Ontario Minister of Environment Meets with GNC Volunteers

August 5, 2011 

Ontario Minister of Environment Meets with GNC Volunteers 

On Tuesday, July 19th, several GNC volunteers were invited to participate in a long awaited meeting with the Minister of Environment, the Honourable John Wilkinson. Initially submitting a formal letter in October of 2011, Environment Hamilton requested the meeting to discuss ongoing government delays in passing key proposed air standards into law. These list of 8 standards standards includes  benzene and benzo(a)pyrene; known cancer-causing chemicals that are being released from  both ArcelorMittal-Dofasco and US Steel’s  coke ovens at levels high enough to cause concern. 


Although initially agreeing to meet with residents and EH staff in November of 2010, the Minister's office continually pushed back the meeting for 9 months, leaving everyone wondering if a meeting would ever take place. Thankfully it did, and thankfully the standards for the 8 substances were passed during that wait time. On June 22, 2011, the Ministry of Environment (MOE) posted Decision Notices on the Environmental Registry amending Ontario Regulation 419/05: Air Pollution - Local Air Quality to include these standards taking effect on July 1, 2016. Click here for more information. 


Despite having the standards passed, it was felt that it was still important that a meeting take place to allow the Minister to gain a better understanding of the impacts local industry is having on its neighbours. Minister Wilkinson's predecessor, John Gerretsen took this approach when he visited the home of volunteer Lorna Moreau during his time in office. By his own admission, Gerretsen said the visit was extremely valuable for him as it provided a first-hand understanding of the environmental challenges facing the community. 


The meeting with Minister Wilkinson took place at the Confederation Park Superintendent's office in the late afternoon. In addition to the Minister and his staff, 5 residents from neighbourhoods close to the industrial core, 2 Environment Hamilton staff members, and Liberal MPP Ted McMeekin and his assistant were in attendance. Unfortunately due to the Minister's time constraints, the meeting was given a 45 minute time slot. Despite this short time frame however, community members did a great job of communicating their experiences and concerns 


It is our hope that the Minister and his staff take action on the concerns raised at the meeting, To date, we have been told that his office is looking into ways in which coal dust from the coal piles may be reduced; whether by enforcing a tarp system or additional handling procedures. Information was also provided to the Minister to help him to see that, even with the new, more stringent air standards, there is still a great deal of work to be done to reduce the current levels of benzene and benzo(a)pyrene in the air in neighbourhoods close to the industrial core.  We will continue to keep pressure on his office in addition to sending out updates on its responses when we receive them. 


In the meantime we encourage you to contact the Minister's office should you wish to raise your own concerns if you have been impacted by industry in your neighbourhood. Ontario's air quality must be a priority. Click here for the Minister's complete contact information.

Stackwatch Update: 
The Stackwatch program is designed to provide Hamiltonians with the skills and information needed to identify and take action on visible air emissions coming from stacks in Hamilton's industrial core. Officially launched at the Beach Strip Annual Garage Sale on July 10th, the program has been making strides and has been well received within the community: 
  • In the news. In case you missed it in the Hamilton Spectator, coverage was given to one of our Stackwatch marathon sessions where we set up camp at the corner of Ottawa and Burlington streets for a half day to observe and record problem emissions coming from ArcelorMittal-Dofasco. Click here to read the article. 
  • Going door to door. After creating stack keys for numerous streets and neighbourhoods within the city, the GNC has created neighbourhood packages catering to both the Beach community and the Centre Mall area. These packages contain stack keys for each specified area along with information on who to call should you see an emission of concern. Thus far we have distributed these packages to over 250 north end homes and have spoken to several residents about the program. Canvassing will continue into late August.
  • On the web and in the community. We have equipped our website with several tools and resources that we hope you find useful. Click here to view the program's webpage which includes an interactive map, Q&A with the Ministry of Environment, opacity and emission regulations and data, and much more.  
There are many ways to engage with the program: 
  • Utilizing our materials is the first way to make a difference. By becoming aware of the stacks within your area and the contacts available to report to and answer questions you can become better prepared to identify polluters and hold them accountable. 
  • Join our Stackwatch Marathon group or drop by our sessions to learn more.Our weekday marathon sessions are currently TBD (weather and volunteer dependent) for the month of August, however keep checking our website for more details. You can additionally find us each Thursday at Music on the Waterfront, or at the Hamilton Fishing Derby on Saturday August 13th, 2011.  
  • Help us tell your neighbours. Whether it be helping us go door to door, or whether you take it upon yourself to go tell your friends and family, spreading the word is important. We are also able to provide volunteer hours for high school students looking to get involved this summer. 

Katie Stiel 
Good Neighbour Campaign Coordinator 
Environment Hamilton
22 Wilson Street, Suite 8  
Hamilton, ON L8R 1C5
Phone (Office): 905-549-0900

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