New Legislation to Weed Out Lawn and Garden Pesticides

New Legislation to Weed Out Lawn and Garden Pesticides
Will Protect Environment and Public Health

Thank you--You made a difference!

Nearly 2,000 you sent an e-bouquet of pesticide-free flowers to the Premier back in February.

It must have warmed his heart.

The Government of Ontario introduced legislation today (Earth Day) to ban lawn and garden pesticides, province-wide. This bill begins the process that will prohibit the use and sale of hundreds of toxic pesticides throughout the province.

Your letters were pivotal to helping government officials understand that Ontarians are ready to make the switch to non-toxic gardening techniques.

Ontario Environment Minister John Gerretsen was moved by the strong public support, telling the Toronto Star that, "90 per cent of the people that responded to it [the proposed ban] responded in a favourable way"

It shows that your voice counts.

I am very encouraged that the Ontario government listened to your call and is moving swiftly to minimize this needless source of chemical exposures.

Today's announcement marks an important step in the legislative process, but there is more to be done to ensure that the ban is effective. TheDavid Suzuki Foundation, with your help, will work to ensure that the government follows through with strong regulations.

In the meantime, you can do your part by making sure that your garden is free of chemical pesticides.

If you live in the Toronto area, be sure to see Dr. Suzuki talk about the bees and the butterflies (not the birds) at Wild Things With Wings. Click here for more information

Click here to keep up-to-date on our campaign to ban cosmetic pesticides in Ontario, and for pesticide-free gardening tips.

Thanks again!

Lisa Gue
Environmental Health Policy Analyst
The David Suzuki Foundation

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