
Make Poverty History

Make Poverty History is campaining for more and better aid, trade justice, debt cancellation and an end to child poverty in Canada.

Members: 10
Latest Activity: Jul 23, 2015

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Comment by FixOurWorld on June 19, 2009 at 11:34am
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Make Poverty History
Press the G8 now
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Dear friend,

We are just three weeks away from a critical meeting of the G8 in Italy. With the global financial crisis hitting poor nations hard, leaders of the world’s 8 richest countries must live up to their promises to help the world’s poorest.

Take action to ‘Press the G8’ now>>

One hundred million more people are going to bed hungry as the financial crisis wreaks its havoc around the globe. That’s why we are asking you to apply pressure to Prime Minister Stephen Harper and the other leaders of rich nations when they meet in Italy. When you sign the ‘Press the G8’ petition, you’ll be part of a global action against poverty.

Your message will be sent along with thousands of messages from people in Canada and around the world – a strong message that the leaders won’t be able to ignore.
Press the G8 now>>

The collective pressure count will be delivered to the G8 leaders at the meeting. Make Poverty History will have campaigners in Italy, letting you know what’s happening at the meetings and making sure the rich nations don’t forget about the increasing difficulties of the poorest nations.

Many thanks!

Dennis, Jennifer, Kelly, Bryan, Sarah and Eric.
Make Poverty History Team
Dennis Howlett
Campaign Coordinator
Make Poverty History

PS: Please pass this message along to anyone you know who might sign on – the G8 leaders need to feel the pressure if they are to keep their promises to help out the world’s most vulnerable.

Two online articles on why this G8 meeting is so important and how little is being done to help the poorest are Banned Aid ( and Committed to Complacency (

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br /> Make Poverty History
Signant la pétition
Signant la pétition
Envoyez à un ami

Chère/cher ami(e),

Nous voici à trois semaines de la très importante rencontre du G8 en Italie.
Alors que la crise financière mondiale frappe durement les pays pauvres, les dirigeants des 8 pays les plus riches doivent respecter leurs engagements et aider les plus pauvres de la terre.

Agissez en signant la pétition « Pressons le G8 » maintenant >>

Cent millions de personnes de plus se couchent le ventre vide alors que la crise financière sème le chaos partout dans le monde. Voilà pourquoi nous vous demandons de presser le Premier ministre Stephen Harper et les dirigeants des autres pays riches à agir lorsqu’ils se rencontreront en Italie. En signant la pétition « Presser le G8 », vous ajoutez votre voix à une action mondiale contre la pauvreté.

Votre message sera transmis avec des milliers de messages du Canada et de partout dans le monde – un message éloquent que ces dirigeants ne pourront ignorer.
« Pressons le G8 » maintenant >>

Le nombre de signataires de la pétition « Pressons le G8 » sera remis aux dirigeants du G8 en Italie. Des responsables de campagne d’Abolissons la pauvreté seront en Italie, afin de vous laisser savoir ce qui se passe lors des réunions et de s’assurer que les pays riches n’oublient pas les difficultés croissantes des pays les plus pauvres.

Mille fois Merci!

Dennis, Jennifer, Kelly, Sarah et Eric.
L’équipe d’Abolissons la pauvreté

Dennis Howlett
Abolissons la pauvreté

P.-S. : Merci de transmettre ce message à toutes les personnes qui pourraient vouloir signer la pétition – nous devons faire sentir la pression aux dirigeants des pays du G8 afin qu’ils respectent leurs engagements et aident les personnes les plus vulnérables de la terre.

Pétition à l’adresse

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Comment by FixOurWorld on August 12, 2008 at 10:33pm
We started a Get To .7 The Point group and are taking pictures of people posing for .7
I have them posted in a slideshow and am sending them to Make Poverty History. There is a tremendous amount of support here in Hamilton and surrounding areas to Make Poverty History and to Fix Our World. It is a great pleasure to meet so many inspiring people. I am so happy that you are participating in our Sept 27th event. You are such an inspiration, it is always a pleasure to see you.
Linda :)
Comment by Make Poverty History Sarnia Lambton Group on June 9, 2008 at 5:09pm
We Really Are Making Poverty History!!! Our voices do count for making change in our cities, our country and all around the world. We are making a difference through this campaign. We encourage everyone to join at

Members (10)


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