Wanted: Volunteers for Your Soul Connection Case Study

My name is Jennifer Lyall and I’m an intuitive healer.  My soul’s purpose is to help others awaken to their spiritual power and discover their soul’s gifts.  Last year I received guidance on a new process of work to do with people who are ready to propel forward on their spiritual journey.  The work is called Your Soul Connection.  

The intention of Your Soul Connection is to connect one’s soul with their heart and mind and invite the ego to step out of the way and in a sense turn on their internal “auto-pilot” to help them get on to their soul’s path.

I was guided to conduct a case study to gain experience doing the work and refine the process.  I have since been practicing Your Soul Connection and have trained others to also do this work.   The next step for me is creating an audio and video version of Your Soul Connection so more people can benefit from the work.  I need to conduct case study with these audio and video versions to ensure the integrity of the work.

You can learn more at my website www.yoursoulconnection.ca

Time Commitment:

Participants in the case study will review a Guidebook (10 pages of reading + journal) and set aside time (about 1-1/12 hours) to do the guided meditations (this allows for time to set-up the space and for peace and quiet after the meditations) and send me an email with their initial feedback.  Then there is a Your Soul Connection Journal for to complete 5 x (the next day and once a week for 4 weeks).  Then we'll schedule a 30 minute wrap-up call a month after the individual has experienced the meditations, for them to provide me with feedback on their experience, and I also provide spiritual coaching to help them along their way.  Total time: about 3-4 hours in a month

I would like case study participants to listen to the meditations within a week of receiving them.  

Ideal participants:

men and women

on their spiritual path or feeling called on to their spiritual path

have an established practice or are open to establishing a dedicated practice

age 18-100

Fee to participate: none

Remuneration:  Eternal thanks, peace and love.

Interested?  Please contact Jennifer before March 29th

Thank you for your consideration!!

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