OUTING HUMANITY 6/23/2011; 18 months REMAINED ‘til 12/23/2012


6/23/2011; 18 months REMAINED ‘til 12/23/2012

Is humanity's future almost here or already over, because being ecologically sound has yet to be achieved?


Many suggest 12/23/2012 remains a momentous, earth shattering and even life-ending occasion. However…no one knows if persistent, broadly based predictions, are accurate.

We know a multitude of imminent threats loom, and whether any buy into the 12/23/2012 timing or not; each person and all humanity remains ecologically disconnected, environmentally toxic, out of touch with reality and most likely doomed; should most remain enslaved and on our present course.

We remain an entire species; that fails to make our worldly concerns secondary to ecological validity…again...as if we alone are or humanity alone is, in charge

We remain a form of being, each with singular awareness, free will and personal choice…which fails to assimilate, with what brought us into existence…But could we reverse our combined momentum or is it already too late?

This is about that. How or even can we rehabilitate; amidst global strife, universal deception, rampant confusion and civilization’s collapse?

How and where does a species that doesn’t even get along with each other and remains ecologically dysfunctional and environmentally poisonous find clarity and intervene upon its self?

How and where do we hold universal moratorium against a backdrop of many languages, complexions, creeds, customs, careers, cartels, cultures, complexities, countries, and forms of commerce?


I am asking each to assume one universally conscientious and exponentially considerate stance as an exercise. Now, from this perspective; observe the entire or whole sum of creatures and environs within earthly existence…


Now, determine in your own mind, humanity’s overall affect; upon this living cell, which gave and still gives life to our form and every form of being fuelled by stardust, here on earth or Eden...

Now, please answer this: Are, human beings, or, is human being... achieving; ecological symbiosis and environmental equilibrium; in kind accommodation to the host of all that is?


The way men and women of all humanity remain...Is not OK.

Furthermore human beings are not in charge and we do not own

anything, but responsibility.

@ our test of ecological validity; a human being or humanly conceived god, or humanity at large; is not in charge…

Ecological synchrony and natural symbiosis reigns...

No idol or ideal is above fully conscientious behaviour.

There is no other god, saviour, saving grace, sovereign or sovereignty above this.

As of June, 2011, humanity's collective momentum; despite every indicator and revelation, remains misdirected, far off course, and in fact dead ended and those most worship agree or agreed.

We are already lingering remnants of a failed DNA sequence; should most continue as we are and any who still suggest we are viable as a species… in our present state...or claim we can ever become safe, on our present course; remains in an induced daze, with too few days left…

Are we or is our species ecologically amenable within the entire being?

Do you personally want to know what we all need to realize in order to stop our overall momentum and rehabilitate ecologically?

Are most people and peoples… interested in a eco-social way where every back yard is everybody’s concern?

Do you want to know how to be; in order to get there from here?

I am looking for venues to meet, and calling for people and peoples to facilitate ecological rehabilitation, where we are, where ever we are and to cause locally sustainable communication, nourishment and in fact achieve naturally evolving communion with the underlying nature of existence; because human being does not and human beings do not accomplish or achieve ecological being at a time and place in the migration of the universe where is it critical to be one with the underlying nature of interdependently evolving beings.


The absolute necessity right now for humanity is nearby nurturing.


It is time to face our unanimous reality locally and to do so universally; as a species, this is about and calls to those who want in. This is for those who seek transcendence from where most remain headed. Because as a species on the verge, we are not prepared or qualified to be born into a more universal level of exisitence...Mostly because en mass; we fail to exist in sync with all other being.


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