What this world has changed since the time of the caves ... the way to somewhere that used to take 2 months to do, now takes half an hour on highways, airports, TGV and so on. What, once, each of us had to seed to eat, or to fish or hunting, now we just have to take our car to the supermarket and and throw it all into our basket... which before was done with effort, such as washing clothes by hand, now is the machine that gets the job done... cool ! Seen in this point of view it is! But everything has its bad side ,and this, the convenience and comfort is costing us all dearly ...
That is without mentioning the fact that less effort to travel anywhere equals more weight, obesity, months of adventure travel are postponing to other boring stuff we have to do...that we have more time to complete, no to mention the waste of tons of fish and other foods of 500 hypermarkets and supermarkets and mini markets that end up in the trash because no one has calculated how much would really be needed for all as food, including eating more than hunger ...

Not to metion the even higher price: The extreme complexity of social life in modern times!

While in ancient times to have a house was simple: resorted only a rocky ground where people would pick sand and stones: and there it was: YOUR HOUSE! But nowadays...augh ... complicated ... mortgages, words like: spread rates, world bank interests, and other made the simple right to a home anything but a right, more of a luxury I would say.

While in ancient times to blow the dust of the fruit was about enough to make it edible and healthy now, pesticides, fertilizers and paraffin to make the fruit shine, make edible fruit...but healthy?...not quite so...
which explains why I allways listened to my grandparents saying that in ancient times «people were healthier» because nowadays if it isn`t the chicken flu is that of the the pigs, or E.S.B. disease (I can not stand the name "mad cow disease"it is the human race that must be getting mad to feed cows on their own mothers and sisters ashes...).

I know I will again look like a christian devouted fanatic (for those who do not know me and...of which I do not care about...), but all that may be divine punishment! Why? because animals have feelings too , they are not objects or goods, they are forms of : LIFE! and all forms of life deserve respect. The cruelty in the way the animals are bred, the stress to which they are subject, what breeders give them to eat and the instrumental treatment which they give them ... brought these diseases ...should not be by accident ... it happens because natures disrespect : TEARS HEAVEN! NATURE IS CRYING OUT LOUD FOR MERCY AND RESPECT! Loud and clear!

THE SO CALLED «PROGRESS», «MODERNITY» OR «CIVILIZATION» has certainly promoted the cure for many ailments and life extend , but also made life more complicated and perhaps not always the amount measured in years is as important as quality is measured in freedom, creativity and love ...
The Tower of Babel as useless as the complexity of the world, that could and should be simple, is falling...because the truth is like the oil that comes up through water, and the truth is that mankind has distanced itself too much from simplicity, its roots, nature and its own creative nature, the freedom mankind could enjoy. Instead we have unemployment (still many times more exciting and motivating than the job that was lost, due to the supposed need for a range of gadgets that were never missing except now ... in the middle of all this, with so many media, so many blah blah blah even behind the mole`s bathroom door, can`t even make a pee without beeing pursued by advertising there...right in front of you!
To my point of view, humans never walked so isolated and empty! So full of themselves, God to themselves to their needs and so far apart from the truth of feelings, from their purity and strength that should not have been absorvessemos many misconceptions about fashions and ways of being and being.

The Tower of Babel the banksers those vampires, thirsty for money at any cost, wherever it may come from allways rulled, eager to collect fortunes so empty and lonely, as the idea they have of homeless people: empty and lonely, only homeless people maybe less empty as they`re maybe less greedy...those same homeless people to those they look down on, because they didn`t see all this coming, all these bankruptcy that may or may not turn them into the new homeless, we don`t know where all of this is going next ...

The Tower of Babel of screens and appearances who endured that give way to ruin ... who knows the human being will rediscover and discover that the simpler life is, the happier it gets...

Maybe human beeings can rediscover themselves.

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