Denise Vernier
  • Female
  • Cornwall, Ontario
  • Canada
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  • FixOurWorld

Denise Vernier's Page

Profile Information

What impact would you like to have on the world?
There is to many people in the world living in poverty, not enough low income housing, to enough family Doctor, problems with health care etc. To many people do not have all basic need and cost of living goes up all the time.
Poverty has to be decrease of 50% by 20011....
I would challenge a Goverment worker to live in Poverty for 3 months and been monitor by someone and come and tell us how is to live in poverty... You have to live in poverty to now it.
What clubs, groups, orgs are you involved with
Founder, Chair SD&G ODSP ACTIOBN COALITION, ODSP ACTION COALITION. LIEN, Fix the World, Social Justice, Social Planning Council Committee Cornwall and Toronto and more.......
About Me: Describe what you are doing in the areas of Peace,Environment, Health, Empowerment
I am and activist about poverty and help all type of people on all types of Pension also EI. OAS, CPP and follow up budget from Government of Ontario, Federal and municipality and I am founder chair SD&G ODSP ACTION COALITION in my community also in Social Planning Council committee, Social Juctice member in my community and co-chair lobby/media committee Toronto,steering committee on poverty issues, raise the minimum wages,ODSP ACTION COALITION in Toronto and steering committee, LIEN group and more... We Protest, Rally, Petiton, take complaint about people on Pension, write letter governments , help anyone we can...... It all volunteer work.
If anyon like for me to go to city or Country to help or to conference would have to pay my way because I do not have money to Travel.

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At 10:33am on March 15, 2015, FixOurWorld said…

Congratulations Denise You are Today's Fix Our World Featured Member <3 Sending Peace, Joy and Love to you always <3


Fix Our World Team

At 6:59pm on December 16, 2010, Ron Wilson said…

Greetings from our lord christ.I am Ron from Ghana.I am the head of the foundation here on the buduburam refugee camp in Ghana.the foundation is here to help traumatised kids and orphans who loosed their hope and everything in war.The foundation provides food, school,biblical teachings and health assistance for these kids.It is always a priviledge to meet likeminded people like you.hope to be friends. this is the link to our webpage.
May God bless you

At 1:24am on November 30, 2009, Edward Teach said…
Please Check out my blog hunger strike started Nov. 28 2009 for reasons outlined there.
At 1:04am on August 6, 2008, FixOurWorld said…
Please help by hosting an event in your area. 1st Annual Fix Our World Festival Benefit Concert Sept 27, 2008 or by 2010. We are raising money for 4 local and 4 global organizations who are making a difference. Mission Services The Hamilton AIDS Network, SISO, Environment Hamilton, Make Poverty HIstory, The Stephen Lewis Foundation, World Vision, The David Suzuki Foundation.
We want all of the groups to have a carnival feel to their table with information as well as some kind of activity to give them tools to become active members of our society.
We are asking people around the world to hold events on the same dates and are planning to have this event held across Canada by 2010 to show Canada wants Change! We want these events linked live if possible.

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