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What impact would you like to have on the world?
About Me: Describe what you are doing in the areas of Peace,Environment, Health, Empowerment

Comment Wall (4 comments)

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At 10:26am on June 23, 2010, Ron Wilson said…
Greetings from our lord christ.I am Ron from Ghana.I am the head of the foundation here on the buduburam refugee camp in Ghana.the foundation is here to help traumatised kids and orphans who loosed their hope and everything in war.The foundation provides food, school,biblical teachings and health assistance for these kids.It is always a priviledge to meet likeminded people like you.hope to be friends. this is the link to our webpage.
May God bless you
At 10:18am on April 8, 2008, FixOurWorld said…
Please add information about yourself to help inspire others. Initiatives, goals, events, etc.. in the areas above.
This will help others around the world to see what is working and where help is needed and unite us as a Global Family.

If you belong to a club, organization, group etc.. Add in the Groups section for others from your group to join.

If you are holding an event:
Add your area as a Group for others to see the Venues around the world and for people who are attending/helping/participating in that event to join. This will give recognition to all who are involved with that event. Please add statistics available about your area.
At 1:24pm on April 3, 2008, FixOurWorld said…
Hi Nicholas are you able to post statistics on your page from your area? in the areas of Poverty, Peace/Conflict, Environment, and HIV/AIDS. If you are able to hold an event in your area please add it to the groups section on this website. I have a Hamilton group that will show the people and information from Hamilton and statistics etc.. I hope you are able to do this. I believe we can help each other all over the world by sharing this information and finding solutions for each other.
Linda :)
At 1:43pm on March 12, 2008, FixOurWorld said…
Hi Nicholas
I am happy to have you join us! The site has just been created and I need to add a lot of information to it. I wanted to at least have it operating so that others could add their events and local information for the world to be able to view.
Thank you for participating in our event. I am very curious to see the information from your area.

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