
Street Team

Fix Our World Street Team 

Worldwide program involving youth and local


Engaging Youth, Volunteer hours given for OSSD.

*gain valuable tools

*use data, research,  film, photo, journalist skills

*create sensible solutions

One Initiative of the - Street Team

 *Picking up litter, separate and document findings.  Take photo's & footage.  

All  will be honoured in various forms for their contributions.

Youth use their data skills, research skills, Film & photo skills, journalist skills.  

We document all our findings and enter into our data system.

We are cleaning up our City streets, nooks & crannies, parks, trails, beaches, paths &


 *saving Nature by stopping these items from
blowing into our water systems and contributing to the major plastic sites
in the oceans, over 7 million tons of plastic spanning an area twice the size of texas destroying our oceans and harming our food chains.

Youth will be Documenting our findings, creating and implementing sensible
solutions, educating Youth and communities about the issue of litter and how it affects the environment and putting an end to it.  

Creating fun competitions and empowering Youth, giving them a sense of  accomplishment and ownership to our City and our World.  

Educating about Nature and
Environment and respect for all living things.

Once a month we treat youth to an outing.  Partnering with local groups, clubs, organizations such as McMaster Outdoor Club providing Leadership building, Rock Climbing, Outdoor excursions, Workshops, Environment Education including Healthy food, Eat Local, Nature, Water, Plant &
Vegetation etc.  Our team will also join Earth Day Hamilton in Earth Day
Tree Planting events, Shoreline cleanups, Earth Hour, and Annual
Fix Our World Festival.

Fix Our World
 "Together We Will Fix Our World...  because it all starts in our own backyards"

Location: Home base Hamilton Ontario
Members: 7
Latest Activity: Nov 8, 2014

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Discussion Forum

Street Team Outings 1 Reply

Once a month we treat our Street Team to an outing.  There is no cost to Street Team Members.It's a great way for Street Team Members to meet each other and have a fun outing together.We post and…Continue

Started by FixOurWorld. Last reply by FixOurWorld Jan 31, 2013.

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of Street Team to add comments!

Comment by FixOurWorld on February 18, 2013 at 8:23am


Street Team we will be participating in this event.

Spring Cleanup of Cootes Paradise

Time: March 24, 2013 from 1pm to 4pm
Location: Various location Cootes Paradise e-mail f...
City/Town: Hamilton/Burlington
Website or Map:…
Event Type: environmental

Comment by FixOurWorld on February 11, 2013 at 11:37pm

Read more about giant garbage mounds floating in the worlds oceans.

Comment by FixOurWorld on January 28, 2013 at 2:21pm

Street Team - We are going to the Altitude McMaster Climbing Wall for our January Outing by popular demand.  Wed Jan 30 at 4pm meet at McMaster Student Centre doors facing parking lot..  Anyone wanting to participate It's Free please contact and confirm, Call or Text your contact info to confirm 905.518.1308

Looking forward to seeing you there


Fix Our World


Comment by FixOurWorld on December 3, 2012 at 12:15am

Photo: <a href="/>

Comment by FixOurWorld on November 29, 2012 at 9:55pm

Environment Canada scientists have confirmed results published by researchers from the University of Alberta showing contaminants accumulating in the snow near oilsands operations, an internal federal document has revealed. The original study, led by University of Alberta scientists Erin Kelly and David Schindler, analyzed winter snow and found that contamination levels were "highest near oilsand

s development compared to further away."said the document released by the government.


The document, which was attached to an email indicating the information was also in the hands of the office of Environment Minister Peter Kent, provided a scripted list of answers that explained researchers had tested the toxicity of the Athabasca River water in the spring of 2010 with negative results, and also that no link was established between levels of contaminants found and any effect on fish.

"If scientists are approached for interviews at the conference, the EC communications policy will be followed by referring the journalist to the media relations ... phone number. An appropriate spokesperson will then be identified depending on journalist questions."

If asked questions of this nature, the scientists were told in the script to say: "I am a scientist. I'm not in a position to answer that question but I'd be happy to refer you to an appropriate spokesperson."
Comment by Meaghan Beattie on November 13, 2012 at 5:06pm

Hey Street team. Does anyone live in the East End (Quigley Greehill area?) If you are near by and want to join me send me an e-mail

I'm looking forward to picking up some trash around here :)

Comment by FixOurWorld on November 5, 2012 at 9:41pm

We are having our 1st Hike 4pm Thursday with Team Leader Wayne Terryberry from McMaster Outdoor Club all are invited.  We will be learning what food grows naturally in our area, if there is anything still available, enjoy an outing, meeting each other and picking up any litter of course along the route.  Gloves will be provided Please contact and confirm your participation.  Looking forward to a fun Hike at Cootes for about an hour all weather so please dress appropriately then we are hitting the Climbing Wall at Mac.  Meet us at the Student Centre front doors infront of the parking lot at 4pm.  See you there <3 

Comment by Salma El Naggar on November 4, 2012 at 12:50pm
Comment by Salma El Naggar on November 4, 2012 at 12:48pm

This is a must see video! Who is going to accept responsibility for this mess? Want to help? Join the Street Team!

The best way to cut down on plastic wastes is to reduce use, to eliminate unnecessary packaging, and to reuse items such as plastic bags, toys, cosmetic bottles, etc. The next best way is to recycle.

Comment by FixOurWorld on November 3, 2012 at 11:15am

We are having our 1st Hike 4pm Next Week (day to be announced) with Team Leader Wayne Terryberry from McMaster Outdoor Club all Street Team volunteers are invited.  We will be learning what food grows naturally in our area, enjoy an outing, meeting each other and picking up any litter of course along the route.  Gloves will be provided Please contact and confirm your participation.


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