Fix Our World Canada - Non Profit Corporation working to create solutions and Positive change in the areas of Peace, Poverty, AIDS/Global Health, Environment, both locally and globally.
Our Mission is to Educate, Motivate and bring people of all ages together, in a fun Interactive Atmosphere and give them the tools they can use! Celebrating, honouring and gaining support for all who are making a difference, Ultimately collaborating and fixing the problems to create a better future for all living things
"Together We Will Fix Our World ... Because it all starts in our own backyards"
Global Family ♥
♥ We are Happy to have you join our Global Family ♥ Add Tips, Ideas, things you do to make a difference. Inspire and help others to do similar things.
We all have something to offer <3 Big or Small it all helps <3
Fix Our World
We are creating Fix Our World Chapters in every City.
Fix Our World Events
<3 A for profit organization that helps to fund Fix Our World Canada and other Charities of choice.
<3 Mirroring our events around the world. Each event will show the struggles and accomplishments each area faces and achieves.
" <3 Together We Will Fix Our World... because it all starts in our own backyards <3"
" <3 If We Believe We Will Achieve <3"