Fantastic News! Caitlyn's Surgery was a Success

The BEST NEWS EVER!! 6 year old Caitlyn Chisel had her surgery May 15th and is OFFICALLY IN REMISSION!! RINGING THE REMISSION BELL AND DOING GREAT   Caitlyn went in for her testing June 2 and now We have Engraftment!  Her Surgery is a Success  So Grateful and Thankful!  

We all are so happy for you Caitlyn! all your brothers and sisters, family and friends  Genevieve ChiselCalvin ChiselAnge-Aimee Wawia  Congratulations! WooHoo! Time to Celebrate   

There are donation Tins in Hamilton at these locations to help with Caitlyn's Surgery Costs  The UPS Store WestdaleBuffed Nail BarAlbert Snow Hair Design GroupSaigon Asian RestaurantKuma's CandyComic ConnectionCrossFit OdeonGilbert's Big and TallLincoln Alexander Centre   We will be picking these Tins up by the end of June please give generously <3 

Thank you for all your Love and Support for Caitlyn  Valentino's RestaurantRunner's DenThe Snooty FoxBurrito BandidosShawarma ClubSticky's Candy WestdaleLocke Street ShopsBeefer'sTed  Stellar Performances by: #AmericanRogues #KarenThornton#AlfieSmith and the #TopSideBluesBand, MC #ChristopheDavidson, Talented Youth performing for Caitlyn: Marcel Ward, Shadi Rahmatyan, Steel-Hers Cheerleading Squads, Elia Ward, Bradlee Henry, Mike Mackenzie all selflessly their time and talents 

Thank you for the generous Silent Auction/Raffle Donations: 
 Ancaster  Brassie Pub, #BillJones 
 Westdale Village  Beefer'sr's Skate Shop, Goji Berry Health Foods, Kuma's Candy, Buffed Nail Bar, Weil's of Westdale Bakery, Albert Snow Hair Design Group, #XiaopanWang, Pita Pit Westdalet, Saigon Asian Restaurant, Westdale Tim Horton's, Shawarma Club, The Colours & Esthetics Studio, Sticky's Candy Westdale, Burrito Bandidos The Snooty Fox, Bare Wax Bar, Mark's Salon, The UPS Store Westdale, Eco Mama Wellness, Runner's Den, Valentino's Restaurant, Bryan Prince Bookseller, Allure Fitness Inc., 
 King St W Ted Lazich Photography, Gilbert's Big and Tall, Tony's Hair Design & Mens Barber Shop, Goldilocks Hair Shoppe, Macnamar Dilar Ltd, The George Hamilton, 
 Locke Street Shops  Picks & Sticks Music, Olive's Oddments, Revolution Kids, The Beasley House Bistro, Citizen Kid - Toys and Gifts, Starbucks Canada Canada, Ragamuffins Children's Salon, Radiant Beauty Supplies
 Jackson St. W  The Pantry Pooch,
 Downtown Hamilton Business Improvement Area  RainBarrel.caArt Gallery of Hamilton#TimothyMortonPhotographerBill Simone#MariaDelCarmenOrlandisHabsburgo#SylviaNickersonDeborah Barfknecht LawOffice, Joe Rhodes
 Jackson Square  Heroes N' Legends
 James St South  Molakai Concert Ukulele * Quilted Maple from The Acoustic Room, The James Street Bookseller, HAIR ETC, Mezcal TNT, Hamilton Conservatory for the Arts for the Arts, House Of Java
 Young St  Corktown Pub, W. E. Davies Opticians 
 Grant Ave  Recording Time from #GrantAveStudios!

Thank you all for donating  Please give what you can every little bit helps  

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