I picked the first couple of sites to send as a starter but there are many many indepth sites you can search.
I kept this simple.
There is a tremendous amount of information on the internet, which makes it easy to research, but time consuming if you are really interested!
We all have the ability to activate our Pineal Gland, there are meditation techniques etc and some people just naturally use it. You must be in a state of Inner Peace, Calm, Breathe and just allow the experience. We all have different experiences. Some have Visions, messages come to us, spiritual guidance etc..
Everyone is different there is no need to over-think, worry or try to experience anything. Being in a state of Peace and Eternal Love is the first step. For some it is an easy thing to do (close your eyes and boom you're there)

for others you will need to learn to shut out the Material World entirely, breathe, and allow yourself to go inward where there is total Peace and Love.
When you are doing this a smile will automatically come to your face and you will feel the warmth in your Heart.
You acknowledge that place and let go of all thoughts and allow the experience to happen. Just breathe and be One with All.. There is no greater Love than that of God, you will crave this Love more and more and never get enough
I could go on for Years about techniques, teachings, tools, Love and Respecting your body as the Highest Most Sacred Temple and on..
I've added a few links including the Calcification of the Pineal Gland because most people's Pineal Glands are calcified for a multitude of reasons, which are indicated in the links below. There is no need to worry as the Pineal Gland can be decalcified, But many habits need to be changed first. Simply eating Organic, Raw foods and Pure Water is the way to avoid Calcification.
I hope you find this interesting and useful.
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