Townsley, Toronto, Canada  

777. Barb Mollard, Toronto, Canada

778 John D. Unsworth, Hamilton, Canada

779 Linda Lannigan Hamilton, Canada- This is so BRUTAL I don't understand how anyone could participate in such a Horrific Act  :(  I can't even look at these photo's without my eyes filling with tears.  God please help us stop all the Violence on Planet Earth.


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